Magyar Herald, 1990 (3. szám)

1990 / 3. szám

Page 2 MAGYAR HERALD 3rd QUARTER, 1990 4ttai;uar (Ehth of (ülehdsmït OFFICERS 1990—1991 PRESIDENT Dr. István J. Tóth 25869 Euclid-Chagrin Pkwy Richmond Hts., OH 44143 VICE PRESIDENT Frank Dobos 4140 Diane Fairview Park, OH 44126 SECRETARY Veronika E. Ilyes 5656 Cherokee Road Lyndhurst, OH 44124 TREASURER Lillian Kautzky 5663 Brccksvillc Road Cleveland, OH 44131 DIRECTORS 1991 William Köteles Dr. John Palasics Ted Bo 11a 1992 László Böjtös Lewis Robinson James L. Hudak 1993 Ella Kish Emery J. Szabo Theodore Tóth HISTORIAN Dr. Dezső J. Ladányi AUDITOR George Csatáry EDITOR Magyar Herald Dr. Stephen Szabó PAST EVENTS The Annual Business-Meeting was held on April 20, 1990 was excellent. The choir visited some 10 American cities during their tour for the Hungarian Heart Foundation. Our Magyar Club gave an unfor­­-geüable pool-side reception to the visi­ting youthful group at the Indepen-It has been held for 65 years as the “Hurka-Kolbász” yearly gathering för­­members only. The annual Report of the Nominating Committee was pre­sented. Election of officers and Direc­tors followed. * Annual Honor-Banquet with installation of new officers was held on May 12, Saturday with dinner at 7:30 p.m. Place was The Norman-French Dining Hall of Gill­­more Academy. Chairman was Frank Dobos. This Event was held in the past in connection with honoring the Hungarian Mother of the Year. This year we honored the Hungarian Man of the Year, who was William Köteles, and two Hungarian Women of the Year in the persons of Ilonka Hudák and Franciska Frendl. At this festive occasion the Installation of new offi­cers also took place following our long established traditions in style, by dr. Stephen Szabo. At the same festive occasion Ernest Hudák was honored as the Hungarian Man of the Decade. * Rev. Emery Juhász, long time Magyar Club member, was honored at his 40th Anniversary The W. S. Hung. Ev. Lutheran Church, 3245 W 98th Street, Cleveland, honored Pastor Juhász on the occa­sion of the 40th anniversary of his or­dination into the Christian ministry. A testimonial banquet was held on June 3rd (Pentecost Sunday). He is making plans for his well-deserved retirement. He has been loyal member of our Magyar Club for four decades and gracious host to many of our socials and presenter of Invocations. * Cantemus Nyíregyháza Children’s Choir and Orchestra visited here on June 8, 1990. It was sponsored by United Hungarian So­cieties of Cleveland and our Magyar Club. The youngsters’ performance dence Holiday Inn. The concert was the result of the concentrated effort by our Hungarian Community in the greater Cleveland area. We hope this function prooved to be the vehicle for further cultural exchanges and will plant the seeds to establish a better relationship and understanding with a free, democratic Hungary. The Forthcoming Events of our Magyar Club The Annual Magyar Club Summer Picnic: Date: Saturday, August 25, 1990 (Rain or Shine) Time: 3:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. Dinner to be served at 5:00 p.m. Place: Willowick Lodge at 305 and Lakeshore Blvd. next to Willowick City Hall. Games, prizes, sports activities, Hungarian music and dance will be among the day’s events. The menu will include authentic Hungarian bogrács gulyás (goulash cooked in open kettles), chicken, ham, potato salad, baked beans, pizza and home-made Hungarian pastries. We invite you to bring family and friends to enjoy this day of summer fun for the Magyar Club. Por further information, contact Veronika Ilyés, our Secretary at 461-4126. ' * Annual Christmas Celebration is set for December 7, 1990 at the Inde­pendence Holiday Inn. *» *

