Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


[6.] Et si dominus Paulus sorte iniquissima nobis ereptus sit, Vestra tamen Dominatio non dubitet nostra uti opera et saepe ad nos scribere. Praeterea alium germanum, Franci- scum nomine habemus non minus dicto quondam domino Paulo maiestati illi et Domina­tioni Vestrae inservire cupidum. Cui non prolixius scribo, quia tabellarius Venetus itineri 55 accinctus est, animo tamen diffusius scribendi, cum pontifex aliquid boni decreverit. Dominationem Vestram optime valere cupio, eique me plurimum commendo. Romae, die VI. lanuarii, MDXXXII. Eiusdem Reverendissimae Dominationis Vestrae deditus frater 60 Gregorius Casalius On the back side: Reverendissimo domino Stephana Broderico electo Sirmiensi, domino meo observandissimo13 147 Gregorio Casali to István Brodarics Rome, 22 January 1532 Manuscript used: HHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 20. Konv. A, fol. 79-81. I. Casali assures Brodarics that he did everything in his power with the Pope for King John. The Pope will encourage Charles V and Ferdinand l to reach an agreement with John and leave Hungary to him so that it will not fall into worse hands later. - 2. The Pope, on Casali s advice, wanted to send Francesco Marsupino to John as a legate, hut changed his mind later. He rather waits for the opinions of the Emperor and Ferdi­nand on sending a legate. His Holiness would want to meet Brodarics in Venice and asks Jar Chaplain Tamás or some other authorised secretary to be sent to Rome. - 3. Cardinals Farnese and Grimani show good will towards the case of King John. Grimani achieved that the Pope sent his younger brother to John as nuncio. - 4. Brodarics should let him know about safe ways to send letters. - 5. He has heard from the French Leg­ate that King John's envoy is to arrive in Rome in a few days; hopefully it will be Chaplain Tamás whom they have been waiting for for so long. Reverendissimo Monsignore Mio. [1.] Perché io ho sempre raguagliato messer Francisco et messer Giovanni Marsup- pini1 di tutto quello si é fatto in servitio della Maestá del Re Vostro, et loro me hanno detto haver scritto a Vostra Signoria, io non saro longo, ma quella sia certa che non si 5 é pretermessa cosa alcuna che io habbia conosciuta opportuna per servitio di Sua Maestá. Et, infatti, havemo messo Nostro Signore2 in un gran desiderio et volontá di 15 In a different handwriting: Litterae interceptae ex Roma in Hungáriám scriptae. So probably Bro­darics never got this letter. 1 Francesco and Giovanni Marsupino were agents in Rome already during the reign of Louis II already. Later they acted as representatives of Szapolyai.- Pope Clement VII. 287

