Menora Egyenlőség, 1977. január-június (16. évfolyam, 641-663. szám)

1977-03-19 / 649. szám

10 oldal MENORA * 1977. március 19. MENŐM ANGOLNYEL VŐ HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Building New York, N.Y. 10001. GREAT NECK - KINGS POINT - MINI ESTATE ----- 9 RM. Ranch A.C. finished bsmt. plus maid's RM., Laundry RM., Htd. pool, pvte. Rd., waterfront rights, acre plus. Call Owner (516) 487-0377 or (516) 487-0496. (50) CHESTER, VERMONT — 8 apartments in Victorian gingerbread house — middle of ski area and excellent year-round income-gross $75,000 year(802) 824 -6798 Kent Ancliffe, Gingerbread Apartments, Chester, Vermont 05143. (50) J TEXACO YOUR INDEPENDENT TEXACO SERVICE STATION all repairs and services major and minor Route 73 CedarbroOk. N.J. Call: 609-561-6556 Mr. Joe Francisco — owner 49 WANTED ---- MODERN HOTEL­MOTEL, LOCATED IN MIAMI/ORLANDO AREA. MINIMUM 125 ROOMS. CALL SAM McMASTER l-(603) 436-0912 (50) STORE ON ORCHARD ST. FOR SALE - Suitable for Ladies Sportswear. Domestic & European imported merchandise. Reasonably priced. Call (212) 846-694 8 or (212) 477-3090 ( 50) ARMY NAVY WORK CLOTHING STORE FOR SALE — Long established in busy area. Long lease, 200 per month in­cluding warehouse $25,000. Inventory. Grossing $3,000. Per week. Excellent opportunity for busy oriented party. Call days (212) ST-3-3028. Evenings (212) 276-8934 (50) NEW YORK KOSHER STYLE DELICA­TESSEN IN NAPLES — excellent location, for sale. The business is fully equipt. Bakery, catering service and also Restaurant. For further information write or call: 3104 Tamiami Tr. N., Naples, Fla. 33940. Phone: (813) 261-4741 (49) BLUE MT. WOODLAND — Northampton County. 304 acres more or less, 1 1/ 2 hrs from Phlla k New York. Beautiful scenic view. Suitable for resort, hunting club, church or youth camp, nature club or excel investment possibility. Price $175,000, 20% down. Attractive terms for balance. Call (215) 837-0791 or (216) 759-3633 ( 52) . ' / WIDOW WISHES TO SELL LAND INVESTMENT PACKAGE—Involves small parcels in 20 states. Write M.L. Parker, P.O. Box 22726, Jackson. Miss. 39205 Ph. (601) 825-3320 ( 50) SCHOOL BUSES LOST CONTRACT - 20-' 75 Ford Auto trans PS-65 pass. Many more early and late MODEL 65 Passenger Buses. 2-70 GMC-Stand trans- 65 pass, I.H. Truck Sales, Plaistow NH, USA. (603) 382-4767 Gregg Smith. (49) SALE OR RENT — Fully furnished luxury Condominium, two units only, in Margate, New Jersey, Upper floors, One and one­­half miles south of Atlantic City. Immediate occupancy. Terms available. Call: Owner. (215 878-6800. 49 TAX LOSS FA.A. approved, repair facility located in Miami, Florida. Incor­porated in 1970 and is operating in* rec­.. ___ ___„____ $90,000. plus. Perfect opportunity for a ►rporation. Time ia of (305) 803-7574. at present. Good account 9rds. Loss carry-over plus. Perfect opportui tax paying corporation the essence. 50 ATTENTION TEACHERS FLIGHTS —New York to Lo> Angeles ft San Francisco. Price S239. to 5263. — ALSO — SPECIAL BATAAN ft CORRE­­GIDOR PROGRAM TO PHIL­­LIPINES Starting March 31st. Tour com from $399. Write SIG 32 Wall St.. Norwalk, Ct 06832. 203-853-0600 or 203-792-6800.50 CLEARWATER BEACH— 63 efficiency motel units on Gulf of Mexico 5 yrs old with built up clientel Price $1,300,000. Call Bryan McGuire (813) 595-9313 or write Bayshore’s Yacht & Tennis Club., 19451 Gulf Blvd., Indian Shores, Fla 33535 51 RESTAURANT, JACKSON HOLE, WY. — Fast food rest. Seating for 52 people plus 600 sq. ft. game room. Busn. showing exc. gross plus net & incl. over 1/2 acre parking. Nearly new bldg. & eqpt. A 5 BR, 2 ba. apt, office & plenty of storage. 