Menora Egyenlőség, 1977. január-június (16. évfolyam, 641-663. szám)

1977-02-19 / 645. szám

10 oldal MENORA * 1977. február 19. MENORA ANGOLNYEL VÍ5 HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE: 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Building New York, N.Y. 10001. COMMODITY TRADERS: Essential knowledge lor th* intelligent commodity trsder. Moke «n exciting breikthrougn to success is sn e»Derf treder, Tride with trust, confidence i ceoabilitv. Sophisceted traders boost profits the solid way using the special TWIN-LINE strategy. Cash in on the ex­clusive technique used tor over 40 years by top-flight professionals and million­aires. Apply it to the stock market too! you receive complete instructions with TWIN-LINE deiTy price charts, each 8 ) x 11", clearly illustrating all BUY and SELL signals tor 22 commodities. This is a special trial subscription otter to the TWIN-LINE CHART -----------­lor only S9.95. The TWIN-LINE CHAR1 SERVICE Is tor beginners and veterans alike. For instruction issue send *9.95 TODAY to; TWIN-LINE Chart Service PO BOX 208 HAMPTON, VIRGINIA 23669 (804)722-6111 45 PEARL RIVER-Rockland Co Ideally loc over Jersey fine JSSiSSUXSLiSH. 914 735 9215or3732 46 Az egyedülálló ÜL/CcúktöJ RESERVE BY PHONE ON CREDIT CARDS CALL (212)757 7164 TICKETS AT BOX OFFICE & BY MAIL 240 W 47 SI NS 100th (21 ’1 T57 TIM CUTTING BOARD CLOCK First Time Offered By Mail — This beautiful clock is handcrafted right here in Vermont using native pine and accurate West German battery movement and brass trimmed glass Bezel. Full one year un­conditional warrantee on movement. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Visit our store in Bridgewater or send 25C for a brochure of our clocks. VERMONT CLOCK CRAFT Bridgewater Mill Mall e Bridgewater, Vt. 03034 BankAmericard & MasterCharge Accepted 45 PRESSURE SENSITIVE return address labels. 1X2% inches. Script or Gothic type. 4 lines. Only $2.95 for 300__________ New, Copyrighted 2 label Business Cards low as $9.95 for 500. Remembrance Service Systems Box 339 Dept. M Dillsbjrg, Pennsylvania 17019 47 natural powerinc. ^ tiufiutoxwjfri JMaAtmwU MMJpj sCvuLUAtMj. anemometer recording systems • solar heating controls • temperature monitors (tjrunhouses, Swimmingpools) • wind analysis /nstrumentation Box M. 7. NEW BOSTON, N.H. 03070 603-487-2456 ____________úl Sauna—in Soiktfledwooti For Home, Ski Motet, etc, Onty 29”x42”xr2,re» U will »Tin about any room. Comes complete wjth concealed radiant panel heaters, timer switch, light and assembly and operating instruc­tions. No special wiring or plumb­ing needed. Plugs into any 120V outlet. Costs less than 10* per hour to operate. Total weight 237 lbs. List price $896.00. Call collect 603- 228-0548 or write: American Sales Corp. Box 696,79 So. State Street, Concord, N.H. 03301 Also unique and exciting Distributorshios available. La Casa Roma RmpMp's Hunt "Ncopoliton Cuisine" FULL SERVICE RESTAURANT Live Music Fri. A Sat. Eve. Open 7 Days Dance to Music From the 40s to The Hustle Sun. to Thurs. 10 A.m. to 1 A.m. Lunch and Dinner Served Fri. & Sat. 10 A M. to 7 A M. Full Bar Available NO COVER NO MINIMUM Catering lor Up To 146 People. Coll For Information 212-525-9848 Free Glass Of Wine With Your Dinner J35-20 147Hi Ave. Resedale, Queens (corner Broekville Blvd. A 147th Ave.) Ample free Petting 45 EesyTeOeerk UNIQUE PROF IT MAKING 46 AIRPORT FOR LEASE OR SALE — 15 miles North of Orlando, Fla. Full service facility. Excellent terms. Call days (212) 736-7320; eves (201) 227-5015 or 3434 (46) NAILS by DOROTHY, Inc, \ Special Introductory Offer To New Customers ON SCULPTURED NAILS • Porcelain original price