Magyar News, 1991. szeptember-1992. augusztus (2. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1991-09-01 / 1. szám
HUNGARIAN LIBERATION CELEBRATION AND PARADE June 30th, 1991 is one of the most significant dates in the history of modem Hungary. After 46 years of uninterrupted occupation, the last contingents of the Soviet Army had left Hungary. It was the first time since the end of the Second World War that no foreign soldier was staying on Hungarian soil; finally Hungary has gained her much sought-after independence. The nation of Hungary decided to celebrate this intoxicating historical development most appropriately. The bells of churches were tolling for an hour; largescaled celebrations took place throughout the land. The Hungarian community of Connecticut decided to do its part; preparations were made to organize a Liberation Celebration and Parade. Despite the fact that the preparations had to he completed on a rather shortnotice (less than two weeks), representatives of the organizations proved to be very responsive, helpful and most cooperative. Plans were completed during two very productive organizational meetings. The Celebration and Parade proved to be excitingly successful indeed. Reverend Sándor Füleki of the United Church of Christ of Bridgeport conducted a truly inspirational service of thanksgiving at the Church. The Honorable Mary Moran, Mayor of Bridgeport, greeting the crowd from the steps of the Church. Subsequently, approximately three hundred people took part in the march on Kings Highway. The marchers carried Hungarian and American flags, placards and organizational symbols. We walked to the strains of Hungarian music, the mood was festive, while the weather cooperated: sunshine had shone through the previously threatening skies. The marchers then gathered in front of St. Emery's Church in Fairfield. The Reverends Német, Schlezák and Rakaczki gave thanksgiving and blessed our efforts. Parade Marshal, Balázs Somogyi greeted the marchers in English and Hungarian. It is most appropriate and fitting that we give recognition to those who had provided the needed dedicated support and assistance during the preparation and completion of this memorable Celebration. We owe a great measure of gratitude to Joseph Balogh of the American Hungarian Heritage Association (AHHA), Mr. István Szondy of the Magyar Harcosok Bajtársi Közössége (MHBK), Mrs. Sára Balogh, Mrs. Sára Matolcsy and Mrs. Judith Rácz of the Pannónia Club and Mr. & Mrs. Paul Szabó of the Hartford Hungarian Club, Mr. & Mrs. János Kovács, Dr. & Mrs. Lajos Piros and Dr. & Mrs. Balázs Somogyi of the Hungarian Cultural Society of Cl (HCSC) for their unswerving dedication and support. We thank Mrs. Julia Borsos, Mr. Károly Mákos and Zsuzsi and Lőni Somogyi for their competent technical support We are most grateful to Mr. Géza Bodnár for generously providing us with a lead car, while we congratulate and thank Mr. Arto Szabó for preparing a first-rate video recording of our Celebration. A copy of the same may he ordered for $20.00 directly from Mr. Szabó at (203) 661-4980. June 30th, 1991 was truly a memorable day for the nation of Hungary; at the same time, it proved to be a very memorable day for the Hungarian community of Connecticut. The Liberation Celebration demonstrated most conclusively that we are capable of successful and significant activities and achievements - provided we proceed in a spirit of cooperation, good will and unity. £>r Balázs B. Somogyi This area used to be the second largest Hungarian community in the U.SA. Their number still counts several thousands. A historic event surely deserved a much larger participation. Think about it. - Editor Monthly Publication in Cooperation of the local Hungarian Churches & Organization