Menora Egyenlőség, 1975. december (14. évfolyam, 586-587. szám)

1975-12-20 / 587. szám

1975. december 20. * MENÓRA 5. oldal ANGOLNYELVtf HIRDETÉSEK FELVÉTELE-695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fifth Avenue Empire State Building New York, N.Y. 10001 MENORA IDEAL INVESTMENT - 50 unit apartment building fully tenanted in Manchester, N.11. All apartments in top condition will sell below current market at S473,000. Terms to righf buyer. Principals only, no brokers. Call weekdays 9 am-5 pm. (603) 624-0018 Owner. (X) I- LOOK WAXINC. —WINDOW WASHING» RUG SHAMPOOING & GEN­ERAL CLEANING A I REASONABLE RATES. CALL (212) 276-7279 (S9) LEONARD BANASKA, 557 Avenue Z, Brooklyn, N.Y. — Operating 7 days a weekl. Light Moving & Delivery. Any­thing that would fit into a large starion­­wagon. - (212) 891-2429. (87) BAKERIES, BAG-O- BAGELS INC. - Hot bagels all varieties, wholesale and retail! We arc open “Around The Clock" KOSHER APPETIZING! Complete line of Dairy Products! (Mon thru Thurs. 7 am. to 7 pm. Bri thru Sun 7 am. rill 8 pm.) SMITIITOWN 27 E. Main St. (516) 724-7737. ALSO A South Hampton Bakery, 20 Hampton Road, South Hampton L.I. Hot Bagels Varieties. Open 7:3u am. to 5 pm. Sun 7:30 am. to 1:30 pm. (516) 283-43H (DO) BUSINESSMAN — Consultant extensive experience with international areas. Far East and Europe. Will handle any assig­­ments from Boston to Miami or other locations presently. Weekly trips to Bos­ton. Financial. Trucking. Electronic App­lications, negotiations, etc. Confidential. Cou'rier Service etc. For Top Results. Call (201) 922-2124 (90) R. E. INVESTOR ? - COUNTRY PROPERTY 19 acres Baseboard alum, siding, 6 apts. with electric heat, ( 7 yrs, old) 4-4 room, 2-6 room, only Apt, Bldg, in area. Fully tenated. A real buy. $85,000. takes all. Stillwater, Pa., 1-(717) 654-4965. (88) MARTHA'S, VINEYARD l L}/W^BEiRT'S COVE board approved. S195,000. Call Longview. (617) 693-2831, Box 762, Vineyard Haven, Mass. 02568 (89) NEED CHEAP SPACE? 651 GROSS Modern Bldg. Excellent Cond. (87) 250,000 Sq. Ft. Will Divide To Suit Sprinkl.r.d—ADT—All UtlliliM 17' C•Ulna Ht — Concrete. Floors Indoor Platform Loadng N. Control N.J. at Rte. #9 call owner 201-678-6600« ■a CANADA, GREAT VILLAGE, N.S. — 640 acre farm, house, barns, equipment, $280,000. Good investment, private yet only 5 min. (o Trans-Canada, 6 ml. to non-commercial airport, 20 min. to ra­pidly-growing Tru$o, hub of N.S. This grain & livestock farm with 2 ml. river frontage & 2 ml. road front has 200 ac. cropland, 440 ac. pasture & woodland, abundant wildlife. Cozy Victorian 8-room house, 3 barns, currently farmed. Owner retiring. (902) 334-2318 (88) CENTRAL MONTGOMERY CO. — Ideal 'location. Restaurant, Variety Store, Beer distribution. 65' x 135' masonry bldg, sq.- ft. 8,000 sq. ft. basement. Tk. loading for both levels. Refrigeration. Air con­ditioning. Ample parking. Main highways. Immed. poss. $125,000. E. A. SCHMIDT 272 2nd St. Schwenksville, Penna, 19473 (215) 2 87-9754 ( 88) CENTRAL MONTGOMERY CO. - 65' x 135' masonry bldg, ist fir. —9,000 sq. ft. holding 320 lb. per sq. ft. 8,000 sq. ft. basement. Ideal for conv. to Medical Facility and offices. Town wants Doctors! Refrigeration. Air conditioning. Ample parking. Main highways. Immed. Poss. 225,000. E.A. SCHMIDT, 272 2nd St. Schwenksville, Pa. (215) 287-9754 (88) GOOD OPPORTUNITY To Start Your Own Business Reasonable terms available on a Sub- Lease basis. Stores for Food Use or Non-Food Use. Vineland, N.J. 17,000 square feet, 6340 Ogantz Avenue, Phi la, 7,951 Sq. Ft., Paulsboro, N.J. 15,525 Sq. Ft., 201 East 3rd Street, Bethlehem, Pa. 5,412 Sq. Ft., 400 Qiristiana Rd., Newark, Delaware, 19,700 Sq. Ft., Cinnaminson, N.J. 19, 700 Sq. Ft., Salem, N.J. 15,625 Sq. Ft., North-East Boulevard, Wilmington, Dela­ware 22,785 Sq, Ft. