Magyar Hírek, 1985 (38. évfolyam, 2-26. szám)

1985-11-23 / 24. szám

lk­án already existing European edition in English and the German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, French and Russian editions. The editor of the Hungarian edition intimated in a press statement given when the first issue was published that the Hungarian version — under the terms of the licence agreement — will follow as faithfully as possible the original issues of the journal, but the various issues will lag two months behind the corresponding issues of Scientific American to ensure accurate translations. The Hungarian edition will also endeavour to act as a plat­form for Hungarian scientific life. The editors are planning to publish one paper each month written by a Hungarian scientists. The American and the other editions may, in turn, also publish these articles. Like its mother-journal, Tudomány appears monthly; the price of each issue is Ft. 98. Measures against air-pollution. Unsatisfactory standards of main­tenance of road vehicles was one of the principal causes of air-pollution in Hungary — concluded a national con­ference on the problems of traffic and environmental protection held in Ka­posvár under the auspieces of the National Bureau for the Protection of the Environment and Nature. László Tóth, a Secretary of State of the Transport ministry estimated that air pollution due to road traffic caused damage worth about 2,500 million forint each year in Hungary. A new plan for the protection of the environment made the improvement of the standard of vehicle repairs and maintenance a primary objective. Users will be persuaded to pay more attention to maintenance by the introduction of a new system of environment protection regulations. Improvement is expected also from better traffic conditions, thus also from the the construction of a free­­way-ring around Budapest, which will ease the traffic of the capital by rerouting transit traffic. Tri-centennary of the liberation of Buda from the Turks Next year, in September 1986 it will be three hundred years since the liberation of Buda from the Turks. The allied Christian forces stormed the fortress in the afternoon of the 2nd of September 1686, on the seventy­­eighth day of the siege, and forced the defenders to surrender after bloody close fighting. It was a victory of historic importance even though the struggle to free the whole of Hungary did not come to an end with it. It took nearly fifteen years more to clear the rest of the country from the Turks. A memorial committee was set up to prepare the celebration of the tri­­centennary of the liberation. The prin­cipal celebrations will be held in Bu­dapest between 1st and 4th Septem­ber. An international conference will be held at that time with the partici­pation of scholars from 12 countries. Sports News RECIPES Radio Hungary in English International Olympic Conference in Budapest The Olympic Committees of Euro­pean nations held a meeting in Bu­dapest. Secretaries of Olympic Com­mittees of thirty one nations and representatives of the international federations of the eighteen Olympic sports attended. In a statement given to the Hungarian News Agency Anden Eede, the Belgian General Secretary revealed that a scheme was worked out at the conference to improve cooperation between the national Olympic Committees and the sports federations. The representative of the International Olympic Committee re­ported in the course of the conference on the situation of the Olympic soli­darity programme. A total of S 24 mil­lion is available for the programme during the current Olympic cycle, and this amount will increase to $ 55 mil­lion in the next four years. The money will not be given to member countries but be used to finance international training courses. Short Marathon, major test in cycling After the silly season of summer holidays, Hungarian participant sports are again coming alive. Events for the general public are arranged on just about every week-end. The Futapest Club — about which we re­ported in a previous issue —organized a Short Marathon ran over of 20 kilo­metres as well as a four kilometre fun-run for the young, and the less fity, near Budakeszi. Six hundred people took part raising the number of participants at Futapest events this year to above six thousand. A street race was run at Szeged in Southern Hungary over a distance of 8 kilometres. Of the 350 starters 311 completed the course. Twenty­­five schools entered ten teams each for a 3.5 kilometres relay race organ­ized for students. A cycling test over 100 kilometres was undertaken by thousands in 39 places 63,833 have so far completed one or the other, an average of more than 10,000 for each of the events. Playing handball from Győr to Basle Klára Éliás was a member of the handball team of the Győr Builders once, then the goalie of the Collage of Physical Education and the Budapest Spartacus teams. She proved an out­standing player, and played for Hun­gary on 77 occasions. She married and moved to Switzer­land in 1981, where she was the TRV Basle goalkeeper for a time, then gave up