Menora Egyenlőség, 1976. január-június (15. évfolyam, 588-611. szám)

1976-01-10 / 589. szám

6. oldal MENORA * 1976. január 10. ANGOLNYELVl3 HIRDETÉSEK] FELVITELE: 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Building New York, N.Y. 10001. MENORA IN VERMONT An orlg Country Store. Prime loc. on Main Rte, For sale by owner. Stocked & oper, attached com rental prop, liv qtrs, M.O. cata­logue & much more. Prin. Only. (802)672-3315 qg CAPI-; COD NEEDLEPOINT - GIIT SHOP — Stock & real estate includes 2 apartments; new 3 bedroom Cape. W,alk all conveniences. Write iiox 4-id. West Dennis, Massachusetts 02670. (617) 398-2362. Box 433, Dept. M. /'(90) SO. ORLEANS-CAPB COD BUILDERS FAUX PAS Built in too many distinctive traits. 4 bdrm, 3 lull baths, 2 car garage, situated on 21,000 square feet on a cul-de-sac. From the 4 xone-4 circulator, 243,000 BTU, oil fired baseboard, hot water heat­ing system to the nutone food center nestled in the kitchen counter top his home exudes class. Qualifies for *2.000 ax ex­­emption. ' 105,000 firm. By builder. (•IT) 255-1578 ^ ^ MARTHA S VINEYARD Lambert's cove 12 choice sites, all utilities in, planning board approved. $195,000. Call Longview. (617) 693-2831, Box 762, Vineyard Haven, Mass. 02568 (89) BUSINESSMAN — Consultant extensive experience with international areas. Far East and Europe. «Will handle any assig­­ments from Boston to Miami or other locations presently. Weekly trips to Bos­ton. Financial. Trucking. Electronic App­lications, negotiations, etc. Confidential. Courier Service etc. For Top Results. Call (201) 922-2124 (90) GÁBRIELLÉ INTERIOR DESIGN — Turn your place inside out, call Gábriellé — To hear about what you have — is what we choose leaving home for you to use. (212) PL1-1458 (89) 5-40 SECLUDED ACRES on town road, 6 miles east of Cotebrook, New Hamp-. shire. Electricy available. Panoramic view of wilderness ski area and Dixvilie Mountain. Unspoiled. S500-S600 per acre.-203-345-4490------­$100,000 NEEDED, $10,000 min. PARTS investment secured by first mortgage on prime property in Southern Maine or will sell land. Willing to pay 20 per cent interest in one year. Call (617) 528-4628 or 528-9883 or 399-8796, or write: C. Bergendall Flight Services, River Rd., Norfolk, Mass. 02051. (90) St. MAARTEN, N.A. Magnificent Town House, Two bedroom, Two bath, kitchen and living room wlbalcony overlooking only golf course on the Ialand. Fully ser­viced by Beach Club Hotel and provides excellent Income thru rental arrangement w/Beach Club. Excellent Tax Shelter. Price *92.500.00. 201-261-8600 0 AM-6 PM 201-801-1480 evenings 90 90 r~SHOPPINO C!NTM““1 I WITHIN DHXHBROOK I I STORE 622 SO. FT. I I MtM in nrim rttu tint it iffict I I excellent parking I CALL MR. TALPA 215-CL9-2717 or GR2-2885 91 SALE OR LEASE IriRd New Bldj lenned. Occop. 35,600 Sq. Ft. 4 Lu«*t Becks Deck Leveter Drive-In Doer MfetesIwnErfeC.C. PM*. 100 PERCENT FINANCING MUST SACRIFICE!! FOR INFORMATION CALI 1215- 638-1121 91 VIDEO GAMES PRICE BARRIER SHATTERED —6698.00 UP. Latest cocktail table models. 3 games in one. One year guaran­tee. DENCAL CORF. 128 Irving Street, Framingham, Mb«». 