Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


Multa habeo vobis dicere, sed in aurem et omnia bona. Maluissem tamen, quod noster hostis3 nobiscum concordasset. Illa erat tutior via. [2.] Caesar XX die huius lunae, exibit vel exivit ex Constantinopoli.4 Dominus Gritti levabit Transalpinos et Moldavos et sic veniet ad regem.5 Veniet cum pulcherri- 15 mo apparatu et regio. Vobis non video in ipso quicquam dubitandum. Commendate me amicis et bene valete. Ex pede montium Transalpinorum villa Veken 20. Aprilis 1532. Servitor Sirmiensis subscripsit On the hack side: Magnifico domino Thomae Nadasdy thesaurario et consiliario etc., domino utifilio carissimo 154 István Brodarics to PiotrTomicki Lippa, 9 May 1532 Manuscript used: BN T. 14. fol. 63r-64r* Published: Kujáni Gábor. Brodarics István levelezése. Történelmi Tár, 1908, 271-273.; Acta Tomiciana XIV. 377-380. In Hungarian: V. Kovács Sándor (cd.). Magyar humanisták levelei XV -A'VI. század, Budapest, 1971,567-569. I. Since their opponents were disinclined to reach an agreement, even though the Sultan had ugreed already, fight resumes again, which means shedding a lot of Christian blood. - 2. Sigismund convinced Szapolvai to send envoys to Charles V. hut when he was ready to send them even to the farthest corner of Germany, their opponents did not want it. Now. when the Turks are attacking Austria, there is nobody to accept the task. If Charles and Ferdinand had really wanted peace they would have raised no obstacles to prevent John from sending envoys and would not have rejected arbitration of the Polish King, whom even the Suhan would have trusted. - 3. He wants to let Tomicki, Szydlowiecki, and King Sigismund know about these. 4. Requests Tomicki to inform him and Frangepán about his opinion on the issue. They should have discussed atI this much earlier hut it is better late than never. - 5. Tamás Nádasdy. whom he loves as if he was his own son. did much for Hungarians to reach agreement among themselves und organised many meetings to this end. He is just going to such a meeting.. - 6. Brodarics asks Tomicki to include Nádasdy among his friends. Nádasdy will certainly be worthy of it. Reverendissime Domine, Domine mihi Observandissime. Servitiorum meorum commendationem. ' l.e. Ferdinand Habsburg. 4 The Sultan’s army left Istanbul on 25 April only. 5 Gritti wanted to supplement his army with Moldovan and Wallachian troops. Miklós ApafTy and Marcus Pemfflinger wrote to Ferdinand from Pozsony on 23 May 1532 that Gritti subdued the two Roma­nian voivodships and invaded Transylvania from there. See Veress Endre (ed.). Akták és levelek Erdély- és Magyarország Moldvával és Havasalfölddel való viszonyához. Budapest. 1914, 234-235. 1 1 Further manuscripts: BK 217 fol. 96-97; BCzart 271 fol. 112v-l I4r; BJ 6552 fol. 918-920; BCzart TN 47. fol. 413-417. 297

