Magyar News, 1997. szeptember-1998. augusztus (8. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1998-05-01 / 9. szám

dynamic speech outlining the events of the Revolution, pointing out the real meaning of it and its validity through a century and a half, also for us today. The audience then joined in singing more songs of Kossuth’s time. Sara Matolcsy president and Olga Rethy vice president of the Pannónia Club honored those who promote our Hungarian heritage above and beyond the call. First mentioned was the late Senator Thomas J. Dodd who in his time showed concern for the Hungarian people and constantly sup­ported them. Dr Alexander Havadtoy, past pastor of Calvin UCC, was praised for his work at the Voice of America, his partici­pation at government hearings on Hungary, also for the tremendous work he did in our Hungarian community. Also honored were: László Papp, architect, who turned a factory building in New Brunswick into a Hungarian style museum, then became president of the American Region of the World Federation of Hungarians, and now is serving as the leader of the Western Region. Dr. Balázs Somogyi whom we also know as a folk dancer and director of the Hungarian Folk Dance Ensemble, founder of the Hungarian Cultural Society of Connecticut. He works to organize our cul­tural events and we see him often as an MC. He remarked that there is hope for our Hungarian community, he saw this at the Hope Ball (Reménység Bál) the night before. Joseph F. Balogh was also on the list of honorees. His long lasting work was appreciated. He was former president of the Pannónia Club and the American Hungarian Heritage Association. With his wife Claudia, his Hungarian Mosaic was Above, Sarika Balogh and Sara Matolcsy. Left top, the Palotas dancers. on Rozsika and Laszlo’s radio program for many years. Presently he is publishing the Magyar News. As a surprise a life time acknowledge­ment award was given to the special hon­­oree Sara Balogh. Sara taughtthe Hungarian school for children and for over a decade she was past president of the Pannónia Club. Her whole family was at the celebration, grandchildren included, not warning her about being honored it was a real surprise. Enikő Tóth beautifully recited Petöfi’s poem Respublika. Closing the celebration the Palotás Dance Ensemble put on a heart wanning show. Enikő Jónás created the choreography. In an upcoming issue we will introduce them to our readers. Though the celebration ended with the Hungarian National Anthem, the participants kept on enjoying the afternoon and as a Hungarian saying goes “they couldn’t even chase them out with a stick.” Congratulations to all who helped put on this celebration and luncheon and we all promised that we would be back next time. Dr. Balazs Somogyi, Olga Rethy with László Papp, the commemorative silver edition, and Joseph F. Balogh Page 5