617/620-0730. qq Free Membership at TENNIS OF CAPE COD & lyanough Hills Golf Club James K. Smith Development Enterprises is offering One Year Memberships at These Two Popular Facilities ABSOLUTELY FREE With • Any Lot Purchase • Any Home Purchase • Any Contract To Buy And Build • Any Contract To Build On Your Lot • Just About Any Transaction • The Only Qualification is that you give me the opportunity, to serve your Real Estate Needs! • Also! Complete Home Financial Services Available. Offer Good Until Jan. 15, 1976 JAMES K. SMITH Builder - Developer Development Enterprises Rte. 132, HYANNIS, MASS. 07601 (617) 771-4715 Eves. (617) 367-3009 THE RfiDIfiL CHAIN by CHAMPION TM Your extra margin of safety for winter driving. Any road is a lonely place when you're stuck. Champion Cable Chains help you get home sa and relaxed in the worst weatner. For 20 years, proven superior to heavy conventional chains. Designed for today's radial tires and regular tires, too. i 11% more traction on ice than link chains, i Compact • Lightweight • Easier to put on • Smoother, quieter ride 1 12” -14” tire size $26.50 ea. set ppd. oq » 15” • 16" tire size $29.50 ea set ppd. OJ7 . /Champion Cable Chain Co. Dept. M. 11 J Fourth Street, Swanton, Vermont 05488 l Enclosed is $ Please send me___ sets of Champion Radial Chains in the sizes listed below I Name I Address I ~ciij V. Tire Size State Z'P Brand ___ ___Vehicle Make J NEW DISCOUNT CTR. OPENING "Need all types of merchandise immediately f* Manufacture Re­presentatives1 welcome I 7S4 North Main St., Providence, Rhode Is­land. 1-401-351-1730. 9Q In the heart of North Eastern Penn­sylvania, near Elk Mountain, largest ski resort in Pa. In the hub of recrea­tion center, parks, lakes & golf courses, also potential year round dog track. 20 Apt. Bldg, and 2 office suites, 18. car bsmt parking, all new, exclu­sive supper club & hotel with apts, rooms. & banquet halls, cocktail lounge & restaurant. 1,300 ft. road frontage, approx 11 acres in the most popular shopping area in North Eastern Pennsylvania on Rt. 6. Scranton-Carbondale Hwy. 2,500 ft road frontage, 9£ acres, plot­ted, Rt. 6, $900 an acre. 40 acres 8 miles from Honesdale, $650 an acre also available 10 rm. house, barn & garage v >- 108 acres wooded. Beauty, 4 miles from Honesdale, 3-10 acre parcels or can be purchased as a whole at $950 an acre 1 to 65 acre plots near Elk Mountain, $800 an acre Many other residential, commercial farms, lake properties & acreage Phone anytime, 7 days. 24 hrs. a day, W.J. (Bill) Petrini, Realtor, Car­­bondale, Pa. (717) 282 3621 __ gg Unique and beautiful! oG-NoIPaPeR, Beautifully printed from my original pencil drawings, each a composite of the best of the breed. FRENCH-FOLD NOTEPAPER, gold-boxed, $2.50. SHEETPAPER, gold-boxed, $2.50. INFORMALS. $1.25. STICKER STAMPS, 55C.,POOf>L£ PADS $1.25 MORE THAN 90 BREEDS WRITE FOR SAMPLE OF YOUR BREED Phone orders invited (201) 361-8060 Elizabeth Harvey Treharne BOX 177 M. MOUNTAIN LAKES. N.J. Fireplace Owners Do you like to use your fire­place but hate to waste 90% of its heat up the chimney? Do you hate to douse your fire at night so you can close the damper? Do you worry about sparks flying through the screen when you’re not around? This Fireplace Stovefront solves these prob­lems while retaining the charm and beauty of an open fire when desired. It converts your fireplace to a Franklin stove, at half the cost, and uses up no floor space Attaches in minutes. Fully guaranteed. Many satisfied customers. Write for details and additional opl,ons Vermont Techniaues. Inc. P.O.Box 107-M., NortWield. VT 05663 (802)485-7905 Beautiful Residential Lots in WINSLOW ACRES where Bass River begins. — A small : 15 lot subdivision waterviews & trees. ' Deeded recreation land. Access to Nan­tucket Sound, Under ground utilities in­­j eluding wate, electric, telephone, gas and cable TV. Call for appointment any­­! time to view site. Starting at $15,000. COBB REALTY (617) 385-9057. Box 777, East, Dennis, Mass. 