B. Halász Eva - Suzana Miljan (szerk.): Diplomatarium comitum terrestrium Crisiensium (1274-1439) (Subsidia ad historiam medii aevi Hungariae inquirendam 6. Budapest - Zagreb 2014)


Diplomatarium comitum terrestrium Crisiensium (1274-1439) the castle Rovišće from the period of Sigismund of Luxemburg. He states that the case of Rovišće was unique because the castle was transferred from royal to private hands. He touched upon the function of the comes terrestris during the description of the dispute that the widow of Martin Ders had with the praediales of Rovišće over some praedium because it was conducted in the court of the comes terrestris of Rovišće. Furthermore, he explains that the comes terrestris was the judge elected from the ranks of the castle warriors,26 that he was elected by his peers and that he was solving their affairs.27 More recently, Hrvoje Strukić has dealt with the castle district of Moravče for which he used the term komitat, following the research of Nada Klaić. Nevertheless, he also discussed the terminology for comita­tus and comes, and offers as solutions in Croatian "knez" and "knežija." He explains that it is possible that the comes terrestris, giving the example from Turopolje, was simply called in Croatian "komeš," and as a valida­tion of the thesis he offers a place name Komesčak.28 Recently, the Hungarian scholar Gábor Szeberényi dealt with the castle warriors belonging to the castle districts to the south of the river Drava. He wrote on the castle warriors of Turopolje,29 the county of Gora30 and 26 On the terms castle warriors and nobiles castri, see the first paragraph of the chapter "The agency of comes terrestris". 27 Árpád Nógrády, Obitelji Szerdahelyi i Rovišće [The Szerdahelyi Family and Rovišće Castle], in: Hrvatsko-mađarski odnosi 1102.-1918., ed. Milan Kruhek, Zagreb 2004, pp. 68-72; Isti, A Szerdahelyeik és a rojcsai prediálisok [The Szerdahelyi Family and the Praediales of Rovišće], Történelmi Szemle, vol. 43, Budapest 2001, pp. 73-82. 28 Hrvoje Strukić, Komitat Moravče [The Castle District of Moravče], in: Sveti Ivan Zeli­na i zelinski kraj u prošlosti. Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa održanog 15. prosinca 2000. godine u Sv. Ivanu Zelini, ed. Ante Gulin, Zagreb 2003, pp. 36-37. 29 Gábor Szeberényi, A13. századi horvát társadalom szerkezetének néhány aspektusa a Vinodolski zakon tükrében (Gradokmetek és várjobbágyok a Drávántúlon) [Some Aspects of the Structure of Thirteenth-Century Croatian Society in the Light of the Law Code of Vinodol ("Gradokmeti" and Castle Warriors in the Areas across the River Drava)], in: Medievisztikai tanulmányok. A IV. Medievisztikai PhD-konferencia (Szeged, 2005. június 9-10.) előadásai, ed. Szabolcs Marton - Éva Teiszler, Szeged 2005, pp. 143-167; Idem, Nemesi közösségek a Szepességben és Túrmezőn a 13-14. század­ban (Szempontok a szepesi tízlándzsások és a turopoljei nemesek párhuzamának kérdéséhez) [Noble Communities in Spiš and Turopolje in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century (Thoughts on the parallels of the nobiles decem lanceatorum and nobles of Turopolje)], in: Köztes-Európa vonzásában. Ünnepi tanulmányok Font Márta tiszteteletére, eds. Dániel Bagi - Tamás Fedeles - Gergely Kiss, Pécs 2012, pp. 439-449. 30 Idem, A gorai comitatus a XIII. században (Megjegyzések a "hat gorai nemzetség" és a Babonić-ok korai történetéhez [The Castle District of Gora in the Thirteenth Century (Notes on the "six noble kindreds of Gora" and the Early History of the Babonić Family)], in: Középkortörténeti tanulmányok 6. A VI. Medievsztikai PhD-konfe-114

