Magyar Egyház, 1976 (55. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1976-01-01 / 1-2. szám

8 MAGYAR EGYHÁZ What are you doing with the fact that your ancestors gave to the world the galley slave ministers? Is your faith as precious to you as theirs was to them? I told you that in Gomor 20 marble plaques are in the small churches. Are the Hungarian Reformed Christians in the USA able to have 1 marble plaque in the church which belongs to all of us in Ligonier? ☆ ☆ “Some were tortured, refusing to accept release, that they might rise again to a better life. Others suffered mucking and scourging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, destitute, afflicted, ill-treated — of whom the world was not worthy...” (Hebrews 11:35-37). THE HUNGARIAN GALLEY SLAVE MINISTERS THE HEROES OF OUR FAITH Alistali György—reformed minister of Szőny Bátorkeszi István—reformed minister of Veszprém Bugányi Miklós—lutheran minister of Gömör Czeglédi Péter—reformed minister of Léva Füleki István—reformed minister of Naprágy Harsányi István—reformed minister of Rimaszombat Jablonczai János—reformed minister of Beje Kálnai Péter—reformed minister of Putnok Kocsi Csergő Bálint—reformed professor minister of Pápa Komáromi István—reformed minister of Ács Köpeczi Balázs—reformed minister of Szkáros Körmendi György—reformed dean of Bars Krasznay Mihály—reformed minister of Kelemér Leprónius Miklós—lutheran minister of Pohár Miskolczi Mihály—reformed minister of Fülek Nikletzius Boldizsár—lutheran minister of Alsósztregova Nikletzius Sámuel—lutheran minister of Újbánya Otrokoczi Fóris Ferenc—reformed minister of Rimaszécs Sedényi István—lutheran minister of Dörgicse Sellyéi István—reformed bishop of Pápa Simonyi Péter—reformed teacher of Simony Somodi János—reformed minister of Szend Steller Tamás—lutheran teacher of Besztercebánya Szodói András—reformed minister of Sáró Szalóczi Mihály—reformed minister of Zubogy Szentpéteri Márton—reformed minister of Hét Tinkovitz János-—lutheran minister of Leste Ungvári János—reformed minister of Mezőőrs Vigh András—lutheran minister of Fülek THESE MEN DIED ON THE GALLEY: Borhidai Miklós—-lutheran minister of Szentandrás Füleki István—reformed minister of Naprágy Masari Dániel—lutheran minister of Tamási Paulo vies Miklós—lutheran teacher of Turócszentmárton Szilvási István—reformed minister of Császár THESE MEN DIED IN BUCCARI: Szendrei György—reformed minister of Balog Szendrei Márton—reformed minister of Harmac Szentkirályi András—reformed minister of Zsip Tökölyi István—reformed minister of Doboz RANSOM WAS PAID AND THESE MEN WERE RELEASED: Meregszászi István—reformed minister of Hamva Csuzi Jakab—reformed minister of Losonc THESE MEN WERE LIBERATED: Kállai István—reformed minister of Vály (but he died in Venice) Ladmóczi István—reformed minister of Serke Rimaszombati János—reformed minister of Csoltó Szentpéteri István—reformed minister of Simony Tatai Sámuel—reformed minister of Tornaija Louis Nagy NEWS FROM THE CONGREGATIONS AKRON, OHIO Our 1976 church officers: Chief El­der: Edward Var go, assistant chief el­der: Ted Szor, treasurer-secretary: Em­ma jean Rutherford, auditors: Dr. Ár­pád Banda, Charles Boehme, the mem­bers of the council: József Baksa, Char­les Dark, Joseph E. Druga, István Gyet­­vai, John Kató, János Kecskés, József Miller, Alex Patonai, Gabor Patonai, Frank Race, Robert Rutherford, Ernest Sala, Anna Sala, János Sensenstein and János Varga. Officers of our Dorcas Guild: Presi­dent: Mrs. Margaret Race, vice presi­dent: Mrs. Helen Farkas, secretary: Mrs. Donna Dark, treasurer: Mrs. Anna Sala, sunshine lady: Mrs. Ann Buko­­vey, chaplain: Mrs. Ann Druga. Officers of our Marta Circle: Presi­dent: Mrs. Mary Nagy, vice president: Mrs. Alex Sivo, treasurer: Mrs. József Druga, secretary: Mrs. John Tokár, sunshine lady: Elizabeth Bajusz, audi­tors: Mrs. Matthew Havassy and Mrs. James Lazar. ALLEN PARK, MICH. The annual congregational meeting of the church was held on January 25th. The traditional annual pork dinner on January 31st. Thanks to those who helped and worked. Statistics: baptisms 17, confirmation 10, marriages 17, deaths 39, 3 moved, new members 47. Dorcas Guild officers: Mrs. Camille Bosak president, Mrs. Rose Faragó 1st vice president, Mrs. Irene Széles 2nd vice president, Mrs. Rose Wickers sec­retary, Ethel Vig treasurer, Mrs. Betty Kish and Mrs. Margaret Kato auditors, Mrs. Irene Ambrus chaplain, Mrs. Mar­garet Abraham advisor, Mrs. Olga Char­­boneau sunshine, Mrs. Alice Tóth cor­respondents, Mrs. Velma Lambert ban­quet chairlady, Mrs. Debbie Indre pi­anist. The Golden Circle Club sponsored the annual New Years’ eve dinner. Thanks and appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Edward King president and his ticket chair persons Mr. and Mrs. Jo­seph (Emma) Lucas. This was one of the most successful New Year’s Eve affairs. The officers were all reelected for another term. The new parsonage was completed and the pastor and his wife moved into the beautiful new home in the middle of January. Thanks to all, who helped with their donations! CARTERET, N. J. We gratefully note that large congre­gations attended the Sunday School Christmas program in the church as well as the Christmas Eve services; we regret to report, however, that the num­ber of people at the Lord’s Table was less than would be expected from a con­gregation of our size. Donations during the holiday season were high; the Lo­­rantffy Society, the Junior Women’s Guild and the Youth Fellowship made