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. INC Contact: JOSEPH SWARTZ 215-EV 2-2100 8: 30 AM to 5: 15 PM (87) iCCO HOME CARE SERVICE — For derly Convalescents, Chronically 111, ime Health Aids, Companions, Home­­ikers, Licensed Practical Nurses Re­­itered Nurses. Hour/ Day/ Week, We Bill u. Supervised by R.N., P.H.N., Hours-7 Days Weekly. Massapequa, t Hicksville Rd. (516) 798-6688 (88) NOW $89,500 — Industrial or commercial building. Superbly restored barn in rural setting just off Rte. 100 in Waterbury. 4,200 sq. ft. on each of 2 floors. Now set up for a woodworking business with workshops, offices and showrooms. Would adapt for other purposes such as a restaurant, mini-mall, condominiums, you name it. Act 250 permits have been acquired. 2 acres. Martha Corker Real Estate, 9 Langdon Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. Phone: (802) 223-2607 ____________________________ (87) _ A I-P AIN TING INTERIOR-EXTERIOR, NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL ALL GUARANTEED.CALL 212-984-1286 (87) 788T —r POK-AIR The Indispensable Fireplace Tool Puts Air Exactly Where It Is Needed 42" Lg. — Bronze Point Wood Handle $24.80 Del. Pa. Residents Add 6% Sales Tax MECHANICAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT C0RP Box 155, Dept. M., Swarthmore, Pa. 19081 FOR LEASE— Danbury, Conn, at airport, 1/2 mi. easy on and off 1-84 and Rt.7. 10,000 sq.ft, or 6,000 sq.ft. New build­ing. Industrial office or warehouse, 14 ft. clear ceiling, air cond., call 1-203-325- 2206 or 1-203-322-9047. (87) PILLOW PENNA Living and Commercial, Investment pro­perty, heart of Penna. Dutch Country. Storeroom and home. Good potential for antique shop or other business. Low tax area. Priced to sell! Call for more details: CHAS. ADLER &S0N INC. 2 50 5.North Front St. U a rri s bu rg Penna (717) 738-0481 t*® ALUMINUM CITY ft REMODELING 921-923 Crossbay Blvd., Broad Channel Bathrooms, Kitchens, Doors, Aluminum Siding, Roofing, ft Extensions. (visit our showroom) Hours 9 to 9 212) 474-9514 LIC 698414 Free estimates (87) ALLIED ROOFERS SPECIALISTS IN FLAT ROOFS COMM L, RESID'L OR APT BLDGS, SKYLITES INCLUDED & GUTTERS CLEANED, call: (212) CL9L3796 or 232-1420 (88) B E M S O N H URST 2 family custom brick & walk in semi detached near all conveniences. Gas. Full poss. of garage and many extras. Ideal for profession doctor or lawyer. Call (212) 438-2859 (86) CAMPGROUND FOR SALE — Southern N.H. No sales or state incometax! 