playing. After a while, how­ever, another Basle club, ATV per­suaded her to play again, and thanks to the form she showed she was ini ted to join the Swiss national team pre­paring for the preliminary series of the World Championship. She was chosen as goalkeeper against Italy, Switzerland won at home (22:21). At the return match in San Lorenzo Klára Éliás played an outstanding role in ensuring a draw (15:15). Pheasant Soup. Ingredients for four: A pheasant of about 1,000 grammes, 300 grammes of mixed vegetables, 1 head of celery together with the green, 1 kohlrabi, 1 quince, 1 bouquet of green of parsley, 2 bay leaves, 1 onion, 50 grammes of lard of oil, 2 table-spoonfuls of flour, 0.2 1. sour cream, 5 pimentos, 10 — 15 grains of black pepper, a little lemon juice, salt. Section the cleaned pheasant and soak it in mildly vinegary water for a half an hour, and start cooking it together with the vegetables and spices and the quince in two litres of water. When the meat is tender make a light thickening using the flour and the shortening, and stir that into the soup. Sprinkle over finely chopped green of parsley and celery, and serve it seasoned with sour cream and lemon juice. Meat Chasseur. (You may use sir­loin, round of beef, rumpsteak or fillet, rabbit, hare, boar or venison.) Ingredients: 800 grammes of meat, 50 grammes of bacon, 50 grammes of lard, 2 spoonfuls of flour, 0.2 1. of sour cream, 10 grammes of sugar, salt, mustard, vinegar, 300 grammes of mixed vegetables, 1 head of celery, small kohlrabi, 1 onion, 2-3 bay leaves. Clean the meat well of membranes and douse it with the marinade. The marinade is made using the vege­tables, the onion cut into slices, cooked half-tender in a litre water with a few grains of pepper and salt. Add vinegar to taste (1-2 spoonfuls) and pour the marinade on the meat warm in the winter and cold in the summer. Marinate the meat in a cold place, covered over for 2 or 3 days, turning it over occasionally. When taking it out, lard with bacon cut into thin ribbons, grease with cold lard and reduce in the oven. Add the vegetables and the bay-leaves from the mari­nade, and a little of the marinade itself, and braise the meat tender under a lid, then bake it red without the cover. Take the meat out, cover it a ui 1 place in a warm place, and prepare the sauce. Add two spoonfulls of flour to the browned vegetables, let it get browned, then add the marinade and boil for a few minutes. Brown the sugar, dilute with water and add to the sauce. Season the sauce with mustard, a few drops of vinegar and finally the sour cream. Slice thi' meat into 1 cm thick slices, lay them lengthwise on a plate, and pom' over the hot sauce. Garnish the meat with macaroni or bread dump­lings. (The programmes are broadcast in English on Tuesdays and repeated on Fridays.) December 3rd to December Dili The Hungarian Republic of Coun­cils of 1919; portraits of the members of the Governing Council. Political, economic and cultural measures taken by the Republic of Councils. December 10th to December 16th A conversation with Dr Péter Gosz­­tonyi, Director of the Schweizerische Osteuropa Bibliothek, the man who interviewed some of Hitler’s top brass who dominated Hungary in 1944. Dr Gosztonyi made interviews with Otto Veesenmayer, Germany’s Ambassador to Budapest, and a key figure behind Hitler’s moves against Hungary; with SS General Pfeffer von Wildenbruch, who was the Gestapo chief of Budapest in 1944 and com­mander of the German forces in the Hungarian capital during the siege laid by the Red Army. December 17th to December 23rd Events and developments in and related to Hungary between August the 1st, 1919, the day on which the Republic of Councils, fell and June the 4th, 1920, when the Peace Treaty of Trianon was signed. December 24th to December 30th The life story and oeuvre of Aladár Kuncz, a Transylvanian writer. When the First World War broke out, on Aladár Kuncz was having his holiday in F’rance. In a few day’s time France entered the war and the writer was arrested and locked up in a monastery as a citizen of a hostile country. His novel Fekete Kolostor (Black Monastery) is the product of his detention and the description of his experiences during five years of the war in the monastery. The programme commemorates the centenary of Kuncz’s birth. Each instalment is broadcast five times during the week. The programme is transmitted first every Tuesday at 19.00 Greenwich Mean Time. It is then repeated four times according to the following sequence: — every Wednesday at 01.30 GMT; — every Friday at 19.00 GMT; — every Saturday at 01.30 GMT; — every Monday at 04.00 GMT. The programme and the four repeats are transmitted on short wave on the 25, 41 and 49 metre bands, that is, on 11910, 9655, and 6110 kHz, respec­tively. In case you miss one programme or another, or if you are prevented from listening to it because of poor reception, you can try again when it is repeated later in the week. For further information or details about the programmes please write to The Editor of Hungary’s History Serial c o Szülőföldünk, Magyar Rádió, Budapest 1800 31