1 of the best loc. on Jackson. Not a chain. Approx $80,000 investment needed. Call (302) 733-6399 or write Box 2824, Jackson, Wy. 83001 for more info. (49) CARL M. PETERSON - CLOCK MAKER, EXPERT REPAIRS, ANTIQUE CLOCKS ANY TIME PIECE, PARTS MADE, FINE WATCH RE­PAIRING. 30 WHITE ST. RED BANK, N.J. CALL (201) 741-5588 (50) PHYSICIANS — Rentals in new medical bldg, at Lake Hopatcong, Northwest NJ. 3000 sq ft still avail. Suites, may be divided k finished to suit tenants. Good for group or solo practice. Call (201) — 663-1324 ( 52) 3 FAMILY BRICK — plus 2 car garage, Excellent condition, modern kitcnen and i-ath. Owner has 6 rooms plus complete rentable finisned basement. Convenient location. 1 fare zone, gas heat, many extras. Income $ 400. Owners (212) 4 36- 59 9 5 51 NEW BRUNSWICK — CANADA property for investment — retirement — recreation Call Graythorne Estates LTD. Tabuslntac, New Brunswick, Canadg. 506-779-9243 52 CHINESE KITCHEN RESTAURANT Lunch — dinners — banquets. Take out orders, 62 Canton Street Rumson, N.J. Phone: 201-842-1203 842-7656 49 CATSKILLS-RSRT HOTEL 28 AC Motels, bungalows, theater, winterized fam. hse., rest., bar, steel Olympic size swim pool. Between Liberty/Montlcello. Cor. prop. Opp.Sullivan. Co. Com'ty Col. This is the outstanding location in the 'Catskills. The entire complex consists of 20 buildings. This Is a tremendous buy and wonderful opportunity. $ 35.000 down. 212-650-0723 52 FREE SNOW TIRES -WITH ANY CIVIC OR CVCC IN STOCK (except Accord) CALL NOW (516) 676-2290 HONDA NORTH SHORE 49 THOUSANDS TO BE MADE JUST FROM KNOWING WHO 0,9,you have 9 connection, or a friend WHO would save us the chance to pro­pose guard or maintenance of or a pack­age of both. You introduce us, we as professionals take over from there. It we sell the account royalty commis­sions are vours for as long as we ser­vice that account. We are interested in private businesses, private institutions, schools, hospitals, conventions, etc. Any lead can mean big cash to you Call: Mr. Eric Cohen 212-689-3843 from ■ LANDSCAPING ■ NEW YORK CITY • NASSAU • SUFFOLK CON AFFAIR NO. H2021030000 LANDSCAPING SERVICES FOR RESIDENTIAL • BUSINESS BANKS • INSTITUTIONS INDUSTRIAL • CHURCHES SPRING SPECIAL MERI0N BLUE SODDING 25 PER SQ. Fi; 3000 SO. FT. MIN. WK„ MO., YR. OR AS REQUIRED INCLUDES FERTILIZER 10-6-4 50% ORGANIC • LIME • SUPER PHOSPHATE • INSECTICIDE • R0T0- TILLING • REMOVAL OF DEBRIS • ROLLING PEATMOSS • 30 DAY GUARANTEE FIRST MOWING SODDING • SEEDING • TREES • SHRUBS • EVERGREENS • ROTOTILL­­ING* GROUND COVER* ROSE BUSHES • FLOWERS INT/EXTERIOR • TRANS­PLANTING • HEDGING • FULLY INSURED R. MADIA & SON WEST HEMPSTEAD • KEW GARDENS 516-481-3706 516-486-1221 NEWSWATCH YOUR WBGHTREC0RD+* MAKES YOUR DIETING MORE SCIENTIFIC... ADDS INCENTIVE... BVDS GUESSWORK... 9-5 Mon-Fri 49 RESTAURANT, JACKSON HOLE, WY. — Fast food rest. Seating for 52 people plus 600 sq. ft. game room. Busn. showing exc. gross plus net k incl. over 1/2 acre parking. Nearly new bldg, k eqpt. A 5BR, 2 ba. apt, office & plenty of storage. 1 of the best loc. in Jackson. Not a chain. Approx $80,000 investment needed. Call (307) 733-6399 or write Box 2824, Jackson, Wy. 83001 for more info. (50) . LOUNGE-RESTAURANT — Middlesex Co. C-Lic., liberal lease w/option, large capacity, fully equipped. $115,000. Terms. (201) 246-1411, Mon-Fri. