Magyar Herald, 1995 (1. szám)
1995 / 1. szám
1st QUARTER, 1995 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE MAGYAR CLUB OF CLEVELAND MAGYAR HERALD "PERPETUATING HUNGARIAN CULTURE SINCE 1924" „A múlt erős, gazdag gyökér, jelen, jövő a múltból él ...Arany János... The PAST Is a rich and strong hidden source, from it PRESENT, FUTURE obtains life and torce!" HMM. Hungary, History and Hope Magyar-Hon, Történelem, Remény ■&> * * <£-Edgar Allan Poe once wrote: "To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome." What about the glory and grandeur that was Hungary? Now so crippled and so small at the contemporary present. How did the poet record the actual and historical "status-quo" of that glorious Age? "Oh, grand was the Hungarian nation at one time! Great was her power, great was her possession! Into Hungary's seas descended at that time The falling-stars of North, East, South in succession!" □ „Ó, nagy volt hajdan a Magyar! Nagy volt hatalma, birtoka! Magyar tenger vizébe huny le Észak, Kelet, Dél hulló csillaga!" 1 Cleveland: The City of All of Our "Firsts" All the now century-old first churches of magyars for all major denominations were organized in this "Magyar Debrecen" on the shores of Lake Erie. The first newspapers for magyars, the first radio broadcasting stations, all the first Hungarian men's, women' and youth groups had their birth in Cleveland. Among the many different Hungarian 1__n HUNGARY'S TRADE DELEGATION to the White House will have a special reception in Cleveland at the Stouffers Tower City Plaza on Friday, January 13th, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. Az új esztendőnek induláskor lapunk minden olvasójának Istenben megáldott boldog újévet kívánunk a magyar szív melegével! clubs and fraternal organizations, the first club of professional magyars also came into being right here in Cleveland some seventy years ago. This group of Hungarian professionals was and still is The Cleveland Magyar Club. The Magyar Club's Seventieth Anniversary Celebration was held on October 14, 1994, with splendid solemnity as a great historical event. A detailed report of the Anniversary's festivities can be found on the inside pages of our present issue of The Magyar Herald. 1_ 1