55 acres on River. Nice general store & large recreation hall with plenty of room for kitchen & Snack Bar. Play ground, ball field, over 10Q sites. $142,000 cash, (617) 699-8713 (87) L I ■ MU CÍ m MEN’S TAN GLOVE, LEATHER LINED CREPE SOLE * SIDE ZIPPER THE ULTIMATE IN COMFORT CALUORI'S SHOES 6840 Post Road No. Kingstown, R.t. 02(52 $38.00 Post Paid — Satisfaction Guaranteed 401-8(4-2452 (87) W oodworki ng and Furniture Design by William B. Dunn M.F.A. Rhode Island School of Design Stockbridge Rd. Lee, Mass. 01238 413-243-0430 Consultation at your location (x) FINANCING AVAILABLE 25,000 Sq. Ft. FOR SALE or LEASE Commercial Building situated on 12 acres at Exit 15 of fie Spaulding Turnpike in Rochester. N.H. The building is available for immediate oocupaney. t-truek loading docks, fluorescent lighting, intercom sys­tem, offices, air conditioned. Owner will finance a sale or laase. Terms very negotiable. Contact: THE NADEAU HOMESTEAD CORPORATION 601 Central Avenue Dover, New Hampshire 603-742-3744 (X) Fireplace Owners Do you like to use your fire­place but hate to waste 90% of I iis heat up the chimney? Do I you hate to douse your fire ai I night so you can close the I damper? Do you worry about I sparks flying through the I screen when you're noil around? This Fireplace! Stovefront solves these prob- I lems while retaining the charm j and beauty of an open fire I when desired. It converts your fireplace to a Franklin stove, at half the cost, and uses up no floor space. Attaches in minutes. Fully guaranteed Many satisfied customers. Write for details and additional plons Vermont Techniaues. Inc. P.O.Box 107-M., Northfield, VT 05663 (802)485-7905 D E L I —r- Take out Kosher food shop, W. Nassau. Fully equipped, good location, rent $250 Mo. Terms. Sacrifice. Shames Shabes. (516) 796-3321 (X) SKI 93 — House beautiful, cracker box prices, 2 miles from 93 nr. Ashland, 1-acre, plus lge. house, incl. huge kit., lvrm. and diprm. comb, with frpl., lge. wndws. to capture the view. All imagina­tively designed, with -^-bdrms., bath, master bdrm. with lge. vanity sink. Down­stairs 3-rm. apt., for caretaker, mother, or just income. Priced at only $49,900. Price would include king sized bed, some furn. incl. antiques. (603) 968-7655. (88) 1350 Brae* Road Cktwt Landing Rd A Drivars La 332 s. Burnt Mill Road Charry Hill 00034 Laaral Springs 08021 Voorlaas 08043 795 2113 ________784-9100 795 3150 HUNT-WESSON F 0 0 D 160 E. 22nd STREET BAYONNE,NEW JERSEY Call (201) 339-0800 (x) THE IMPACT EXPERIENCE Sericus cultural immersion study programs in France (Caen, Bayeux, Dijon), Spain (Madrid, Santander), and Oxford, England. Living, study, and recreation are as native as we C3n make them. Bilinguality assured, even in England. 11th, 12th, and 13th year for a term, semester, or year. Latter preferred. A few fun summer programs tco. Write to: James Keegan, Dir., IMPACT, The Wheeler School, 216 Hope Street, Providence, Rl 92906. (413) 773-1771. SALE OR LEASE 60,000 Sq Ft Office Duildlnjc 40,000 Sq Ft of. space presently available for immediate occu­pancy. Ideal for corporate head­quarters. 100% Financing Avail­able to substantial tenant. Owner will also consider lease-purchase. Prime suburban Philadelphia lo­cation. Sara J. Carroll, Realtor, (215>-544-1069 (gQ) LEE'S HOUSE OF BRIDES * By Appointment Only * Bridals * Bridesmaids * Mother of the Bride & Groom * Flower Girls * Custom Made Veils * * We Refurbish Old Gowns KINGS PARK, LI. Call (516) 724-4587 (1) CANADA OLYMPIC SOUVENIRS Top exclusive Canadian manufacturer of licensed Olympic souvenirs wants to be represented in the New England states by. jobbers or sales companies. Exclusive lines offered. Excellent ar­rangements. Will be in New York shortly. For appointment phone Mr. Green (514) 861-8969 or (514) 622-6433. _____________________________(87). CITRUS COUNTY, the fastest growing in Florida. New mobile home park. 40 acres, 25 developed spaces. 