Magyar Egyház, 1979 (58. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1979-09-01 / 9-12. szám

14 MAGYAR EGYHÁZ and grandson of Mrs. Theresa Csogi of our church was baptized. Jeffrey ar­rived almost three months early, but due to the excellent care he received after his birth he is now a normal healthy baby. We are very happy that he will be baptized at our church. We have planned a special Advent observance this year. Along with the traditional Advent wreath, we made a Chrismon Tree. Chrismon stands for Christ monogram, and refers to the various symbols that represent Christ, for example the Chi Rho, the fish and the cross. During each of the four Ad­vent services members of the Sunday School read scriptural passages and explanations of the symbols. After church the congregation was invited to make the symbols, which then hung on a tree in the sanctuary. The Hungarian Reformed Church of Roebling wishes all of our sister churches a blessed and happy Christ­mas, and a joyous New Year. TRENTON, N. J. Baptisms. October 7: Amber Marie, the child of Mr. Ronald Piatkowski and wife nee Helen O. Davis; October 21: Robert Michael, the child of Mr. Robert M. Campbell and wife nee Margaret Vágott; October 28: Jason Michael, the child of Mr. Gary Conrad and wife nee Cynthia Matthias, were baptized. Marriages. August 11: Michael John Goydan and Pamela A. Chmiel; Sep­tember 22: James Brennan, Jr. and Gabriella Pandak; September 29: Lon­­gino Ortiz and Debra Czap; October 27: Robert Tumillo and Joyce Kuber­­nuk; October 24: George Földvary and Elleonore Perrine; November 24: Wil­liam Thomas Thornton and Margaret Polgardy; December 1: George Slowit­­sky and Juliana Csak, were married in our church. Funerals. August 14: Walter Cade, August 15: Mrs. Albina Dubovecz, September 10: Mrs. Albert Havranko, September 12: Joseph Mathews, Sep­tember 13: Andrew Rostás, September 21: Mrs. Sarah Csik (Roebling), Sep­tember 24: Mrs. Ruth Apáti (Akron), October 24: John R. Such, and Miss Mildred Snyder, November 13: John Szalay, November 21: Mrs. Sándor Acs, were buried. The 85th anniversary of our church and the Reformation were celebrated and remembered at the worship ser­vices and a banquet, on October 28th. The guest preacher was the Rev. Csaba Orosz from McKeesport, Pa. and the main speaker of the banquet was the Rev. Milan Ontko, pastor of the St. John's Slovak Lutheran church of Tren­ton. Mr. Sándor Hody from New Bruns­wick sang both at the worship services and the banquet. Mr. Stephen Ture, elder, gave a short history of the 85 years of the church, at the banquet. Mr. John Nemish, chief-elder of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Ameri­ca, conducted the worship services on August 26th. The annual meeting of the Eastern Classis was held in our church on Octo­ber 14th. Our chief-elder, Mr. Anthony C. Beke, was elected the chief-elder of the Eastern Classis. Mr. Gilbert Lugossy, church mem­ber, was re-elected as sheriff of Mercer County, Trenton, N.J. The Young Married Couples Club had a successful square dance on No­vember 3. The annual bazaar of the Women’s Guild was a great success again, on November 17th. On Thanksgiving Day our Sunday School children presented a food-basket to a needy family. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO With thankfulness toward God, do we report, that during the past few months we were able to buy three empty lots behind the church. These three lots are already cleaned out and they will be used as parking lots. We still would like to buy the lot next to the manse and then we will be assured of ade­quate parking for any given Sunday, or Holiday. On November 1st, the Eve of Thanks­giving Day, the five Hungarian churches in our city held an Ecumenical Church service. This service was held at the St. George Church. After the service all those who have attended were the guests of the host church for refresh­ments. On Sunday, November 25th, we held in our church the Annual Bethlen Home Sunday. The Rev. Paul Kovács, director of the Bethlen Home pro­claimed the Word of God on that Sun­day. The same Sunday the pastor of the church was substituting the Rt. Rev. Tibor Dömötör, Dean of the Western Classis, who was in Toronto, Canada, to dedicate the new church there. The order of our Christmas services will be included in our Christmas let­ter, which will be sent to every mem­ber. On Sunday, November 4th, the mem­bers of the congregation held an open house, to help to celebrate the 25th Wedding Anniversary of the pastor and his wife. We would like to express our thanks, openly, for the open house and the many gifts. A MAGYAR EGYHÁZ szer­kesztői Istentől gazdagon megáldott karácsonyi ün­neplést és boldog, békés új esztendőt kívánnak minden egyes magyar testvérünknek GYÜLEKEZETI ÉLET AKRON, OHIO Templom: 2625 Copley Road Telefon: (216) 666-9777 Lelkipásztor: Dömötör Tibor esperes 1657 Centerview Drive, Akron, Ohio 44321 Telefon: (216) 666-4600 Október 14-én a Nyugati Egyház­megye közgyűlése ülést tartott egy­házunknál. Lelkészünket újra az egy­házmegye esperesévé választották, Dr. Banda Árpádot újra az egyházmegye pénztárosává, Szőr Tibor algondnokun­­kat pedig az egyházmegye képviselőjévé. Az egyházmegye életére és új vezető­ségére Isten áldását kérjük. Ugyancsak október 14-én ünnepeltük a Lorántffy Otthon megnyitásának ötö­dik évfordulóját. Hatalmas ünnepség keretében avattuk fel a 107 nevet ma­gában foglaló bronz emléktáblákat és hálaadó istentiszteleten és ünnepi ban­ketten emlékeztünk meg az Úristennek hozzánk való irgalmasságáról és kegyel­­mességéröl. Az évforduló ünnepségének lelki és erkölcsi áldásai melett több mint 8,000 dolláros anyagi eredménnyel zártuk a felejthetetlen napot. Bazárunk tiszta bevétele meghaladta az 1,600 dollárt. Ezúton is hálás köszö­netét mondunk a dolgozóknak, áldozók­­nak és megjelenőknek. Lelkészünk az elmúlt hónapok során ünnepi szolgálatokat végzett San Fran­ciscóban, Ontarioban, Phoenixben és Torontóban. A szeptemberi new yorki közgyűlésen lelkészünket az Amerikai Magyar Sző-

