Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


134 Ferenc Frangepán and Hieronym taski to István Brodarics and Tamás Nádasdy Buda, 18 April 1531 Manuscript used: MOL. L 185, Missiles bundle 18, Laski-levelek, föl. 5.1 Published: MOE l„ 323.2 The time of the assembly in Veszprém ihat both Kings oppose is approaching. The danger is that the ordines elect a captain for themselves and make a deal with the Sultan behind the two King's back. King John does not underestimate the danger this time, so it has been decided that they send the army that is near Késmárk to Veszprém under command of the Palatine and Laski. They request Brodarics and Nádasdy to influence the King in this direction. Reverendissime Domine et Magnifice Domine, Amici et Fratres Honorandissimi. Salutem et commendationem. Instat periculosa dicta Vesprimii indicta,3 insciis, et ut ita dicam, invitis ambobus regibus, ad quam maiestas regia iudicio nostro debet mittere omnes illos, de quibus et 5 scripsimus et nuntiavimus maiestati regiae et Dominationibus Vestris, alioquin in illa diéta facient capitaneum contra ambos reges, qui erit causa, quod Turei inter tot dis­sidia occupent regnum; et iam miserunt ad bassam offerendo tributum a regno, dum­modo capitaneus conservetur in regimine, immo et obsides forte dabuntur. Ideo maie­stas sua non vilipendat ista, ut solet. Videretur nobis, quod cum domino palatino4 et aliis io fidelibus maiestatis regiae venirent ad comitia illa ascensiana5 ii armigeri, qui sunt in Késmárk. Tamen solutio deberet eis fieri ad unum vel duos menses. Ideo Dominationes Vestrae, in quantum cupiunt id, de quo saepius collocuti sumus, inducant ad hoc regem, ut isti armigeri veniant omnino ad dominum Palatinum et vayvodam Lazki, qui etiam vult interessé congregationi ascensianae. Et istud ita negligatis, quod error iste novis- 15 simus erit peior omnibus prioribus. Et bene valete. Budae, 18. Aprilis anno MDXXXI. 11 11 Tamen solutio... et vayvodam om. MOE 14 ascensianae... solutionem MOE am. 1 A transcript of the letter is in György Pray’s compilation of manuscripts with minor omissions: ELTE EK, Collectio Prayana, Vol. XXIV.- Fraknói’s publication is based on Pray’s transcript. 5 The ordines, tired by the civil war between the two kings, announced an assembly for 6 March 1531 in Bélavár first. It was decided at this meeting that a general national assembly is called together in Veszprém for 18 May 1531 for further negotiations. Since Ferdinand and John were both worried that the noblemen might elect a king from among themselves, they did their utmost to prevent it from taking place. They were successful in this, no prominent aristocrat showed up in Veszprém. Nevertheless, the ordines held two more “kingless” national assemblies in 1532, in Kenese and in Berenhida. More on the "kingless” national assem­blies: MOE I. 311-363. 4 János Alsólindvai Bánffy filled the position of Palatine with King John in 1530-34. 5 The assembly announced for 18 May 1531, which was the Ascension Day in that year. 265