108 approved with room for future expansion. $204,000. $75,000 down, P.O.Box 76, Holder, Fla. 32645. Phone 904-489-5791. (x) WARWICK, MASS. — 23 acres, 3 story dorm, room for 123 people. 1 1/ 2 story 16 room house, music studio and garage. Beautiful Bericshirc location. Ideal for summer camp. $l30,0p0. Call John- Pollard, (413) 863-9711 (91) POCKET MOUSE A 5-3/4 creature dressed in a Bi­centennial Birthday Suit or Calico Clothes. Pop something in his pocket and give him to your favorite “Pocket Person"! or leave the pocket empty to hold a favorite treasure. S2.?il postpaid, two for $4.75. Prompt Shipment. VERMONT TON FARM Star Route Dept.M., Essex Junction, Vt. 05452 Soft toys and stuffed things since 1938 (91) DIAMOND SCONCE 18"x5"x6" $9.95 p.p.d. WINE HUTCH 50"x36"xl8" $229.00 p.p.d. MILK STOOL SCONCE 14"x9"x5" $5.95 p.p.d. Send SI. nil lor color catalog and price shed ol our complete line ol Im micro lied i.ariy American Turn mire OLD MILL PINE BOX 292 M. NO. HAVERHILL, N.H. 03774 (x) ROPE LANTERN 23”x7"x8" $14.95 p.p.d. DEERING, N.H., 39 acres (more or less), septic system and foundation. Part of land is orchard and part is wooded. Utilities and electric service available. Surveyed. Offered at $32,500. 1788 COLONIAL CAPE, at edge of village in Monad nock region. On 3.8 acres (more or less) this property offers many old features, but basics are in good condi­tion. 3 bedrooms plus a den, excellent kitchen. Large screened and glassed porch. "Beehive" fireplace in living room and Franklin in master bedroom. 1 V2 baths and a' great barn. Attractive dining room and family room. All for $53,700. Call or write your needs. OU q-onw ALTy. Inc. Peterborough, N.H. 03458 (603) 924-3324 (x) NANTUCKET SCRIMSHAW Individually Executed And Signed By Peter D. Paige c$> Scrimshander A. 1 '/*" teardrop ivory pendant of Charles W. Morgan with butterfly in cdlor on reverse $36.50,Pd B. Men’s Anson belt buckle with 1W ivory insert of Charles W. Morgan. $42.00 ppd. Mass. Residents Add 3% Tax. Limited quantity offered exclusively by: COFFINS' GIFT STORE 51 Mam St.. Nantucket. Mass. 02554 ______________________Satisfaction guaranteed , Dept.M I ; (88)­SHARPEN LAWN MOWERS WITHOUT REMOVING SLADES Sharpens all rotary mower blades to correct angle, fast. Without removing mower blades. Also sharpens roto tillers, hoes, scythes, sickle bar cut­ters. Fits any electric drill. Great gift for him I $2.95 ppd. HANSON S GENERAL STORE Dept.M, W. Chesterfield, N.H. 03466 Ideal for Fund Raisers (91)_ 9-MAN-MORRIS J An excellent two person strategy I game played in Europe for genera- I tions. Handmade of Vermont ! Maple. Just one of our complete Llin’e of toys, games and puzzles. $6.00 ppd. Send 251 for catalog Prices for Fund Raisers. (90) Weston Toy Works, Box % MWeston. VT 05161 Unique Personalized Stationery Shipped in 6 working days Choose one of six different sketches dis­tinctively printed with your name and ad­dress in black ink. 65 letterheads 6" x9" and 35 envelopes on quality white ripple bond. All in a lovely gift box. Send $3.95 plus .80 pstg. & hdlg. CHOOSE ONE □ T Ford □ Horse