Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


15 20 bus. Negotium domini Mathiae fratris nostri cum Poganis5 omnino rogo, ut confectum reddas. Ego si statim post meum a domino Gritti reditum non potero res meas stabilire cum rege, sum dicturus vale patriae omnino omnino, de quo milies palam sum locutus regi.6 Propterea fratrem meum voca ad te, et medio tui et amicorum habeat aliquem finem cum illo bono viro. Et bene vale. Ex Alba lulia 3. Aprilis 1532. [3.] De caesaris egressu,7 idem, quod supra. Istas litteras, existimabis communiter ab ambobus scriptas. Lasky hactenus debet esse in Francia. Servitor Sinniensis subscripsit On the back side: Magnifico domino Thomae Nadasdino thesaurario et consiliario etc., domino et uti fdio carissimo 5 The second wife of Mátyás Brodarics was Sára csehi Pogány. There is no comprehensive work on the csehi Pogány family. Péter csebi Pogány was a baron between 1499-1501, Chamberlain and Comes of Pozsony, but the family could not sustain its status. John possessed 10 tax-payer homes in Szlobotica, Kőrös county, in 1507 and the family had 55 plots in Herbortya settlement. (See Josip AdamCck—Ivan KampuS, Popisi i obracuniporeza u Hrvatskoj uXViXVI. stoljecu. Zagreb, 1976,27.) Sigismund, in the time of Louis 11, is Comes of Máramaros, and count of the Salt Chamber. He married the daughter of Aladár Péter Kisvárdai, Eufrozina, in 1516. He and his sons, Péter and György, gifted their piece of land to Werbőczy, so they main­tained close relationship with the inner circle of Szapolyai. (See MOL DL 71395.) - 1 am indebted to Szabolcs Varga for data on the csebi Pogány family. 6 Brodarics certainly had some more profitable bishopric in mind. We have data from as early as 1529 about him considering the bishopric of Szerém - occupied by the Turks - too small. His dissatisfaction might have prompted Szapolyai to give him the rich and strategically important bishopric of Pécs after the death of János Szerecsen in July 1532. This helped to ensure the loyalty of an outstanding diplomat/high priest. More recently on the background of the appointment of Brodarics as Bishop of Pécs, see: Varga Szabolcs. Brodarics István pécsi püspök (1532-1537), Pécsi Szemle, 2010 Spring, 18-22. 7 Suleyman set out for another campaign against Vienna from Istanbul on 25 April only. 294