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Prin. Only. (50) ■ "Watch Your Weight" Record + compares your entry for each day to the same in each of two prior years! Three whole years of scientific recording on hand for you to review and to gain special inspiration. ■ *You can also record your daily temperature for your birth control record... Keeping track of your menstrual cycles in a. special column is another bonus. Makes a great Christmas gift. ■ For your hard-bound, sewn­­construction edition, send $3.50 for each copy postpaid Conn, residents add 250 sales tax. Sales Record Puhlishino Co..lnc. P.O. BOX 206, Dept M.POMFRET, CT 06258 M agyar film esek a nagyvilágban Ha az 1945 utáni film-körképbe megpróbáljuk beillesz­teni a magyar figuráikat, figyelembe kell vonni a sokféle motívumot, amit csak hosszabb tanulmányban lehetne elemezni. E sorozatnak az a feladata, hogy szintézist nyújt­va érzékeltesse, hogy szerte a világban, hány ország nem­zeti filmművészetét gazdagítják a magyarok. Magyar például Hollywoodban Tony Curtis, a Minden lében két kanál tévésorozat kedves, szeleburdi, de talpra­esett Dannyja, aki a Trapézben Gina Lollobrigidával A megbilincseltek-ben a néger Sidney Poitier-vel játszott együtt, ö már odakinn, New Yorkban született, de elő­szeretettel hangoztatja magyar származását Ugyancsak honfitárs -— a szülők révén — a közkedvelt Columbo hadnagy, vagyis Peter Fáik, és akire talán senki sem gon­dol — angol neve miatt — Cornel Wilde színész-rendező. 1938-tól Hollywoodban folytatta rendezői munkásságát Székely István. A Hyppolit a lakáj hajdani készítője Steve Sekely lett. Alakja a filmstúdiókban, a tévé műtermek­ben egyaránt jólismert. Készített Londonban sci-fit (A triffidek napja, 1962), — és ami ritkaság — 1972-ben Ma­gyarországon 38 esztendő után elkészítette Szép Ernő Lila akác című érzelmes szerelmi regényének második film­változatát. Benedek László a szilágysomlyói származású magyai- producer, Joe Pasternak jóvoltából lett vágó és asszisztens az Universalnál. Rendezőként egyik legkiemel­kedőbb munkája Az ügynök halála, mely Arthur Miller drámája alapján készült. Az 1959-ben elhunyt Charles Vi­dor — mint Székely és Benedek is — a német fővárosban ismerkedett meg a szakma alapjaival, s forgatókönyv-író­ból lett rendező. Két legrangosabb sikere a Cover Girl és a Gilda a negyvenes években a korszak sex-szimbólumá­nak, Rita Haywonthnak a nevéhez fűződik. George Pál (azaz Pál György) egy rajzfilm-gyár tulajdonosa. Báb­filmkészítési eljárásáért 1943-ban különleges Oscar-díjjal jutalmazták. 1950-ben ő forgatta a Rendeltetési hely a Hold című tudományos fantasztikus produkciót és tíz esz­tendő múltán Wells regényének Az időgép-nek a feldol­gozását. Foglalkoztatott alkotó volt még Tóth Endre és Máté Rudolf is — kivált az ötvenes években. Az operatőrök között a legnevezetesebb az idősebb nem­zedékhez tartozó Oscar-díjas Ernst László — Frank Capra, King Vidor, Ottó Preminger. Fritz Láng, Stanley Kramer munkatársa — és két fiatal, az új amerikai filmművészet jelentős egyéniségei Laslo Kovács (Szelíd motorosok) és Vilmos Zsigmond (Madárijesztő). Kubában a legismertebb „kameraman” Jorge Hajdú Zomborban született, és 1923-ban kétéves korában került ki szüleivel Havannába. A rövid produkciók mestere, de azután áttért a hosszabb játékfilmekre is. Mexikói sztár Kitty de Hoyos (vagyis Hajós Kitty). Brazíliában a han­gosfilm egyik úttörője Adalberto Kémény (Kemény