Head □ A Ford Coupe □ Appaloosa Pony □ 32 Chevy Coupe □ Clipper Ship SATISFACTION GUARANTEED No C.O.D. — Mass, residents add sales tax TOWNELL PRINTING CO. Box 327 M. Pepperell. MA 01463 (90) GÁBRIELLÉ INTERIOR DESIGN — Turn your place inside out, call Gábriellé — To hear about what you have — is what we choose leaving home for you to use. (212) PL1-1458 (89) THE ST. MORITZ ^he £nchanleJ T)oU Jk ouse Dolls by Madame Alexander, Peggy Nisbet, & British Doll Artists AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF MINIATURE FURNITURE AND HUNDREDS OF ACCESSORIES VILLAGE GREEN HOLLIS, NEW HAMPSHIRE Route 130 from Noihua MON.-FRI. 10-9 P.M.) SAT., 10-5, SUN., 1-5 NO SALES TAX 503-445-2357 [FLEA MARKET) Largest Indoor j in Brooklyn J GRAND OPENING j DEC. 12 (89) J 125 BOOTHS, AMPLE * PARKING 4310 Gtruwood Rd (£ 43rd Tru> » | ,951-910<Wj Bicentennial Bench Carefully handcrafted of native pine. Extra heavy construction, joints are hardwood doweled, no screws or nails, 43* wide x 34" high x 18* deep, with or without gold brushstroke illustration. Handrubbed an­tique pine finish. Customers* special requirements considered. 1149.99 Frt. collect. WE SPECIALIZE IN CUSTOM-ORDERED COLONIAL REPRODUCTIONS. 37 Delisle Street Fitchburg, Mass. 01420 37-M 617-342-5903 (W PR INC I-TON ARLA — Throe Under 70 — llightstown, 2 family Colonial, Excellent condition. A 6 rm apt & a 6 rm apt. S695 per month gross rental. so2,0()(^. Princeton Jet — N rm Colonial in fine condition. Walk to shopping & New York cjommuting. 4 bdrms, pnld family rm., full bsmt. $60,500. NEAR KINGSTON - Bright 2 story Colonial. 4 bdrms, 2 1 2 bths, lots oft new wall-to-wall carpeting, central1 air, lovely outside dining deck. S69,500. STi:\VA1TDSON DOUCIIKRT Y Realtor, 366 Nassau St. (609) 92I-77S4. _________________________________(,SS) CJJREAT INVESTMENT - for tax reasons. BERSIIIRES - Cummington - 10 miles from Bucket. 250-550 acres priced at $600 per acre. 10,000 ft. of town road, frontage, outstanding views. .Added in­vestment potential with 5-6000 Xmas trees. Call or write Wcsmar R. H. Rowe, Mass. 01367 (415) 339-427:* (S9) The Unique PEPSAL1 A Combination PEPPERMILL and SALT SHAKEP Available in a variety of designs, sizes and hardwoods including Walnut and Rosewood. For FREE Brochure t Mall Order Prices, write: BRISCO MOUNTAIN WOODCRAFTERS, Inc. Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328 Quantity discount prices also available. Dept.M, (87) FLORIDA, CRYSTAL lUVLK ---- Wcsr Coast - 5 miles from Gulf all paved. 1 acre lots $5,495 — only 10cr, down. 5 years at 8 l'2r^. Weekdays call: (516) 589-7880. Weekends 8; lives: (516) 581-8909. (89) CAPE COD NEEDLEPOINT - GIFT SHOP — Stock & real estate includes 2 apartments;; new 3 bedroom Cape. Walk 'all conveniences. Write Box 455, West Dennis, Massachusetts 02670. (617) 598-2362. Box 455, Dept. M. (90) PATENT APPLICATION APPROVED — for sensational board game. Anticipate high volume annual sale. Pencil & paper form of game known & played by millions for decades. Have plan for production & marketing game but lack funds. Fantastic oppty. for right person with vision & money to invest. Professionally prepared prospectus available for sincerely inter­ested principals ONLY on request. Reply George Luke, 67 Buckingham Dr. Jackson, NJ 08527. Phone (201) 367-84 58 (X) ONE OF ITS KIND IN SOUTHEAST - Specialty Shop. Established clientele, * years. Potential growth unreal. Now gross $100,000. Spine injury forces sale. (904) 243-1711 (904) 242-3671. I t. Walton Beach, Fla., Owner. (89) D & L CESSPOOL SERVICE ---­Cesspools built and cleaned, lines re­paired, complete electric rooter service, direct lines answered, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, holidays' included. 