02641. (90) TEE PEE TRUCKING CO. —Residential- Commercial, Moving. Air Port delivery our speciality. Reasonable. Days (212) 649-7206, Eves (212) 444-8457 (90) ATTENTION JEWELRY MANUFACTURERS *llfc*S>C<*»*-* ÍV* Ul •ff LUCITE MOOD RING STONES 18 x 13 OVAL 8m/m ROUND 14 m/m ROUND 14 m/m HEART SHAPE MDUSTRIAL CUSTOM INJECTION MOLDING PLUS ALL SHAPES SIZES AND COLORS OF BEADS, BALLS, BANGLES AND BUTTONS MOLDED BEADS ON NYLON PLATING AND PEARL ROOM SERVICER 89 MARS CUSTOM PLASTICS 25t 07046 68 DIKE STREET PR0V. R.l. FRANK FEDERICI KARL KIRK ONE OF ITS KIND IN SOUTHEAST — Specialty Shop. Established clientele, 3 years. Potential growth unreal. Now gross; $100,000. Spine injury forces sale. (904) 243-1711 (904) 242-3671. Ft. Walton Beach, Fla., Owner. (K9) D & L CI'.SSPOOL SERVICE ---­Cesspools built and cleaned, lines re­paired, complete electric rooter service, direct lines answered, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, holidays included, 8 Cecil Court, Huntington Station, L.I. Call (516) 549-5817 4 2 7-1 SIS GREAT INVEST.M FN I — for tax reasons. BERSUIRES - C.ummington — 10 miles from Bccket. 250-350 acre* priced at S600 per acre. 1^,000 ft. of town road, frontage, outstanding views. Added in­vestment potential with 5-6000 Xmas trees. Call or write Wcsmar R, K. Rowe, Mass. 01367 (413) 339-4273 (S9) BAKERIES, BAG-Ü-BAGELS INC. - Hot bagels all varieties, wholesale and retail! Wc arc open “Around The Clock" KOSHER APPETIZING! Complete line of Dairy Products! (Mon thru Thurs. v 7 am, to 7 pm. Fri thru Sun 7 am. rill 8 pm.) SMITHTOWN 27 F. Main St. (516) 724-7737. ALSO A.South Hampton' Bakery, 20 Hampton Road, South Hampton L.I. Hot Bagels Varieties. Open 7:30 am. to 5 pm. Sun 7:30 am. to 1:30 pm. (516) 283-4311 (90) CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND — Worcester - for lease 1 story sprinklered brick building, 6,000 sq. ft., plus same in base­ment. Ample parking at door. Adjacent to rt. 290. Ideal for branch office and warehouse, wholesalers or others seeking high visibility and convenient location. Brokers protected. Call C. J. Houston, Jr., at (617) 757-5606. (B9) MARINE PARK — 2 family attached brick house, 6 rooms duplex plus 2 1/2 room rental. Duplex — 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, gas, heat, w/w carpeting, washer, dryer, brand new storm and screen. Brand new kitchen. Garage, backyard, will sacrifice. Owner selling. Asking $49,200.' (212) DE-8-6863 (90) WARWICK, MASS. — 23 acres, 3 story dorm, room for 123 people. 1 1/2 story 16 room house, music studio and garage. Beautiful Bericshire location. Ideal for summer camp. $130,000. Call John Pollard, (413) 863-9711 (91) SHARPEN LAWN MOWERS WITHOUT REM0VIN6 SLADES Sharpens all rotary mower blades to correct angle, fast. Without removing mower blades. Also sharpens roto tillers, hoes, scythes, sickle bar cut­ters. Fits any electric drill. Great gift for him! $2.95 ppd. HANSON’S GENERAL STORE Dept.M. W, Chesterfield, N.H. 03466 Ideal for Fund Raisers (91) 9-MAN-MORRIS An excellent two person strategy game played in Europe for genera­tions. Handmade of Vermont j Maple. Just one of our complete lline of toys, games and puzzles. $6.00 ppdx Send 25t for catalog Prices lor Fund Raisers ,(90) Weston Toy Works, Box % MWeston, VT0S16I Unique Personalized Stationery Shipped in 6 working days Choose one of six different sketches dis­tinctively printed with your name and ad­dress in black ink. 65 letterheads 6" x9" and 35 envelopes on quality white ripple bond. All in a lovely gift box. Send $3.95 plus .80 pstg. & hdlg. CHOOSE ONE □ T Ford P Horse Head □ A Ford Coupe □ Appaloosa Pony □ 32 Chevy Coupe □ Clipper Ship SATISFACTION GUARANTEED No C O D. — Mass, residents add sales tax TOWNELL PRINTING CO, Box 327 M, Pepperell. MA 01463 (90)-r*rr 'dhe SnchanteJ T)oJ1 M ouse Dolls by Madame Alexander. Peggy Nisbet, & British Doll Artists AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF MINIATURE FURNITURE AND HUNDREDS OF ACCESSORIES VILLAGE GREEN HOLDS, NEW HAMPSHIRE Route 130 from Nashua Tues.