s35NO^^ ^25 • China original price s50 NOW s35 (617) 248 NEWBURY ST. Tel. 267-2912 apbJ, °n|y 47 SUES ENG/MFG REPS com RMC/aiancM. Nat. co. seeking dealer« and sa­lespersons for a computerized en­ergy management control system. This low cost system is capable of saving up to 30% of light and power bills. Unlimited earning po­tential. For confidential inter­view call 617 734 5430 ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONTROLS, 286 Washington St- Brookline. Mnsa. 0214« 47 PLASTERING AND PAINTING­­SMALL OR LARGE JOBS? FOR LAND­LORDS AND HOMEOWNERS. BROOKLYN LONG ISLAND, FAST SERVICE -CLEAN WORK - REASONABLE - FREE ESTI­MATES, CALL (212) 647-6942 ERNIE (47) FOR SALE DAY CAMP — SACRIFICING 65 ACRES IN CATSKILLS OLYMPIC IsiZE POOL, NEW FILTER. CALL (2123 763-5239 ( 45) SALE OR RENT — Fully furnished luxury Condominium Units in Margate, New Jersey. Upper Floors. One and one-half miles south of Atlantic City. Immediate occupancy. Terms available. Call Owner (215) 878-6800 (45) BAKERY FOR SALE ---­GOOD LOCATION. WELL ESTABLISHED. CALL (201) 696-7553 (46) VERMONT INVESTMENT — Restaurant/ Lounge. Excellent food service oppty. central Vt. Estab. College/Resort community clientele. Well rounded food, dairy bar & lounge busn. Good gross. Princ only. (802) 775-1274 ( 46) FOR SALE-COMMUNITY PHARMACY Located in West Haven CT. on Rt. 1. For information call (203) 934-1001, or write Joe Pacconi, 207 Orange Ave. West Haven, Ct. 06516. (46) SUPERIOR ANTENNA SYSTEMS­­TOP QUALITY T.V. ANTENNAS INSTALLED. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES. CALL (212) 998-7532. (46) ■FREE SNOW TIRES -------­WITH ANY CIVIC OR CVCC IN STOCK (except Accord) CALL NOW (516) 676-2290 HONDA NORTH SHORE (46) OCEANSIDE - NEW HOMES -----Choice locations incl. waterfront plus some build to order locations. Bldr. (516) BA3-3812, 889-9779 (44)-A MEDICAL PRACTICE — Active Practice for sale in Brighton section S.I. Fully equipped. Reasonable Call Mr. Silagi (212) 241-4361 eves 6-8 (46) CARL M. PETERSON ---- CLOCK MAKER, expert repairs, antique clocks any time piece, parts made, fine watch repairing. 30 White St. Red Bank, N.J. Call (201) 741-5588 (47) SIMMONS AND SONS — TERMITE & PEST CONTROL. PHONE (201) 757-3295 (2ol) 757-3921 Mr. WILLIE SIMMONS, 40 WOODBINE AVENUE, PLAINFIELD, N.J. (45) VT-GOING BUSN FOR SALE — Grossing $3,000 per/wk, long term lse, lo rent, option to purchase real estate, $85,000. (802) 877-3222 or (802) 372-5041 (47) WESTCHESTER New medical group looking for internist and family physician. Modern facilities. Call Dr. STAHL. (914) 664-4300 (47) FOR SALE IN FLORIDA — NEW YORK STYLE DELICA. ESSEN. Please write to: NEW Y~DK DELICATESSEN 4716 Del Prado j jievard, Cape Coral, Florida 33904. Telephone No. l-( 813) 542 -54 00(45) RESTAURANT PORTLAND, MAINE ----Established, going Restaurant & Lounge for sale in center of Portland, Maine. Recently redecorated and in A-l condition. Seating capacity 152 people. The property has 9 apts. above restaurant which are 75 percent rented and also have the potential to be converted into 4-5 offices. Situated a block away is a sports arena which will be completed in March. This restaurant has excellent potential for the right person $180,000. Call l-(207) 774 -6065 or l-(20 7) 797-4 964. Mr. Don Lary. (45) CARPETS ----$1.00 , .UVE COST. INSTALLATION AVAIL­ABLE. CALL (212) 698-9576 (48) SALES AGENCY Edmonton, Alberta, based covering Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba. Looking for additional lines. We have good sales staff, experience and facilities. Interested In firms wanting to establish distributorship or manufacturer's agency. Please contact — EAST WEST DISTRIBUTORS AND IMPORTERS, P.O.BOX 111 OR 1091554th AVENUE, EDMONTON.ALBERTA TEL.: (403) 434-066? 