Al­bert). valamint a harmincas-negyvenes évek két kiváló operatőrje: Icsey Rezső és az Emberek a havason csodá­latos felvételeinek készítője, Fekete Ferenc dolgozik. Ka­nadában Vámos Tamás. Izraelben a Ludas Matyi hajdani humoristája, Kishont Ferenc nyergeit át Efraim Kishon névén a filmírói, majd a rendezői szakra. S ha már az Emberek a havason-t említettük, szólni kell Ausztriában élő alkotójáról, Szőts Istvánról. Igaz: oda­kinn rövidfilmeket készít (Maximilian, Hallstatti ballada, a Stephansdom stb.). A Német Szövetségi Köztársaság filmtörténetéoe egész sor magyar rendező írta be nevét: Ráthonyi Ákos, az aradi Tony Curtis Ferrari Violetta S*őts István HICKSVILLE MOTOR LODGE Open all year round TV and wall to wall carpeting In our rooms Old Country road k Duffy avenue Hicksville, N.Y. 49 Call: 516-433-3900 FOR SALE BY OWNER Immac nursing home overlooking Canada Located on scenic Rte 1 in Northern Maine, Licensed for 82 ICF and 39 boarding care. Askings 4 Figures. Reason for sel­­ling:retirement.Further info207-868- 5211 52 ANTIQUES-LAND Circa 1743, preserved Cape, walk-infire­place with bake oven, original paneling, exposed beans, corner posts, wide pine floors plus 2 other fireplaces. Spectacular setting on 4 acres offers great privacy. Barn with (10) 12x12 box stalls k other building. Circa 1760. Standing proudly on 5 magnificent acres with sweeping wiew of the rolling countrvside, this early antique is filled with warmth k charm. 3fireplaces original paneling, exposed beams, corner posts, wide pine floors, plus black wood burning stove in large bright country kitchen. Pony barn and potting shed. Circa 1850, Charm, antiquity k character abound in this spectacular Colonia. L,arge spacious rooms, 24x25 exceptional enter­tainment wing with large stone fireplace. Large country kitchen with all modern conveniences. Wide pine board floors, walnScotting, corner posts and 2 fireplaces. Plus screened-in porch. Barn 20x40, plus another barn with 3 box stalls & workshop. 4 acre fenced pasture, all properties offered in high $80's ROSEMARY J.BAUER,Realtor 25 High St., Medway, Mass. (617) 533-6252 49 FORSALE "S.S. PRINCE GEORGE" LUXURY CRUISE SHIP Excellent Condition-Suitable for: Charters - Convention Centre - Restaurant - Floating Yacht Club - Hotel - Offices— Marine School - Museum - Cabaret - Lounges - Bars. 100 Staterooms - Officers and Crews Quarters Length - 350 feet Beam — 52 Feet For details write WONG BROS. ENTERPRISES LTD. «89 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia Canada V9R5B7 52 Az egyedülálló OÁ/(hfóüSaf RESERVE BY PHONE ON CREDIT CARDS CAU (212) 757 7164 TICKETS AT BOX OFFICE & BY MAIL 240 W 47 SI N > loose. (2171 757 71M -------------------------------49 CALIFORNIA OCEAN FRO NT — 600 ACRES WITH 1000 FOOT OCEAN­­FRONTAGE IN BEAUTIFUL VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. BEST OFFER. CALL OWNER' (213) 242-0824 (49) 3ndcrafted Reproductions- ! Early American Antique Ice Box Made from pine with raised panels. Solid brass hard­ware. Perfect for plants, books, records, or as a bar. $200.00 plus freight. Wgt. 35 lbs. Vt. res. add sales tax. Allow 4-5 weeks for delivery. Dealers inquiries invited. Pictures available. - JOSEPH C. HALLOWELL R.R. 1, Box 55 Proctorsville, Vt. 05153 (53) BLACK MT. IN THE SMOKIES - NORTH CAROLINA — 2 B.R., 2 ba. ranch. L.R., frpl., den, scrnd porch, panel attic, eqpd. kit., 2 bsmts, patio on 2 acre ridge w old oaks viewing 6,000 ft. nits. Furnished 4 rm. guest