-Sat. 10-5 P.M. Sun. 1.30-5 NO SALES TAX «8-445-2337 89 Bicentennial Bench Carefully handcrafted of native pine. Extra heavy construction, joints are hardwood doweled, no screws or nails, 43" wide x 34" high x 18* deep, with or without gold brushstroke illustration. Handrubbed an­tique pine finish. Customers’ special requirements considered. J149.99 Frt. collect. WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM-ORDERED COLONIAL REPRODUCTIONS. 37 Delisle Street (F-~ Fitchburg. Mass. 01420 37-M 617-342-5903 HAMMONTON, NJ - DR' S Office & House for sale or rent — 3 bdrm Ranch, cent air cond, livrm, formal dinrm, lgeden, complete kit, laundry rm, 3 full baths, lgebsmntcomplete w/ bar. Office; w/ 2 examining rms, lge waiting rm, lab, receptionist area, Dr's offc, Business offc & bth. Price; $75,000, (609 ) 561-3439 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY ---­One of Florida' s best business' grossing one million with 12% prft. Whlsl/ Retail apples. Substantial amount down completely covered w/inventory. Sale recession proof. Retiring. For info, contact Graham (904)771-9246 (92) POCKET MOUSE mm A 5-3/4 creaiure dressed in a Bi­\ 7 Hf centennial Birthday Suit or Calico Clothes. Pop something in his pocket and give him to your favorite “Pocket Person", or leave the pocket empty to hold a favorite treasure. $2.50 postpaid, two for $4.75. Prompt Shipment. VERMONT TOY FARM Star Route Dept.M., Essex Junction, Vt. 05452 Soft toys and stuffed things since 1938 SALE OR LEASE 60,000 Sq Ft Office nuildlnjc 40,000 Sq Ft of space presently available for immediate occu­pancy. Ideal for corporate head­­quarters. 100% Financing Avail­able to substantial tenant. Owner will also consider lease-purchase. Prime suburban Philadelphia lo­cation. Sara J. Carroll, Realtor, (215>-544-1959 fgyj CENTRAL ONTARIO — 31.;i acres clear title. Paved road and river frontage. Game and fish abundant, $7200. By owner, care of RICK P.O. Box 621, Southbridgc, Mass. 01550, (413) 24 5-7249. (89) Tel. (201) 673-6418 THE MAIN STOP PET SHOP Exotic animals - Grooming Boarding - Training 580 MAIN ST. E. ORANGE, N.J. 97918 We Honor American Express 7,OIK) S<| Ft Prime Office Spnee Available Jan. 1., prestige area. Ground level entry, liUO Rt 46. Clifton, N.J. Quick access Uts. 46, :i, 80, Garden State t’ky. Minutes from NYC, all airports. All ser­vices included. Ample on site parking. Call J. Brnneato, (201)­­-ITS-oOOO front SAM-OPM. qQ "Security with Elegance-MAPLE SOLID WOOD COVER Colonial Rim Deadbolt Lock • Hardened laminated steel dead boll 1" throw x \Vi" wide • Steel backplate and strike • Easy to install. Replaces most night latches and auxiliary locks. Ng 1775CL Colonial Stain SI 535 ho 1775*8 Antique Black $1595 ho I775tlh Unfinished $1495 Add St 00 for postage and handling “There Is Nothing Else Like It!" Send check or money order to Dealers inquiries invited. Special discounts and displays available to Dealers. WOOD LOCK CCR PORATIOtl 14 JeiMftte St • Forestm»« Ct 06010 Conn Res add 7% Sales Tj, (90) VIETNAMI MENEKÜLTEK Befejeződik hamarosan an­nak a mintegy 130.000 