Magyar Egyház, 1990 (69. évfolyam, 3-6. szám)

1990-05-01 / 3. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 7. oldal TŐKÉS LÁSZLÓ PÜSPÖKKÉ SZENTELÉSE A romániai forradalom lángragyújtóját, Tőkés Lászlót, a királyhágómelléki református egyházkerület püspökévé válasz­totta. Mikó Jenő szlovákiai magyar református püspök végezte az ünnepi szertartást május 6-án. Az erre az alkalomra szóló meghívás csupán öt nappal előbb érkezett püspöki hivata­lunkhoz. Ezért Dr. Harsányi András a maga és ugyancsak meghívott felesége valamint az Amerikai Magyar Református Egyház egész közössége nevében táviratban köszöntötte Tőkés Lászlót és kérte Isten áldását püspöki szolgálatára. ANDREW HARSANYI HONORARY DOCTOR OF THE REFORMED THEOLOGICAL ACADEMY OF DEBRECEN At a festive assembly of the Reformed Theological Acad­emy of Debrecen on March 14 the Honorary Doctoral Degree was conferred upon Dr. Andrew Harsanyi, Bishop of the Hun­garian Reformed Church in America. The award was given by the Faculty of the Academy to Dr. Harsanyi “on the occasion of the 400th Anniversary of the Károli Bible: for the language of Károli, for the cause of the Hungarian Reformed people and for his services for them, in recognition of his life’s work.” Dr. Harsanyi completed his high-school education in the Reformed College of Debrecen, his theological studies at the Reformed Theological Faculty of the Tisza István University of Debrecen and the Reformed Seminary of the Transtibiscan Church District, followed by earning his Ph.D. at the Philo­sophical Faculty of the University of Budapest specializing in Medieval Hungarian Church History. At the same assembly the Honorary Doctoral Degree was received by Imre Bán, retired professor of literature at the University of Debrecen, Dr. János Bütösi, retired bishop of the Calvin Synod, U.C.C., Dr. Imre Gyenge, retired super­intendent of the Reformed Church in Austria, Imre Hodosy, bishop of the (Hungarian) Reformed Church of Jugoslavia, and Dr. József Ujfalussy, musicologist and academician. Dr. Imre Bertalan, president of the Hungarian Reformed Federa­tion of America was also named to receive the honorary degree but was unable to be present. ÚJ MAGYAR REFORMÁTUS GYÜLEKEZETEK ALAKULTAK Nagy Lajosné prédikátorunk fáradhatatlan szolgálatának újabb áldott gyümölcse két gyülekezeti igehirdetői állomás, egyik Houston, Texasban, másik San Diego, Kaliforniában. Mindkét gyülekezet gondos előkészítés és szervezés után in­dult, és immár odajutottak, hogy havonként tartandó isten­tiszteleteket terveznek. Az eddigi istentiszteleteket és úrvacso­raosztásokat igen szépszámú gyülekezet látogatta. A Dallas, Texas-i istentiszteletek tovább folynak. Ismerve Nagy Lajosné tiszteletes asszonyt, az Úr szolgá­latában való buzgóságát, igehirdetői és szervezői képességét, bizonyosak vagyunk, hogy a déli és délnyugati államokból újabb lehetőségekről kapunk híreket. MEETING OF THE EASTERN CLASSIS On March 4th representatives and delegates from the Congregations of the Eastern Classis of the Hungarian Re­formed Church in America gathered at our sister church in Roebling, New Jersey for their Annual Assembly. The fol­lowing churches were present with official representation: Bethlehem, PA; Carteret, NJ; Linden, NJ; Perth Amboy, NJ; Roebling, NJ; Trenton, NJ; Washington. DC. No official delegates arrived from Miami, Florida and Dallas. Texas. The meeting opened with a Devotional Service offered by the host Pastor, Rev. Edwin Stern at 3:00 p.m. The following church dignitaries extended a greetings to the Assembly: Rt. Rev. Dr. Andrew Harsanyi Bishop, also Dean Emeritus of the Eastern Classis, Mr. Anthony C. Beke, Chief-Elder of the Synod, The Very Rev. Alexander Forro, Dean of the New York Classis, Rev. Barnabas Roczey, Pastor of the New Brunswick Magyar Reformed Church, through a letter Rev. Dr. Francis Vitéz, Dean of the Eastern Classis, United Church of Christ, and Rev. Dr. Imre Bertalan, Presi­dent of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America. During the first half of the meeting official reading of the minutes were read by Miss Priscilla Hunyady and Rev. Kalman Adorján, Secretaries and the Treasurer’s report was offered by Mr. Andrew C. Lovász, Treasurer. Both Dean Rev. Torok and Mr. Balint Balogh, Chief- Elder offered their official reports, which were accepted by the Assembly. During the meeting working committees were established as the Recommendation and Finance Committee, and separate meeting was held by the Judicial Commission of the Classis, at which time both the Dean and Mr. Anthony C. Beke, Chief-Elder of the Synod reported on the situation in Miami, Florida. Mr. Anthony C. Beke was asked by the Dean to represent the Classis at the Request of the Officers and mem­bers of the Kossuth Club at their Annual Congregational Meeting. Following the committee meetings, the individual groups made their reports. All points of the Recommandation Com­mittee has been accepted by the Assembly and was mailed according to the wishes of the Assembly to every congrega­tion. The treasurer’s report was found acceptable and the list of donations, and financial assistance to the various locations was made and unanimously accepted. Bishop Dr. Andrew Harsanyi informed us of the sad events in Erdély and the possibilities of our assistance. Remembering our elders and pastors who have gone to be with the Lord Rt. Rev. Dezső Abraham, Bishop Emeritus offered prayers in their behalf to the Lord. The Assembly concluded its business by establishing the location of next year’s meeting, which will be held on the afternoon of the First Sunday in March by our sister church in Carteret, NJ. Both the officers and elders of the host congregation extended a warm greeting to the members of the Assembly to join with them for a fellowship dinner. It was truly a joyful time to be together, to share our love and concern for the congregations, and express our unity in the Lord. We look forward to any and all occasions, when the members of the Classis can join again in Christian Fellowship.