6954456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Building New York, N.Y. 10001. FOOD SUPERMARKET — Annual sales $750,000-1,000.000 annually, 2 buildings, 2 rented apts, large parking lot, business established 30 yrs. Selling for health reasons. Wonderful opportunity — busi­ness can be increased. Call(717) 785-3227 or call anytime (717) 785-7205 or (717) 785-3015 after 5:30 pm (Penna). (48) STAMFORD —GLASS & MIRROR WORKS, 874 E. MAIN STREET STAMFORD, CONN. CALL(203) 324-6653 ______________________(45) LIBERTY N. Y. — 3 BEDROOM HOME PLUS 9 BUNGALOWS IN-GROUND SWIMMING POOL 20x40 ON 3 1/2 ACRES ASKING PRICE $47,500. CALL OWNER (212) 827-4996 (47) VIDEOTAPE — Document­ation of all personal effects & business assets for aid in insured loss claims. Further details: PANVIDICON, INC., P.O. BOX 71, Mansfield, Mass. 02048. Tel. (617) 769-2465 or 339-5666 (48) 46/ John A. Jungermann & Son Inc. FINDING THE ANSWER TO YOUR TRUCKING PROBLEMS IS OUR BUSINESS Wo specialize in Long Island, New York and Interline Delivery Call us for quick efficient service at competitive rates. — Commercial and Industrial. 215 W. Hoffman Ave., Lindenhurst, Long Island, N. Y. Call 516*226-5555 45 Wilson cccuritu * Ra/ MLAL- t STATE 4*7 mt PROFESSIONALS MOBILE HOME PARK Most modern and well equipped. East of Montreal. 112 Mobile Home Sited. 100% oc cupancy. Asking Price 5585,000. Please write for Resume. 1 (504) 643-0404 14 Ger main St­­> Saint John. W.W .45I-------------------------rrirWf-----------7*-1 TENNIS CLUB CONDOMINIUMS For Rent Luxurious 3-bedroom, 2-bath apartments, totally equipped. Private 750 foot beach, 8 Har-Tru courts, 2 heated pools, complete clubhouse fa­cilities. Available for one week or more. A few units available tor sale. Longboat Beach & Ten­nis Club 50 5 5 B. Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, Sarasota, FL 33577 (813) 383-5551. (45) SPECIALIZING in WOOD FINISHING CUSTOM REFINISHING ANY MATERIAL, ANY QUANTITY, ANY FINISH, MATCHING COLORS, GOLD LEAFING, TORTOISE SHELL, MARBELIZING Specializing in Oid Antiques Restored, Unpointed Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets, Distressed Finishes. FOR CONSUMER & COMMERCIAL TRADE J &W FINISHING (212)786-5325 214740th Avenue, L.I.C., N.Y. 11101 46 (212) 389-3672 IF I WERE A WINDOW.. Ji/ru • MM. e ' Strap Hinge Sconce Solid Pine - 28’* x 4" - Soft Finish Complete With Clear Glass, Chimney, Tapered Candle •975 ea. *18°°Pr. Shipped Prepaid. Conn. Residents Please Include 7% Soles Tax Send Check Or Money Order To Industrial Wood Products 694 Main St., Ansonia, Ct. SEND FOR FREE CATALOGUE Many woodwear items to choose ^ from in over 1 0 different designs. 06401 46 FREE ESTIMATES MTfBOTY ALARMS Capa Cod'* largest Alarm Co. Install« and Monitor. FIRE, BURGLARY. PANIC, HEATING SYSTEMS 22 Whites Path So. Yarmouth Mass. (617): I'd have CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES «Character House They guarantee cfeliverv in two to three weeks, show you thousands of colors and pjttc-nis .and this even hang them for you for tree. Fora FREE ESTIMATE. CALL RICHARD YELLIN, collect, ans time, .at (603) 889-335$ 47 MANAGE YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND EARN $35,000 PER YEAR. Gross sales $125,000. Best retail location in large expanding northern B.C. city. Established business with a good growth rate of 18%. Excellent opportunity. $130,000. Box 148, JARVIE, ALTA. (403) 954-2147 46 PODIATRIST INTERNIST OTHER SPECIALISTS lor very busy medlcel center Long id 1 45 Fretted Clavichord Complete kit, solid mahogany case. Weighs only 20 lbs. Based on 17th century clavichord. All parts pre-cut. $295. Write: Zuckermann Harpsichords Inc. Box 121-T, Stonington. Ct 06378 46 Central Pa Retail Store Gross ssles 1 yr 887,000. Points, well :overlng, cards, magazines, newspa­­■rs, craft supplies. Low rent, main st fS lot . t supplies. Low rent, main st loc, growth potential. *43,000 Incl stock & fixtures. Owner will train. Day 717- 692-4673, eve 717-697-382? 