Magyar Herald, 1995 (1. szám)

1995 / 1. szám

1st QUARTER, 1995 MAGYAR HERALD PAGE 3 An impressive 32-page booklet with the traditional Hungarian red, white and green color full page front cover was given to each person attending the grand celebration. The book was diligently prepared by Frank Sötét and was artistically designed and printed by Liberty Media, Inc. The opening greeting was presented by Dr. István J. Tóth, president. Dear Members and Guests, It is my pleasure and privilege to greet you and thank you for your sup­port and participation in the Magyar Club's 70th anniversary celebrations. Please join me in expressing grati­tude and many thanks to those offic­ers, members, guests and friends of the Magyar Club whose dedicated service and other contributions over the years and now, make these celebrations not only possible, but meaningful as well. As to how meaningful, we can easily obtain a taste from the following pages, especially by reviewing our history, members list and recently updated con­stitution. These pages, I trust, will convince you that the Magyar Club is continuing to be a group of outstanding men and women having a common list of mean­ingful interests. These professional and business people have played leading roles, after 1989, in establishing closer linkages with Hungary at all levels...from students to the Prime Min­ister. The Miskolc-Cleveland Sister City development is a successful example of this role. The Magyar Club is proud to have hosted, over the last 70 years, many benefit dinners in support of various cultural, educational and social needs. The "Night in Budapest" galas, the 65th and 70th anniversary celebrations, and the annual Christmas dinners are examples of these benefit programs. As you know, the proceeds from our 70th anniversary dinner will support the Miskolc-Cleveland Sister City student exchange program. This is one of our programs designed to assist Hungary to rejoin the free world and to develop closer relations with Greater Cleveland. I am confident that with your contin­ued support and cooperation with our friends in Greater Cleveland, in the Great Lakes Region and in Hungary, we can achieve our common goals and objectives and enjoy a more exciting and rewarding future. If you are not al­ready a member of the Magyar Club and have similar interests, I invite you to join by using the attached applica­tion for. □ The Annual Christmas Celebration has been an annual event ever since the Magyar Club of Cleveland has been in existence. It ws held on Decem­ber 15th, 1994 at Fagan's in the Flats. Thanks to Dr. Dezső Ladányi the chain was not broken. □□□ Magyar Club Membership Dues for the 1995 calendar year are now re­quested. The time is here to meet our annual obligation to pay the very nomi­nal membership due of $25.00. Checks are to be made out to The Magyar Club and are to be mailed to our treasurer, Ruth Tóth Magyar Herald Quarterly Review For Members Of Magyar Club ^ Published by The Magyar Club of Cleveland, Ohio President: DR. ISTVÁN TÓTH Editor: DR. STEPHEN SZABÓ Correspondence Address: 415 Steven Blvd. Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 _______Telephone: 481-3648 A jubileumi alkalomra jött köszöntő levél a magyar kormányfőtől A MAGYAR KÖZTÁRSASÁG MINISZTERELNÖKE Tóth J. István elnök Clevelandi Magyar Club Tisztelt Elnök Úr! Köszönettel vettem 1994 augusztus 18-i a clevelandi magyarság jókívánságait tolmá­csoló levelét. Jól ismerem és nagyra értékelem azt a munkásságát, amelyet a Clevelandi Magyar Klub elnökeként, illetve a TRW Inc. fejlesztési igazgatójaként az ohioi magyar közösségben, illetve az üzleti életben, a magyar-amerikai kapcsolatok elősegítésében folytat. Tudatában vagyok annok a szerpnek, amelyet Cleveland, az ott élő magyar közösség Magyarország és az amerikai magyarság közötti kapcsolatokban betölt, ezért első, miniszterelnökként teendő US A-beli látogatásom során megpróbálom felkeresni városukat és eleget tenni megtisztelő meghívásuknak. Egyelőre külföldi programjaim menetrendje még nincs teljes mértékben összeállítva, de remélem, hogy hamarosan módomban lesz betervezni látogatásomat az Egyesült Államokba s akkor alkalmam lesz személyesen is találkozni Onnökkel. Budapest, 1994. szeptember 13 Üdvözlettel: Horn Gyula