indokí­nai, főleg délvietnami mene­külteknek a letelepítése, akik a tavaszi kommunista hata­lomátvétel elől menekültek az Egyesült Államokba. Több mint 120.000 menekült már elhagyta a táborokat és be­illeszkedett az amerikai élet­be. Jelenleg még mintegy tízezer menekült tartózkodik a két táborban, az arkansasi Fort Chaffe -ben és a penn­sylvaniai Fort Indiantown­­ban. Szakemberek véleménye szerint az indokínaiak letele­pítése és beilleszkedése sok­kal nehezebb feladat elé ál­lította az amerikai hatóságo­kat, mint annak idején a ma­gsa r és a kubai menekültek érkezése. Az indokínaiak ja­varésze az Egyesült Államok déli vidékein telepedett le, mert a déli államok időjárá­sa hasonlít korábbi hazáju­kéhoz. A főprobléma az volt, hogy a sárgabőrű menekül­tek számára nehéz volt spon­­zort találni. Akadályt jelen­tett az is, hogy gyakran igen nagy látszámú családokról volt szó. Jelentős nehézsé­geket okoz, hogy a vietnamiak csak vontatottan asszimilá­lódnak a számukra teljesen ismeretlen, fejlett ipari tár­sadalom körülményeihez. A problémák ellenére viszony­lag igen kicsiny volt azoknak a száma, akik a táborokból visszatértek hazájukba. AZ AGYUNKRA MEGY A Világegészségügyi Szer­vezet, az ENSZ egyik speciá­lis szerve, amelynek Genfben van a székhelye, nemrég sta­tisztikát tett közzé a globális méretekben mutatkozó be­tegségekről. A statisztikák­ból többek között kitűnik, hogy a világon nem kevesebb mint százmillió ember szen­ved különböző idegbajokban, elsősorban lelki depresszió­ban. Ez a szám a világ össz­lakosságának 3%-át teszi ki. DRAGA NYIRETTYŰ Egy londoni aukción 50.000 fontot fizetett ki egy műgyűj­tő az 1721-ben készült Stradi­várius csellóért. Ez a legma­gasabb összeg, amelyet va­laha csellóért kifizettek. A hangszer kifogástalan álla­potban van. A vevő nevét nem közölték. OKOS ÁLLATOK Az angol Natúré című ter­mészettudományos folyóirat beszámol arról, hogy Kíná­ban sikerrel használnak fel állatokat földrengés-jóslás­ra. A kínaiak szerint a halak hetekkel a földrengés előtt el­repülnek a természti ka­tasztrófa várható színhelyé­ről. 1971 óta legalább tíz alka­­például jóelőre megérzik a földrengés közeledtétés a ve­szélyeztetett vidékek vizeit tömegesen hagyják el. Ugyan­ez az érzékenység jellemez több madárfajtát is, köztük a fácánokat, amelyek szintén lommal figyeltek fel a halak és madarak elvándorlására Kínában, és megtették a szük­séges biztonsági intézkedé­seket. így a Liaoning tarto­mányban lezajlott földrengés előtt — amelyekre a madarak távozásából következtettek — többszázezer személyt távor lítottak el a veszélyeztetett vidékről. Ennek — pontosab­ban a madaraknak — köszön­hetően, emberéletben szin­te alig esett kár amikor a földrengés valóban bekövet­kezett, — írja az angol tudo­mányos folyóirat. INC0ME/INVESTMENT PROPERTY 7-Unit Apt. Bldg. West Central Manchester • Tax Shelter • long Term Investment • Long Term Income • Frame Construction — Built 1971 • Totally Electric — Including heat a W-W Carpeting — Central Vacuum System • Completely applianced —Mas­ter Antenna • Parking Lot-Asphalt Purchase Price: $97,000 $97.000 FIRM Terms for Qualified Buyer Principals Only G-F ENTERPRISES 1 P.O. BOX 207 Pittsfield, N.H. 03263 (603) 435-8100 3.0.Box207IA (90) PARROTS MACAWS, TOUCANS Tame and will be talkers Call 617 277 2468 WAREHAM, Mass. — 2 yr. old Cape of true charm and meticulous construct­ion. In sunny private area, near the Weweantic River. Bedrooms with attach­ed 2 car garage, frplc. living rm., formal din. rm. and lge kitchen plus wall to wall crptg thru out, FHW by ol, have to be seen to be appreciated. It's a lovely executive home, $48,000. Exclusively list­ed with Carlin Realty, (617) 295-6400 days. Eves. (617) 748-1830. (90) HERE’S OPPORTUNITY IN KEHOBOTH BEACH, DELAWARE Ideal location for Mini-Market— Plus Apts 31.442 Sq. Ft. on Na­tions Summer Capitol Main Pattern. 