48 BASS RIVER area, Rte. 28, established woman s apparel shop Excellent gross poten­tial for fashion conscious woman Reasonably priced Call 394-2855 or 401-246-0138 48 NEED EQUITY PARTNER Could be active partner if desired, with possible takeover in the future. $100,000 to $250,000 Motel in Miami. 162 units. Write or phone (305) »32-1530 or owner Chateau Motel 1*115 Collins Ave. Miami Beach, Fla. 46 —■ IMMEDIATE CASH — For Govcraxsext Receivables Reasonable rates. Specialists In all type contract assign­ments and transportation bill­ings. SOUTHERN INVESTMENT COMPANY Attai B. Reder, 118-483-WM Bex 1437 Fayetteville. N.C. 36307 4g MANUFACTURERS REP. Once In a lifetime opportunity. Sell mopeds direct to your dealers. We offer a top of the line moped with the high­est dealer markup, and pay the largest commission all at a compe­titive price. Reply in detail to: Arrow Moped Co., Box 178M, Hanover, MA 02339. , „ —---------------------------------------qs-Sale—Mia. Golf Course—Saack Bar A Haase—2 A.+ of Coasns. Prop.: 48 yrs. la bas.i Heart of Pa. Date! Conatry; Room to dev. food baa.) Price I13A060, write American Gelf Coarse, R.D4D3, New Holla ad. Pa. ITBB7, Pb. 717-354-963«. 4g BUY “FUEL OIL” THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Cut Your Fuel »ill Up To 60S OR BUY INSULATION IN 1977 BLOWN U.S. FIBER CELULLOSE Sidewalls A Attics CALL US TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE STRATFORD HOME INSULATION CO. INC. (SOS) 384-8113 375-0451 CANADIAN HEMLOCK (tsuga canandensis) Order NOW and we will reserve FORTY (40) TWO to THREE FOOT branched weli-rooted lovely graceful TREES for GUARANTEED APRIL freight free delivery. Excellent for FAST GROWING evergreen hedge. HARDY STOCK. FIRST ORDERED-FIRST SHIPPED BASIS ONLY. Orders immediately confirmed with planting instruction*. MAIL FULL PRICE OF $22.00 to: Robert A. Nelson-Shadybrook Centerville Road, Bex 29220 Neshanic, N.J. 08S53 Bank Kef. Hunterdon City Nat'I Bank, flemington, N.J. 48 Converts Fireplace to Hot Air Furnace! lOTTM WMF THEY UST HEATOGRATE FACTORY OUTLET: Beverly Hgls (off Rte. 157) tvliddletown. Ct. — =4 Open 8-5 Mon.-Sat. & 1-4 Sun. (203)347-5211 m r!,.m Í?,7.DT »• »*rl»aa Illaesa 5 v L1 °J,t ?h?p p»--l mile from N.Y. border In busy Shopping Cen­ifv Sou‘í Binghamton N Y---35 mile« North Scranton Pa. r .? ,ofJ( and on Rt- *1- Good Po­­tentlal Growth, Big Pa. Lottery sales. Write P.O. Bex 7 Klrkweed, N.Y. or call 1-007-775-1336 Ceiling*"! Painting CaJ CEILINGS-WALLS RESURFACED • GUTTER • SPARKLE «RUSTIC • SPANISH • CA0RS • SCR0U • STUCCO • 5TPPLÍ • SWIRL • SUNBURST • PAINTING «PAPER • INTERIOR • UTERIOR • VWiYl 1 HIS AD FREE SPARKLE W 401-231 '640 3S4S SANKAVtRCARO • VAÍ--VP "■............—I........... ■ i. 46 CHOICE COMMERCIAL/EXECUTIVE COMPLEX Approx. 