Magyar Egyház, 1998 (77. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1998 / 2. szám

8. oldal MAGYAR EGYHÁZ MEETING OF THE EASTERN CLASSIS The annual meeting of the Eastern Classis of the Hungarian Reformed Church in America was held on Sunday, March 8, 1998 at the Hungarian Evangelical Church of Bethlehem, Pa. The meeting started somewhat later than originally planned at 3:00 PM since some of the participants were stuck in traffic on Route 287 because of a serious accident. The meeting was called to order by the Dean of the Eastern Classis, the Rev. Stefan M. Torok, who requested the Pastor of the host congregation, the Rev. Ronald Hari to conduct the opening devotions. Following the opening service, Mr. Robert Csizma, Chief Elder of the congregation, extended a welcome to all assembled. Dean Torok also extended a welcome to all in attendance and called upon the Secretaries, the Rev. Dr. Imre Bertalan, Ecclesiastical Secretary and Miss Priscilla Hunyady, Lay Secretary, to have a roll call. The following officers and members were present: Dean, the Rev. Stefan M. Torok, Chief Elder, Mr. Balint Balogh, Secretaries, the Rev. Dr. Imre Bertalan and Miss Priscilla Hunyady, Treasurer, Mr. Andrew C. Lovász. Commissioners to the General Assembly: Mr. Robert Zambo, member of the Judicial Commission: the Rev. Barnabas Roczey, the Rev. Ambrus Batiz and the Rev. Peter Toth clergy, Mr. Gabriel Csapó lay, Dean Mr. Robert Csizma, Chief Elder of the host congregation. Behind him Rev. Eonald Hari. Torok, declared the Assembly legal and further requested the Secretaries to take account of the representatives of the congregation. Bethlehem, PA, was represented by the Pastor Rev. Ronald Hari and Chief Elder, Mr. Robert Csizma, Carteret, NJ, was represented by the Pastor Rev. Peter Toth and Chief Elder, Mr. Leonard Sendelsky, Dallas, Texas and Houston, Texas congregation were not represented. Linden, NJ was represented by the Rev. Ambrus Batiz and Miss Priscilla Hunyady. No representation was from Miami, FL. The Pastor, the Rev. László Lukacsi indicated in a telephone conversation that due to the distance they will not be able to attend, but asked God’s richest blessings on the assembly. The Perth Amboy congregation was represented by the Pastor, the Rev. Stefan M. Torok and the Secretary of the Church Council, Mrs. Priscilla Jenkins. The Trenton congregation was represented by their new Pastor, the Rev. László Ujj and Council member, Mr. Frank Király. The Washington, D.C., congregation was represented by Pastor, the Rev. Dr. Imre Bertalan, who also introduced the Rev. Csaba Krasznai, student assistant Pastor of the congregation from Hungary, and Chief Elder, Mr. Zoltán Bagdy. Guests attending the conference were: the Rt. Rev. Alexander Forro, Bishop, Mr. Stephen Szabó, Chief Elder of the Synod, the Rt. Rev. dr. Francis Vitéz, Bishop Calvin Synod, the Very Rev. Albert W. Kovács, Dean of the Eastern Classis of Calvin Synod, Mr. László Vanyi, Chief Elder of the New York Classis, Mr. Les Martin, Seminary Student from Princeton under the care of the Eastern Classis as well as President of the Hungarian Presbyter’s Association, Mrs. Helen Dodge, Vice President of the Eastern Area of the Presbyter’s Association.

