Magyar News, 1998. szeptember-1999. augusztus (9. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1998-10-01 / 2. szám

Gizi Thuróczy’s parents wanted her to be a teacher. But life had an other direction in her destiny: to be an entertainer. While still in school, her acting and singing tal­ent w as so impressive that her professors recommended that she continue her studies at the Budapest Actors Academy. She took singing very seriously and "I was fortu­nate to have the best voice teachers..." she remembers fondly. She got her big break in show business while she was still studying. The year was 1951... Imre Kovács produc­er put a show together staring Kálmán Latabár. She was invited to be a regular in that show and she happily accepted the offer. (She stayed with the LATABAR KALMAN Ensemble for five years.) The audience loved her. She was very popular and played in many other theater groups: In the Operetta Theater in "Pózna Peti Kalandjai..." with Árpád Latabár, Tivadar Horváth, László Kabos and Lenke Loran. She toured with Kamill Feleki in the "Papa kerestetik..." comedy. She was constantly working in great shows and with the biggest names: Tivadar Bilicsi, László Kazal, Jenő Pataki, Ferenc Pethes, Sándor Svéd. Julia Orosz, Manyi Kiss, just to name a few. From 1952 on, she appeared in many films in supporting rolls: "2x2 néha öt...", Tóth Gápár esete", "Budapesti Tavasz". In "Kilences korterem" with Miklós Gábor, in "Dollárpapa" with Iván Darvas and László Földényi, in "Gázolás" also with Iván Darvas, Mária Sivó, etc. She also appeared in many commercial short-film. As a writer for the Budapest Műsoriroda, I was one of the program writ­ers of many famous entertainers, i.e László Kazal, and for Kálmán Latabár and his group. It was an honor for me to work for Gizi Thuróczy. As did everybody in show business, I had to give much respect to this successful actress-singer. The Emery Kovács - Gizi Thuróczy couple were among the most popular people of the Hungarian entertainers. She had a great future ahead of her. But when the Hungarian Revolution was crushed, she had to flee Hungary with her husband, Emery Kovács. They immigrated to Switzerland and she continued to appear on stage, radio and television. Gizi Thuróczy speaks several languages. So it was no problem for her to work there in show business. See appeared with big orchestras and famous entertainers. She was also featured with the world-famous Josephine Baker. In the United Sates, in Hollywood, she appeared in shows with many stars: Milton Berle, Steve Allen, Gene Kelly; Allen Sherman, László Vadnay, Gábor Kertész, etc. She was the primadonna of operettas, musicals and concerts: Chardash Princess /Csárdáskirálynö/, Countess Maritza /Marica Grófnő/, Merry Widow, Sybill, Gülbaba, Mágnás Miska, Ipafai Lakodalom, Csókos Asszony, Doktor Ur, Egy csók és más semmi..., etc. The Cast included Sándor Szabó, János Borvetö, Sándor Naszódy, Edith Hlatky, Lajos Lendvay, Czövek István, Károly Sugár, Nándor Rózsa. Bori Sándor, Elsie Gallay. Gizi Thuróczy in 1957 Beit Vajda, the world-famous writer, Zita Szeleczky, Éva Szörényi, and many other great artists. Emery Kovács was the producer­­director of many of these fine productions. The Hungarian immigrants appreciated the hard work and dedication needed to pro­duce shows like those. Gizi Thuróczy had to leave Budapest and her bright, promising career on the Hungarian stage. It was a loss for her, and it was a loss for the Hungarian theater aft. We feel that Gizi Thuróczy deserves to be elected for the Artist of the Year with her husband Emeiy Kovács, for their lifetime achievement. Ferenc Várdai-Valu In the recent past years, an organiza­tion to choose American-Hungarian artists to be recognized was funded by Ferenc Várdai-Valu. This year Gizi Thuróczy and Emery Kovács were given the honor. Kálmán Latabár, Gizi Thuróczy and Tamás Fellegi Iván Darvas, Gizi Thuróczy and László Földényi Page 8