cottage w kit. 4 rm. utility complex. Adjacent 3 acre meadow-pine grove with out of sight 2 sty. occupied tenant overseer house & 4 acre ridge available. Call Owner (215) .435-3534 (40) RHODE ISLAND COAST $150,000 ------­Beautiful Home on the Ocean, 2-6 Room Apartments right on beach with unsur­passed views, near Fisher & Block Islands, Rhode Island's most desirable area. For a unique year round or vacation home. CENCARELLA REALTY (401) 596-2000 (49) SINGLES -COUPLES­­GREAT DANCING, SUNDAYS 7:00-11:00 IMPERIAL RESTAURANT RT. 5, E. WINDSOR, CONN. OPP. RAILROAD SALVAGE, ROTATING ORCHESTRAS HOSTS FRANK & KAMILLE (51) BRASS BEDS — Elegant-Gorgeous. All sizes. Solid Brass. Excellent investment. Stunning wedding gift. Direct from Manu­facturer. Considerable savings. Total financing available. Old world craftsman­ship. GREAT AMERICAN BRASS BED COMPANY 66 Mt PROSPECT AV. Clifton N.J. (201) 778-0476 (51) CANADIAN HEMLOCK (ttuga canandensis) Order NOW and we will reserve FORTY (40) TWO to THREE FOOT branched well-roofed lovely graceful TREES for GUARANTEED APRIL freight free delivery. Excellent for FAST GROWING evergreen hedge. HARDY STOCK. FIRST ORDERED-FIRST SHIPPED BASIS ONLY. Orders immediately confirmed with planting instructions. MAIL FULL PRICE OF $22.00 to: Robert A. Nelson-Shadybrook Centerville Road, Box 29220 Neshanic, N.J. 08853 Bank Ref. Hunterdon City Nat'l Bank, Flemington, N.J. 48l HUNGARIAN SILVER TREAS­URE DENARS - Proven ap­preciation of over 100% per year last 7 years and only starting to get hot. To the one In a thou­sand with sufficient Intelligence to comprehend, I offer from my extensive bank-vaulted holdings, 0 limited number of 400 year old dated silver coins from the first century of yearly coin doting. In lots of 50 for $500r. f-or the one In a million with sufficient grasp of the laws of economics, 1 otter mv pride and lov set of the above for the years 1528 to 1593 when burled due to a Turk­ish Invasion. I offer this set for the best offer over 25,000 tost de­preciating U.S. dollars. This set allowing for Inflation trends could easily be worth over a mil­lion dollars In lust o few years. For those few intelligent enough to Appreciate my offers,’write- Joe Kissel Box 419» Trenton.;' N.J. 08610' or Calli after 4pm. (609 ) 393-2802:" VERMONT, Mount Snow Chalets —Uniquely designed for in* come, personal use and tax ad­vantage. Each with fast dry cham­pionship: clay tennis court. Owner will manage and arrange financ­ing. 565,000 to $75,000. (802) 464-5773. Winter Rentals: $250 per week; Summer Rental; $350 per week. Call owner — Tennis Village. Box 623, Dover, Vr. 05356. 50 PATENTED BONANZA ....... INGENIOUS u BASEMENT VVDW LOCKS defy burg ary attempt, EVEN IF GLASS IS BROKEN AT LOCK LOCA­TIONS, because ol their combination lock pin and Index line controls. As a result ot a negotiated, unusual, power­ful, sales avenue, we, in our opinion, project $5 mill., annual net profits. 20)- 438-6190 or write BoxJMNo. 150 (Room 915) 350 Fifth Ave N.Y.C. 10001 49 SPARTA FISHERMAN'S PARADISE Contemporary hideaway. Elegant Lake r.'.ohawk. Huge pike. Excellent bass. 1 hour TO mins from GW Bridge. 9 Ige rm*;. 