8 Cecil Court, Huntington Station, L.I. Call (516) 549-5817 427-1818 CAPE COD — 3 exceptional values —. Fantastic large 3 bedroom house, 2 acre vegetable farm and fruit stand. Docs $500. daily. Also has chicken house with 100 Rhode Island Red Layers. All for only S68,000. Cannot be matched at this price. Owner anxious to sell. OPERATING JUNK YARD - full license 3 acres, 3 buildings at only $86,000. Must sell. MOTEL — Right on beach at Nantucket Sound. 34 units with restaurant and lounge $375,000. Owner will Hold 1st mortgage with right buyer don' t procrastinate. Please call or write ALCAR(617) 477-0944 or if no answ. (617) 428-2131. Box 264 Mashpee, Mass. 02649. (88) DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE - In Woodland St., Farmington Avc area, consist of 2 operatorics and laboratory with business office and 2 utility rooms. Available Jan 1. (203) 522-1597 (X) CENTRAL ONTARIO — 31.3 acres clear title. Paved road and river frontage. Game and fish abundant, $7200. By owner, care of RICK P.O. Box 621, Southbridgc, Mass. 01550, (413) 24 5-7249. (89) NEW BUSINESS — seeking partner for manufacturer. Partner can be active or ncfh-active. Investment required $100,000 to 150,000. 25% return in investment per year. Please call (201) 375-924 5.(88) STATEN ISLAND, GRÁNITEVILLE ----2 family house, high ranch, * bed. dining rm., living rm., basement, playroom, 1 car garage. 40x120. $67,500, immediate occupancy aftpr closing. (212) 698-4 583. (X) TEE PEE TRUCKING CO. — Residential - Commercial, Moving. Air Port delivery our speciality. Reasonable. Days (212) 649-7206, Eves (212) 444-84 57 (90) DENTAL PRODUCTS — Company with established national and international market for proprietory products currently shipping at $500,000 annual rate with strong growth potential seeks $75,000- S90,000 expansion capital. Investment working or passive. Reply Joan Lang, 19 Brook Rd., Needham, Ma. (617) 444-0190. (X) CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND — Worcester - for lease 1 story sprinklered brick building, 6,000 sq. ft., plus same in base­ment. Ample parking at doori Adjacent to rt. 290. Ideal for branch office and warehouse, wholesalers or others seeking high visibility and convenient location. Brokers protected. Call C. J. Houston, Jr., at (617) 757-5606. (89) MARINE PARK — 2 family attached brick house, 6 rooms duplex plus 2 1/2 room rental. Duplex — 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, gas, heat, w/ w carpeting, washer, dryer, brand new storm and screen. Brand new kitchen. Garage, backyard, will sacrifice. Owner selling. Asking $49,200. (212) DE-8-6863 (90) MAPLE SOLID WOOD COVER Colonial Rim Deadbolt Lock • Hardened laminated steel dead bolt 1” throw x lVi” wide • Steel backplate and strike • Easy to install. Replaces most night latches and auxiliary locks Na 1775CL Colonial Stain $1595 No 1775AB Antique Black $1595 Nt 1775UN