Magyar Herald, 1988 (1-4. szám)
1988 / 1. szám
Page 2 MAGYAR HERALD 1ST QUARTER, 1988 lílie ittayimr (Ehth of (üle&elartît OFFICERS 1987-1988 PRESIDENT Dr. John Palasics 3024 Huntington Road Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120 Tel.: 991-5677 VICE PRESIDENT Theodore Toth 8501 Countryside Drive Sagamore Hills, Ohio 44067 Tel.: 467-8912 SECRETARY Betty R. Galgány 6577 Woodhawk Drive Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124 Tel.: 461-4419 TREASURER John S. Veres 7512 McCreary Road Seven Hills, Ohio 44131 Tel: 524-8422 DIRECTORS - 1988 Dr. Francis Huba Ernest J. Dudák William Köteles 1989 Imre Balassa László Bojtos Frank Dobos 1990 Emery J. Szabo Lewis Robinson Zoltán Tóth HISTORIAN Dr. Dezső J. Ladányi AUDITOR Raymond J. Hasman L Department of Stale The State of Ohio Mierrod Brown Secretary of State Lif'.'.'i'f-:;;};;,) <^> Certificate It is hereby cerlillcd that (lie Secretary of Suite of Ohio has ciiMinIi ol ihr Records of Incur]Miration and Miscellaneous Filings, that said records show the filing and recording of:______iüü________________________________________________________ THE MAGYAR CLUB OF CLEVELAND United Stales of America Stale of Ohio Office of the Secretary of State Recorded on Kuli_____r>25 9____al Frame--------iilUJ—of llie Records of Incorporation and Miscellaneous Filing. Witness my hand and the seal of the Secretary of Stale, al the City of Columbus, Ohio, this ____1 3TM _ day of 0CT , (&tdwr\ ,Sherrod Broun Secretary of Slate Articles of Incorporation — OF — (l(Kï!ï9-D5i0i THE MAGYAR CLUB OF CLEVELAND ‘2 '/S.»oni (Nun* of Corporation) The undersigned, a majority of whom are citizens of the United Stales, desiring to form a c poration, not for profit, under Sections 1702.01 el seq., Revised Code of Ohio, do hereby certify: FIRST. The name of said corporation shall be_ _______the MAGYAR CLUB of CLEVELAND_________ SECOND. The place in Ohio where the principal office of the corporation is to be located is Cleveland_______________________________________________ Cny»hoE«______________Counly. (City, ViUeje or Towruhlpl THIRD. The purpose ur purposes for which said corporation is formed are: The purpose or purposes for which said corporation is f.ormed are: To promote and advance activities that support and preserve Hungarian culture including the language, literature, music, visual arts, science, drama and other elements thereof in, but not limited to, the City of Cleveland and the surrounding area, and the encouragement of public support toward these ends and providing such educational and social functions as will promote these purposes. This organization shall be non-partisan and non-sectarian. It shall not by resolution or otherwise be committed to the support of or endorsement of any candidate for public office. The corporation may acquire by gift, purchase, devise or bequest, real and personal property for the purposes appropriate in the exercise of its powers, and may lease, mortgage and dispose of real estate and personal property including the right to take hold and dispose of shares of stock in other corporations; it may receive, hold and disburse cash or monies contributed to this Club for such expenditures as shall be deemed appropriate and ,'<>nsistent>iith these purposes. GG2iilM)!i02 FOURTH. The following persons, not less than three, shall serve said corporation as trustees until first annual meeting or other meeting called to elect trustees. Dr. John Palasics Theodore Toth Betty R. Galgany GIVE STREET AND POST OmCE ADDRESS _____________ 3021 Hnntingtin Road, Shaker Heights, 0. 44120 0. ________________ 850l Countryside Drive Sagamore Hills/ 0441-67 ________________ 6577 Woodhawk Drive Mayfield HelRlits, 0. 44124 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto subscribed our names, this 5th _ October 5, Alfa és Omega — kezdet és vég The Alpha and Omega — MITŐL — MEDDIG ? Az alfától az ómegáig, a csermelytől az óceánig, az éhezéstől a jóllakásig, a sírástól a nevetésig, gazdagságtól a szegénységig — és még ki tudja, mitől meddig minden belefér életünkbe. Nem szoríthatjuk két kezünkbe, és nem merülhet közönyünkbe, hogy vajon egyszer eljutunk-e az alfától az ómegáig, a csermelytől az óceánig? Az életmentő szomjúságig: ácsorgástól a keresésig, a magánytól a közösségig, a száguldástól — egy lépésig... A kettőspont tárt kapuján át vakszemű hitből a látásig: az Alfáig és Omegáig! Lukátsi Vilma The above is an impressive and very modern Hungarian poem. Its translation into English will be appreciated. Our Club abounds in talented members. Here is a chalenge! We will gladly publish il in our next Issue.