Magyar Herald, 1990 (3. szám)
1990 / 3. szám
3rd QUARTER, 1990 QUARTERLY NEWS LETTER OF THE MAGYAR CLUB OF CLEVELAND MAGVAR HERALD PERPETUATING HUNGARIAN CULTURE SINCE 1 9 2 4 ” The 70th Anniversary of the Treaty of Trianon On June 4, 1920, at the Grand Trianon Castle, a delegation from Hungary signed a fourteen-part peace agreement which stripped Hungary of 72% of its historical land and left 60% of Hungary’s population outside its borders. The lands which were detached from Hungary were home to 3,424,000 Hungarians. Of this number 1,084,000 were incorporated into Czechoslovakia, 1,705,000 into Romania, 564,000 into Yugoslavia, and 65,000 into Austria. Altogether, 33.5% of the nation went over to foreign hands. No other losing country in the First World War was punished as severely as was Hungary. The victorious neighbors of the losing countries took only 10% of German pre-war territories and 8% of Bulgarian lands. A majority of Hungarians and ethnic Hungarians in Romania viewed with apprehension the approaching 70th anniversary of the Treaty of Trianon on June 4 because several organizations, including a number of U.S. and South-American organizations, planned to commemorate the occasion with demonstrations and bell ringings. However, the Hungarian government, the Democratic Alliance of Romanian Hungarians, the Székely Circle believed that such actions would only provoke the Romanian government unnecessarily and would prevent the Transylvanian Hungarians from achieving their full nationality rights in a peaceful manner. All parties in the Parliament joined in issuing a proclamation urging Hungarian citizens not to travel to Temesvár or to take part in the demonstration. There are still some of us here who heard the fatal ringing of churchbells on that tragic day of June 4, 1920, with our physical ears. We were thunderstruck! We still are! But we have not heard any bell-ringing on June 4, 1990! In Hungary and in Transylvania “the bells remained silent!” Reason given: democracy is still far from reality, especially in Transylvania. But what kept the churchbells ringing in our Bellfry places in this “Land of the free, and Home of the brave” here and throughout the free-world? Ady Endre: Fölszállott a páva „Fölszállott a páva a vármegye-házra, Sok szegény legénynek szabadulására. ” Kényes, büszke pávák, Nap-szédítő tollak, Hírrel hirdessétek: másképpen lesz holnap. Másképpen lesz holnap, másképpen lesz végre: Új arcok, új szemek kacagnak az égre. Új szelek nyögetik az ős magyar fákat. Várjuk már, várjuk az új magyar csodákat. Vagy bolondok vagyunk s elveszünk egy szálig, Vagy ez a mi hitünk valóságra válik. Új lángok, új hitek, új kohók, új szentek, Vagy vagytok vagy ismét semmi ködbe mentek. Vagy láng csak az ódon, vad vármegyeházra, Vagy itt ül a lelkünk tovább leigázva. Vagy lesz új értelmük a magyar igégnek, Vagy marad régiben a bús, magyar élet. „Fölszállott a páva a vármegye-házra Sok szegény legénynek szabadulására. " * Almost all Ady poems have been translated into English many times, as well as into many other languages. For unknown reason this poem has never been translated into English as yet. Here is another challenge! The Clevela nd ‘ Magyar Club’, with the purpose of perpetuating Hungarian Culture, abounds in talents. We will be more than happy to publish the translation in one of our future issues of our ‘Magyar Herald’. «■r n.V> Vi-r 1Xt ■VlV il Ur First Hungarian Reformed Church of Cleveland will celebrate the One-Hundreth Anniversary of Organization The actual Date of organizing the very first of all our churches on the whole American Continent was May 3,1891. Centennary Celebration is set for the weekend of May 3-5, 1991. Under the leadership of Rev. Frank Endrei, pastor, and Rev. William Nyerges assistant minister the Special Committee already started the preparation for the great event. Invitations to all our churches will be in the mail soon. Let us all plan ahead! It comes once in a lifetime. The birth-day of First Church is — indeed — the birth-day of all our Hungarian Reformed Churches in America. If we are so divided that even a joint celebration of all eight fractions could not be realized for this year’s October Event, then at least our Synod’s churches should come together and celebrate the birth of the First! ÍGY VOLT! ÍGY LESZ!