Unfinished $14.95 Add SI 00 for postage and handling "There Is Nothing Else Like It!" Send check or money order to Dealers inquiries invited. Special discounts and displays available to Dealers. WOOD LOCK CORPORATION 14 Jeannette St • Ferestvijle Ct 06010 Conn Res add 7°i Sale' lai (90) INCOME/INVESTMENT PROPERTY 7-Unit Apt. Bldg. West Central Manchester • Tox Shelter • long Term Investment • Long Term Income o Frame Construction — Built l»7i 0 Totally Electric — Including heat a W-W Carpeting — Central Vacuum System • Completely applianced —Mas­ter Antenna • Parking Lot-Asphalt Purchase Price: $97,000 $97.000 FIRM Terms for Qualified Buyer Principals Only G-F ENTERPRISES ' P.O. BOX 207 Pittsfield, N.H. 03263 (603) 435-8100 3.0. Box 207 M (90) Restored 19th Century Farmhouse in the Berkshires Combines old New England charm, modern living conveniences, and spacious comfort - on a magnifi­cent clear/wooded acre. Large living room with stone fireplace. Four bedrooms, plus study/bed­­room, and sleeping porch. Two outdoor porches overlooking 20-acre lake. New board and batten exterior, gray-stained for minimum maintenance. New heating system, kitchen and three baths. Generous closets, interesting nooks and crannies. Rent when you are not using... with special finan­cial advantages! Phone (413) 269-4531. Write Otis Wood Lands, Otis, Massachusetts 01253.2Vx hours from Manhattan. fx) ISRAEL — 3 bdrms. 1 1/ 2 bth., beauti­ful big kitchen, liv. rm, din rm, 2 terraces, central heating. IN Herzlia. 2 min from bus station. 10 min from Ocean. $40,000. For- information call (215) F12—2189. (87) FOR SALE JEWELRY MFG. PLANT 40 Girls Experienced in All Phases of Mfg. Now Employed. Riverside R.I. CALL (401) 433-1200 (88) cufpfure in t|Qe(vfer| tSef of 4, fimifeb Í5SM« MOBY DICK 4~5 XA" hhmael by A£**l.^x**+ PLEASE CONTACT: Yardenn Sculpture, Inc. 8 McKenzie Circle - Box 57 Tewksbury, Mass. 01876 (89) This table is a dream of mine that came true. We have just received from The United States Patent Office, The United States of America Letters Patent 3869993 for tables. Our solid wood tables are made of PINE, CHERRY, and BUTTERNUT and are priced from $59.50 to $84.50. For the whole story, please write to us at: (89) WALTER EDLUND PRODUCTS 1234 Spear St., South Burlington, Vermont 05401 HAPPY BEETS! CHICKEN STOLZFUS! HOT BACON DRESSING! The delight of Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking from the kitchen of Groffs Farm Restaurant deep in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Betty Groffs book tells how in words and pictures. GOOD EARTH & Postpaid COUNTRY COOKING $8 Growing up in the Dutch country and learning the secrets of America’s earliest and heartiest cuisine. Treat yourself and those on your gift list to the best of the “Dutch Land” without ever leaving home. James Beard calls it, “One of the steadfast outposts of America." GROFF’S FARM RJ>. 1 Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania 17552 Name____________________ Street____________ State_____________ M. . Town ___ _ Zip Code $8 Pennsylvania Residents Add 6% Sales Tax We’ll be happy to mail one to a friend. Buy two and save a dollar. Sorry, no COD’s. When in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country visit the World Reknowned Groff’s Farm Restaurant. By Reservation Only (90) 1

