Magyar Egyház, 1999 (78. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1999 / 1. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 9. oldal reduce the cost and printing time of the quarterly. To improve the appearance of the publication, additional pictures were included. Inadequate financing and an obsolete mailing list continue to be problems. Mr. Szabó said that he would appreciate comments from readers regarding the articles that appear in the Magyar Egyház. Rev. Mezo advanced the idea of appointing a committee to support and assist the publication of the periodical. Ms. Priscilla Hunyady, Business Manager, informed the Assembly that the publication and mailing of each issue costs 2,500 dollars for an annual total of 10,000 dollars for four issues. Ms. Hunyady distributed mailing lists and asked the delegates to review and return them to her. Youth Camp: Although attendance is decreasing, most participants felt the camp was a success. One day, the youth sang hymns and praise songs for the elderly residents at the Bethlen Nursing Home. Ms. Hunyady thanked both the William Penn Association and the Hungarian Reformed Federation for their significant financial support that reduces the amount of each youth’s expenses. The 1999 youth camp will be held from August 1 to 7 again at Laurelville, Pennsylvania. The Treasurer’s report. Left to right: Ms Priscilla Hunyady, Bishop Alexander Forro and Chief Elder Stephen Szabó In behalf of the ministerial Qualifying Committee, the Rev. Dr. Imre Bertalan reported that during the year, the Committee examined three new pastors and they have been approved to serve in our denomination. He further stressed that greater emphasis must be placed on the invitations and selections of those pastors who come from the old country to work in our congregations. He requested that our intentions in this matter should be made to the attention of the church leadership in Hungary. The Assembly expressed thanks and offered continued support toward the work of this Committee. The Rev. Ambrus Batiz, Ecumenical Secretary, was asked by Bishop Forro to report on our association with other church bodies as well as religious organizations. He indicated that there are five different religious organizations that we keep our membership. Some of these are very much on the left side of the theological spectrum, while others are within our own Hungarian Reformed faith. He suggested that we evaluate our membership in these organizations and continue to work with others to the greater glory of God. After forming the various committees, the Ballot Opening and Nominating Committee reported that the official ballots received from the congregations were opened by a special committee with the following results: Our congregations re-elected the Rt. Rev. Alexander Forro to serve for the next four years as Bishop. Our congregations re-elected Mr. Stephen Szabó to serve for the next four years as Chief Elder. In addition, the following individuals were elected to serve as Judicial Commission members for the next four years: the Rev. Peter Toth and Mr. Frank Király. The Rev. Arpad Drotos and Dr. Otto Kanocz. The Rev. Pal Mezo and Mr. István Farkas. Our congregations approved all changes in the bylaws and constitution as recommended by the Bishop’s Council. The Nominating Committee further reported their nominations for the following offices: Ecclesiastical Secretary - the Rev. Stefan M. Torok. Lay Secretary of the Synod - Mr. Zolten Ambrus. Synod Treasurer - Miss Priscilla Hunyady. Ecumenical Secretary - the Rev. Ambrus Batiz, Synod Counselor - Mr. William Puskas, Esq., Synod Comptroller - Mr. Anthony C. Beke. Ministerial Qualifying Committee Chairperson - the Rev. Dr. Imre Bertalan. The Assembly unanimously approved all these nominations. Recommendation Committee brought the following points before the Assembly: Recommend that the Western Classis division be approved by the Assembly to Western Classis and Central Classis. We recommend that the Hungarian Reformed Church in America through its individual congregations, find a way to assist the flood victims of Hungary and the Ukraine. We recommend that the Hungarian Reformed Church in America together with its congregations will support and take part in the upcoming Hungarian Assembly in America to be organized in 1999. We recommend that all-important informations within our Synod be shared with the official publications of the Reformed Church in Hungary - Reformátusok Lapja.

