Magyar Egyház, 1975 (54. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1975-08-01 / 8-9. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 13 Annual Bethlen Youth Federation Con­ference in Michigan, which was hosted by the Allen Park Fellowship. Our Youth Fellowship was also very well represented at this conference, along with a few advisors, 22 persons traveled from our church to the Conference. At the end of this conference our pastor and his family attended the Ministerial Association Conference in Ligonier, Pa. In the pastor’s absence, the preaching of the Word of God did not stop, how­ever. Our English service was conducted by Mr. Dave Hillman, a member of the “Gideon Bible Society.” Our Hungarian church service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Nicholas Nyary, retired pastor from our sister church in Staten Island, N. Y. According to our church tradition here in Perth Amboy we serve the broken body and shed blood of our Lord, symbolicly in the bread and wine on every first Sunday of the month. Participation in the Holy Communion this month was satisfactory. Our guest minister for this occasion was also Rev. Dr. Nicholas Nyary. Our meetings have also started in each and every church organization. Our church elders dis­cussed the progress in the works and painting of the Church Center, which by the time of the publication of this report will be finished. At the present we are dealing with the problem of low attendance in our Sunday School. As you were able to read in our last report, our Vacation Bible School was a suc­cess, but our Sunday School attendance is very low. We hope that the Lord will grant us wisdom to deal with the situa­tion, and we will be able with His help to solve the existing problem. Vital Statistics: weddings: August 16, Mr. Ronald Sepcsik to Joan O’­Bucks; August 23, Mr. James Karoly and Phyllis (Matullo) Rosato. May the Almighty lead them on their united life together in peace, harmony and hap­piness. Funerals: Mr. Anthony Farkas, at the age of 65. May the Everlasting Com­forter be the comfort of all whose hearts are broken and may He guide all of us into the right path to be with the Lord— who is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE. HUNGARIAN COOK BOOK Order from: THE WOMEN’S GUILD 331 Kirkland Place Perth Amboy, N. J. 08861 STATEN ISLAND, N. Y. On June 8 the congregation arranged a dinner in honor of its supply pastor, Rev. August J. Molnár. The occasion was also the anniversary date of his ordination. Pastors and members of other congregations were in attendance. Rev. Imre Bertalan, a former pastor of the Staten Island church, was the mas­ter of ceremonies at the dinner. Greet­ings were given by Dr. Andrew Har­­sanyi, Dr. Andrew Kosa, Rev. Emil Varga and Rev. Francis Vitéz. The Women’s Guild sponsored a suc­cessful Strawberry Festival and Chinese Auction on June 20. The annual Church Bazaar of the Guild will be held on September 27 and on October 4. The second annual picnic of the con­gregation was arranged on the church grounds on July 27. Attendance nearly doubled over last year’s event. During Rev. Molnar’s vacation in August, the pulpit was supplied by Rev. Emil Varga, pastor of the First Re­formed Church of South River, New Jersey. Worldwide Communion Sunday will be observed on October 5. In 1976 the congregation shall ob­serve its 60th anniversary. Special plans for the observance are being made. TRENTON, N. J. The New Bread Communion was held on August 3. 110 persons attended the Lord’s Table. Painting of the church and parsonage exterior is completed. The church, the school and the parsonage are in excel­lent condition. The Men’s Club had two bus trips recently. On June 21 there was a trip to Barnesville, Pa. to attend the Bava­rian Beer Festival, and on August 2, to Jones Beach, N. Y. to see “Oklahoma.” Funerals. Mrs. Rose Orosz Mozer was buried on July 5. Because of our pastor being on vacation, the funeral service was conducted by Rt. Rev. Dr. Zoltán Béky and Rev. Gabor Nietch. On July 10 Rev. Dr. Tibor Szilágyi, retired min­ister of the former John Kálvin Re­formed Church of Trenton, was buried. Our pastor conducted the Hungarian part of the service. On July 29 Mrs. Anthony Mészáros was buried. Mrs. Mészáros was one of the most faithful members of the church and the Lo­­rantffy Zsuzsanna Society. For many years she was its president. Our organizations resume their acti­vities in September. Children of age 12 and over are invited to be in the new catechism class to get ready for their confirmation. The General and Constitutional As­sembly of our denomination was at­tended by our pastor, Mr. Joseph Jenei, Mr. Anthony C. Beke and Mr. Andrew Ture on June 2, in Ligonier, Pa. GYÜLEKEZETI ÉLET AKRON, OHIO Templom: 2625 Copley Road Telefon: (216) 666-9777 Lelkipásztor: Dömötör Tibor esperes 1657 Centerview Drive, Akron, Ohio 44321 Telefon: (216) 666-4600 Egyházunk évi zenés piknikje hatal­mas siker volt. Az ország minden részé­ből jöttek látogatók és résztvevők. Egy­házunk teljes haszna 3,225 dollár volt. Hálás köszönet a dolgozóknak és a tá­mogatóknak. Augusztus folyamán 2,000 dolláros költséggel ujrafestettük templomunkat. Szeptember 14-én ünnepeltük uj templomunk felavatásának 10 éves év­fordulóját. Lorántffy Otthonunk teljesen megtelt lakókkal augusztus közepén. Jelenleg 94 lakónk van, akik a legjobb ellátás­ban, gondozásban és igaz magyar szere­­tetben részesülve élik idős napjaikat. Az elmúlt hónap folyamán az esedékes havi törlesztésen kívül Otthonunk 3,000 dollárt visszatörlesztett egyházunknak, 5,000 dollárt pedig a banknak. ALLEN PARK, MICH. Lelkipásztor: Ábrahám Dezső püspök Templom: 9901 Allen Rd., Allen Park, Mich. 48101 Telefon: (313) 381-3178 Az egyház új temploma építésének 10 éves jubileuma szeptember 21-én volt: hálás köszönet mindazoknak, akik a siker érdekében sokat munkálkodtak, tagoknak és jó barátoknak, akik részt­­vettek akár a közös istentiszteleten akár a banketten és adományt adtak az “adósság törlesztési alapra.” Októberben első vasárnap úrvacsora osztás lesz. Kérjük hiveinket, hogy jöj­jenek hűségesen és rendszeresen a templomba. Konfirmációs osztályunkba jelentkez­zenek a 12 éves fiuk és leányok, vagy akik 7-ik és 8-ik osztályba járnak. Magyarul tanulni szándékozók jelent­kezzenek akár a “kezdő” akár a “hala­dó” csoportba. Az új parókia építése szépen halad: hálás köszönet mindenkinek aki máris bőkezű adományt adott, kérjük azokat is, akik még ezután szándékoznak az építési alapot támogatni, hogy tegyék meg jó szívvel; a legkisebb adományt is hálásan köszöni az egyház vezetősége. Kamatmentes-kölcsönt is köszönettel fogadunk. Statisztikai adatok: Uj tagjaink kö-