270’ Hvvy. Frontage on 4 lane U-S. 27 at Dundee Rd. — S.R. 542. South of Disney St Circus World*: 4 mites northeast of Cypress Gardens, (deal for many businesses. Plat and blueprints available to qualified principals. BROWN, Box Q, Dundee. Ft 3 3838 ; 81 3-439-187 7‘ 45 JM TODAY The Most Vital and Rapidly Growing Business is ENERGY CONSERVATION Exclusive dealerships available for patented, laboratory certified and field proven fuel conser­vation system presently operating in over five thousand commercial, industrial and institution­al facilities throughout the North East. Benefits to purchasers are 18% to 31 % reduction in fuel consumption, reduction in service and mainte­nance costs and less pollutant emissions. Solid and substantial documentation available for in­dividuals or marketing firms interested in be­coming part of our growing network of dealers. Mechanical skills are not necessary. Complete technical and marketing support furnished. Cap­ital required and secured by inventory. Call or write: Jibk S. Gordn. Pruidut ENERGY MANAGEMENT, INC. 200 Boylston Street Chestnut Hill, Ma. 02167 M: 617-964-7230 RECREATION FACILITY set up for immediate turn key operation, large clubhouse on approx 2.5 acres, 5 regulation tennis courts, swimming pool, sauna baths, lo­cated University & Oakland, Ft. Lauderdale. FI. Ideally suited for tennis club or training school. Call (305 ) 583-2570 or (305 ) 792 9513 PRINT RARE First time published, large full­­color lithograph of the Old Tun Tavern, in Philadelphia, the birthplace of U.S. Marine and Masonic Lodge in North Amer­ica. Price S100. Phone 361-346. 0773 or send ta Bank’s Prints, 738 Waverly Drive, Salisbury, Md. 31801._________________45 FRENCH IMMERSION Become fluently bilingual in 12 weeks A year tound French Immersion Programme suited to your special needs is avail­able at the CENTRE D IMMERSI0N DE BEAUCE, St.-Georges, Quebec The unique and ultra-modern methodology used has been tried and proven In Federal Departments and private Industry and Is producing outstanding results — 14 hours a day for 14 days —socio-cultural and sports activities —designed to meet Federal Language Norms — 04 2 sessions — 03 4 sessions — 02 6 sessions — comfortable motel accommodation This immersion programme provides students with a rich and wide variety of real life situations by bringing together business men, professionals, government employees and individuals in all walks of life. 1—418-221-7015 St-Goorges 1—819-770-1150 Ottawa-HuD 46 CARLSBAD ON THE GO! Excellent Motel Site - Approxiamtely 5 acres, 452’ fronting on highways 62-180 in Carlsbad, New Mexico. The town with a future, has everything. Lowest unemployment rate in New Mexico. Year around tourist trade, mining, agriculture, indus­try, wonderful climate. Beautiful Riverside Farm - 57 acres of irrigated farmland on the banks of the Pecos. 9s room house set among tall trees. Several out buildings. Perfect for the horsebreeder. Conven­ient to both Ruidoso Downs and Sunland Park Race Tracks. Contact Frank Valenti - GIBSON AND COMPANY REAL­TORS, Carlsbad, NM 88220 505-885-3127. 45 --------------MIAMI--------------­FLORIDA INVEST FOR YOUR FUTURE In our exciting new condominium leaseback concept. Earn money while a ma|or bank In Florida guarantees YOUR Income. (MINIMUM INVESTMENT $10,000) For further Information call or write STANMUR REALTIES INC 56 Cremeile W„ Suite 719, Tel.: (514)342-7603 48 25th annual may 30 - june 24,1977 executive development program Since 1953, The Atlantic Summer School has provided a unique oppor­tunity for the development of high potential managers. The program, for middle and senior executives, prepares individuals to function more effectively in their present positions, and assume greater responsibilities in the future. The re­putation of this program has been built upon the success of its graduates and the excellence of # the faculty group. For more information or advanced registration, please contact: PROGRAM DIRECTOR ATLANTIC SUMMER SCHOOL ADVANCED MANAGEMENT CENTRE INSTITUTE'OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY HALIFAX, N.S. B3H 3J5 (902) 424-2526