4 bdrms, 3 bths. Bluestone. stucco & redwood ext. Superbly built. Very so­lid. Landscaped with stone retaining walls. Dogwood, spruce, pine & birch. Residential zoning. Thermopane win­dows. Copper piumblna. Central A/C. 2 complete heating systems hot water, hot air. Complete humidity control. To­tally equipped home with 2 kitchens, rec rm, heated floor, and too many op­tions to list at this time with 2 firepla­ces, marble, stereo, 35mm sound proiector, snow melting system, sound proiector, and much more! Cost to Build in excess of $250,000; land worth $80,000. Price $179,000. Call Owner (201)777-2365. or (201) 729-2589.. j lots & Acreage-New Jersey 463 ATLANTIC CITY AREA Acreage perfect for horse ranch or re­treat in secluded Bass River State Park. GERMAN0TTA 500 Great Bay Blvd, Tuckerton NJ 08087 _ * ______(609)1196-7900 5 1 A CAREER IN SEARCH OF GOOD PEOPLE People who would like To help others to success in Personal Money Management thru Balanced Financial Planning Cash Reserves Protection Dollars F ixed Assets Equity Assets Botváry születésű Géza von Cziffra, a néma korszakban oly ter­mékeny, majd utóbb a zenés produkciókkal Európa-szerte ismertté vált Bolváry Géza, a Budapesten forgatott Vala­hol Európában-nal új utakat törő Radványi Géza vagy Bak József. Itt lett sztár Szőke Éva a jobban hangzó Éva Bartók néven és musical-sztár Ferrari Violetta a tévében, s nem halványult el Rökk Marika csillagának a fénye, bár ma már inkább színpadon szerepel — a leányával. Nemzetközi karrier (Pogány Móricz műépítész fiának) Gábriel Pogány operatőrnek magasba ívelő pályája, akár­csak az Olaszországban, Spanyolországban és az NSZK- ban haláláig dolgozó Ladislao Vajda- rendezőé. Párizsban a világhírű Marcel Carné forgatócsoportjában Jacques Prevért-rel a költővel együtt Trauner Sándor a díszlet­­tervező és Kozma József zeneszerző osztozott több ízben is a sikerben. A rajzfilm elismert nemzetközi tekintélye Párizsban Jean Image (Hajdú Jenő) és Földes Péter (Földes Jolán írónő fia), Londonban pedig John Halas (azaz Halász Ja- l nos). Az utóbbi nemcsak cége és rendezései, hanem szak- ' könyvei révén is jelentős. Svájc magyarja Nicolas Gessner. (ö készítette Anthony Perkinssel, Charles Bronsonnal a Valaki az ajtó mögött című horrort), az NDK-ban dolgozik János Veiczi, ren­dező. Az Egyesült Államokba szerződött a korábban Bu­dapesten és Prágában működő Oscar-díjas Jan Kadar ren­dező. (Üzlet a korzón). ... És magyar illetőségű a termékeny egyiptomi-libanoni rendező Seif el din chaw Shat. Annak idején ő volt Sárdy János nagy sikerének a Kalotaszegi madonnának szerzője, mint Séfedin Sevket Tibor. S ez a nagy listának csak tö­redéke. An IDS Representative is licensed to sell securities, variable and fixed dollar annuities, and life and health insurance. Training starts with an extensive educational pro­gram covering each of these areas. Then special training in Keogh Plans, Tax-Sheltered Annuities- Optional Retirement Plans, Pension, and Profit- Sharing Plans, and Group Insurance. The complete sales training program includes a field training program with an experienced trainer. Excellent Specialist back-up is provided for sophisticated and complex planning situations both in Personal and Business Financial Planning. If you are considering new Horizons for your career, you will want to explore this opportunity to develop and expand the quality of your life. Call for an appointment. Let us tell you who we are — where we come from — what we do — and how we do it. You will get an open book look at an IDS Career and what you can expect in terms of Education, Training, Compensation, and Upward Opportunity. Winston W. Wiley 4303 Talmadge Road • Toledo, Ohio 43623 Phone; 473-1435 Investors Diversified Services We help people manage money r>\

