Magyar Egyház, 1974 (53. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1974-08-01 / 8-9. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 15 NEWS FROM THE CONGREGATIONS ALLEN PARK, MICH. Mr. Joseph Pagan and son Richard donated a new folding machine in mem­ory of Mrs. Valerie Pagan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kish (L. Pk.) donated a SONYO casette portable tape recorder to be used for the shut-in brethren. Thanks and appreciation to them. Sunday School will be in recess dur­ing July and August. Many children received perfect attendance awards. The following teachers helped during 1973- 74 term: Ernest Káplár superintendent, Kathy Toth secretary, Mrs. Irene Amb­rus treasurer, John L. Sabadash pianist, Garalyn R. Vickers, Mary Ann Opra, Helen Kaplar, Rose Molnár, Bill Hodi, Vivian Fritus, Arthur, David and Zolten Ambrus, Betthy Neiberth, Emma Ba­logh, Rebecca Kaplar, Diana Láczay. Thanks to everyone of them. The Golden Circle Club arranged a “pancake” breakfast on June 9th. Due to the hard work and cooperation of all it was a successful affair. Holy Communion in thanksgiving for “harvest” will be observed on Sunday, August 4th. Statistics— Baptisms: David Matthew Braun, son of Edward L. Braun and Paula Koccata, godparents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wallendowski; John Stephen Eberle, son of Stephen J. Eberle and Mary Horváth, godparents Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rácz; Joseph Michael Kish, son of William S. Kish and Yolanda Mol­nár, godparents Mr. and Mrs. John Ács. May God bless the children and their loved ones. Marriages: Gordon E. Wharff and Diana M. Oravecz April 20; Louis S. Németh and Theresa Koroknay May 25th; Benjamin E. Clough and April A. Koy, Cletus G. Ott and Jeannine M. Mathia June 1st; Richard G. Mosteller and Judy S. Molnár June 15th; Imre Oláh and Priscilla Gergel June 22nd. May God’s blessing be upon these cou­ples joined in His holy name. Deaths are recorded in the Hungarian section of the paper. Thanks and appreciation is hereby expressed to all who worked and helped beautify the parsonage, who welcomed the Rt. Rev. and Mrs. D. Abraham, upon their arrival and the many good­­hearted people who expressed their re­spect and love toward them by the gifts they showered upon them. It is the hope of all God-fearing and loving members of the congregation that peace, good will and cooperation between all mem­bers and families will unite everyone for the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ and the glory of Almighty God. Note the new telephone number of the parsonage is 313-381-8400. CARTERET, N. J. We had three well attended and much enjoyed summer picnics: one in honor of the newly confirmed by the Youth Fellowship in the church yard,, another, a pool-side picnic for the Junior Wo­men’s Guild at the Sendelskys with the Lorantfy ladies as guests, and the third, a lake-side trip to the Harsanyis or­ganized by the Lorantfy Society. Preparations are well under way for the following two affairs —- note the dates: Chinese Auction by tthe Junior Women’s Guild on September 9 and the Annual Church Dinner on November 2 when we are planning to have a mort­gage burning ceremony. Registration stands at 15 for the Labor Day weekend Bethlen Youth Fed­eration conference. The baptism of Helen Diana, daugh­ter of John James Edward Winchell and his wife, the former Gloria Helen Po­kol, is being planned for August 18. Funerals: Mrs. Andrew Debrey (Bor­bála Szaniszló), 89 years old, on July 6; Andrew Joseph Chizmar, 80, on July 22. DUQUESNE, PA. Baptisms: on July 1st Sandra Lor­raine, daughter of Robert Szepesi and his wife, the former Joan Savel. God­parents: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heyz. On August 4th Rebecca Jo, daughter of David McManus and his wife, the for­mer Shirley Stiver. Godparents: Robert Bodnar and Mrs. Lois Davis. Funerals: July 3rd, Alex Nagy Sr., interment in our cemetery; August 14th, Julia Kapolka, interment in our ceme­tery; August 27th, John Balazs, inter­ment in our cemetery. Vacation Bible School was held on August 12-16th. Co-superintendents were Mrs. Ann Shigo and Mrs. Irene Zeleznik. 30 students attended school, some of them were guests. McKeesport, pa. The Lord’s Supper for New Bread was served on August 4 at both worship services. Vacation Bible School with about 20- 25 children was held August 19 through August 23. On the closing day the vari­ous classes took part in a program to show what they had learned during the Bible School. The International Village on August 20, 21 and 22 was a great success also this year. The Women’s Guild organized the workers of young and old, of child­ren and adults who worked hand in hand to make those three days success­ful and also enjoyable. Our “Hungarian Booth” attracted hundreds and hundreds of people enjoying the good Hungarian foods and baked goods. The Sunday School will resume its activity on September 8. Funerals: William Bone, 51, died on July 21, buried on July 24. Joseph Al­­masy, 61, died on August 15, buried on August 20. ROEBLING, N. J. During the past month or so almost every member of our congregation was talking about and planning for the upcoming “Flea Market” which proved a great success. I must confess that the success was not dependent upon the beautiful weather when so many go out hunting for bargains, but upon our own members who gave their very best ef­forts into this activity. The clear profit of the Flea Market was $677.15. Let me take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all our members and friends for their participation. The great success of the Flea Market gave us so much encouragement and enthusiasm that we decided to organize another Flea Market sometime in Sep­tember or early fall. Just a week after our Flea Market when everyone was talking about the success, we received the sorrowful news that the father of our Pastor had heard the call of God and left this earth to join those who are His in His Heavenly Kingdom. Also the month of June brought an­other disappointment into our church life. During the congregational meet­ing held in our sister church in Perth Amboy our pastor was unanimously called to be their pastor. As a result, our pastor announced his resignation on the First Sunday in July and will take over his pastor ministry in the Perth Amboy church by the 1st of August. Our next short announcement is also connected with the pastor and his wife. Our Gracious Lord by His mercy and love, permitted them to become parents by blessing them with a little infant girl. Her name is Ilona Susan. With the cooperation of all our mem­bers, we are planning to attend the Hungarian Heritage Day at the Garden State Art Center, to be held on Sep­tember 14. Finally to end our short report we would like to wish all our readers a blessed summer. STATEN ISLAND, N. Y. At the June 16, 1974, congregational meeting, Rev. August J. Molnár was elected unanimously as supply pastor of the Church. He has been supplying the pulpit for the past year. He will, how­ever, continue in his full-time position as executive director of the American

