Magyar Herald, 1993 (1-4. szám)
1993 / 1. szám
1st QUARTER, 1993 QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER OF THE MAGYAR CLUB OF CLEVELAND MAGYAR HERALD "PERPETUATING HUNGARIAN CULTURE SINCE 1924” Our Placc in History] Cleveland: The City of All of Our "Firsts" At the end of the last century magyars immigrated and settled in America in such large numbers that the Reformed Church in the United States (with German origin) found it necessary to start mission work among the Hungarian Reformed people. As early as 1865, the Church started a "Harbor Mission" in New York City with a special branch to deal with the magyars landing by the thousands in New York Harbor. In February of 1890, the Reverend J.H.C. Roentgen, pastor of the Seventh German Reformed Church in Cleveland, asked the Mother Church in Hungary, through his denominational headquarters, to send a Hungarian minister to Cleveland. Reverend Gusztáv Jurányi was sent to this City on Lake Erie to organize a church. October 12,1890 turned out to be the Day of Pentecost in America for the Hungarian Reformeds, and Cleveland became the Jerusalem for all future magyar churches in the New Land. Cleveland was named the "Magyar Debrecen" in America.. The First Hungarian Reformed Church celebrated its 100th anniversary in October of 1990. Two years later, in 1892, St. John Hungarian Byzantyne Church and St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church were organized, both again, firsts in the new nation among the family of their churches. St. John's celebrated its 100th in October of last year, and St. Elizabeth (placed into Cleveland's contour line below) will celebrate its 100th on April 25, 1993. After these first churches, the first newspapers were organized at the start of the century. Amerikai Magyar Katolikusok Hírnöke, Reformátusok Lapja, and Szabadság. A chain-reaction followed, with a number of Hungarian clubs and fraternal organizations as "firsts" in America: Öreg amerikások családja (Early Settlers' Family); Egyesült egyeletek (United Hungarian Societies); Jótékonycélu női nagybizottság (Ladies' Benevolent Society), along with an endless list of men's, women's, and youth groups of different churches; boy scouts and girl scouts organizations; folk dance groups; and radio broadcasting stations; the erection of the first Kossuth Statue at University Circle; the Cultural Gardens with magyar heroes' statues, and memorial plaques of poets. The Magyar Club of professionals for promoting Hungarian culture; Megye-Clubs: Abaúj, Gömör, Borsod, Dunántúli Egyesület, etc. After the end of World War II, following the example of the early settlers, the "displaced magyars" brought into existence once again, a number of "firsts Erdélyi Szövetség; Árpád Akadémia, Magyar Kongresszus, M.H.B.K., Magyar Athlétikai Kör, new scout and folk-dance groups. After the fP Hungarian Freedom Fight of 1956, another new refugee group created two freedom fighter organizations and established the "Szittya-kiirt." "NoblesOblige Being first carries nobility and demands noble actions, no matter how difficult it might be for loyal magyars in such a "far-away Land" ! (Among so many "firsts", we might have left a few out, unintentionally, of course. For any oversight, we apologize.) J“L