3 houses and shop in­cluded. Street. Summer/Winter Traffic CALL 302-227-6101 VIRGINIA JOY, REALTOR P.O. Box 312 — Div. of Patterson & Schwartr. Dept. M„ (89)­l«.R. TIBS \BW PRBSSI'ltB TREATED HARDWOOD 3 APR6 fire retarded and pre­served against insect, fungi and bacteria rot. r.0.000 Class 5 (T^X^XS’e") $Ji.32 each. r.0.000 Class 3 (6'’X8”X$’6”) $7.11 each. F.O.B__ DWPI, Hackettstown, NJ. (201) S52-3050 FLORIDA, CRYSTAL RIVLR ---- West Coast - 5 miles/ from Gulf ail paved. 1 aero lots ST,41)5 _ oniy 10^, down_ 5 years at 8 \ 2%. Weekdays call": (510) 5K9-7NNO. Weekends '& lives: (510) 581-8001). (80) ANTIQUE ENERGY INSTRUMENTS - converted into truly unique decor pieces for office, den or reception area. Own an original operating, 1920's-era electric house meter desk/ table lamp. Meter and engraved data plate mounted on polished mahogany within large glass dome. Shaded bulb draws load, through ,meter,., activ- . ating exposed mechanisms and energy consumption register. Overall 14" tall, 9,f diameter. A beautiful touch of sym­bolic irony embodied in timeless de­sign. Jeweled mechanical movements, museum-piec^| quality. Acquire an heir­loom instrument for ^ourself or give the perfect gift to a discriminating recipient. Limited meter supply restricts quantity. Forward $1 for photo, data. — James M. Sovalko, 807 Center St., Dept. M, Forward $1 for photo, data. $170 ea. Dealers prices available. — James M. Sovalko, 807 Center St., Dept. M., Throop, Pa. 18512. (90) ! L () () R WAXING — WINDOW WASHING. RUG SHAMPOOING & CEN­TRAL CLEANING AI REASONABLE RATI-.S. CALL (212) 276-7279 (SO) — [FLEA market) Largest Indoor in Brooklyn GRAND OPENING DEC. 12 I (89); 125 BOOTHS, AMPLE PARKING 4310 Gleit»ood Rd lE 43rd Tr«} l j( ,951-9100*,»** Scuípiuve in tp e&fep v5e< of l+, fimifeb issue MOBY DICK 4-51/4" Ishmael by PLEASE CONTACT: Yardenn Sculpture, Inc. 8 McKenzie Circle - Box 57 Tewksbury, Mass. 01876 (89) This table is a dream of mine that came true. We have just received from The United States Patent Office, The United States of America Letters Patent 3869993 for tables. Our solid wood tables are made of PINE, CHERRY, and BUTTERNUT and are priced from $59.50 to $84.50. For the whole story, please write to us at: (89) WALTER EDLUND PRODUCTS , 1234 Spear St., South Burlington, Vermont 05401 HAPPY BEETS! CHICKEN STOLZFUS! HOT BA CON DRESSING! The delight of Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking from the kitchen of Groffs Farm Restaurant deep in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Betty Groff's book tells how in words and pictures. GOOD EARTH & Postpaid COUNTR Y COOKING $8 Growing up in the Dutch country and learning the secrets of America’s earliest and heartiest cuisine. Treat yourself and those on your gift list to the best of the “Dutch Land” without ever leaving home. James Beard calls it. “One of the steadfast outposts of America." GROFF’S FARM R.D. 1 Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania 17552 Name _ Street . State _ Town ____ _ Zip Code . $8 Pennsylvania Residents Add 6% Sales Tax We’ll be happy to mail one to a friend. Buy two and save a dollar. Sorry, no COD’s. When in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country visit the World Reknowned Groff’s larm Restaurant. I By Reservation Only *90) i

