Magyar Egyház, 1973 (52. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1973-10-01 / 10. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 15 TRENTON, N. J. Our church organizations resumed their activities in September. The four new modern Sunday School rooms under the church are in use now by the Sunday School children. Our church members who visited the new rooms are very much pleased with this new effort to make the religious educa­tion of our children more successful. The Sunday School is in session each Sunday at 10:30 A.M. Our church choir was reorganized under the able leadership of Mrs. Grace Baytel. Their first performance will be on first Sunday in October, at the com­munion service. Catetchism instruction for children of age 12 or over is held by our pastor every Saturday morning from 9:30 to 11:00. The New Wine Communion was held on October 7th with 185 communicants. The choir under the leadership of Mrs. Grace Baytel sang at both services. Baptisms. On September 2nd the in­fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler, Sarah Melissa, was baptized. God-parents: Captain and Mrs. Stephen Z. Kovács. On September 30th Carl Frederick, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Frederick was baptized. God­parents : Mr. Robert Czamecki and Miss Elizabeth Engi. Wedding. Mr. John Matzer and Miss Judy Consol were united in Holy Mat­rimony on September 14th. Funerals. August 14: Mrs. Alexander Choby, September 17: Mrs. John Bjork, September 18: Mrs. Mary Csanyi Mol­nár and October 2: Gusztáv Király. The Harvest Dance of the Women’s Guild was held on October 20th with good result. The following new officers of the Young Married Couples Club were in­stalled during the worship service on September 23rd: President: Gabriel Csapó, Vice President: Mrs. Ivy Tobin, Secretary: Mrs. Mary Sabo, Treasurer: John Waldner, Chaplain: Mrs. Marga­ret Didrence. The noodle-making of the Lorantffy Zsuzsanna society was resumed in Octo­ber. Catechisms are available from our pastor. About 3000 copies of this Cate­chism were sold during the last ten years. Our pastor compiled this Cate­chism from the two official doctrinal standards of the Hungarian Reformed Church, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Second Helvetic Confession. A copy is $1.50. Please send your order and check to Rev. Stephen Kovács, 180 Home Avenue, Trenton, N. J. 08611 The Rev. Dr. Nicholas Nyary was our guest minister on August 19th when our pastor was on his vacation. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO After the summer months, after the vacation time, the work has started again in our church. Our Sunday School opened its doors on the second Sunday of September. This year also, as in the past we have Sunday School not only for our children, but also for the adults. “ In September the Yolanda Circle held a Bingo-Party, in October the Men’s Club served a Sauerkraut-Kolbasz din­ner. Both were quite successful. On September 16th, the Western Classis held its regular meeting in our church. Members of the Yolanda Circle prepared supper for our guests. On October 7th, day of World Wide Communion, about 50% of our members took communion. On November 4th, during both ser­vices we will serve Communion for new wine. On August 19th, during the English service we baptized Michele Ann, the daughter of Mr. Michael W. Polder and his wife, Linda L. Polder. Godparents: Mr. and Mrs. William Schwartz. On September 10th, we buried from our church Mr. Joseph Szekeres. Mr. Szekeres was a charter member of the church and the Lord called him home after 90 years on this earth. The com­forting power of God be with the sor­rowing family. YOUTH NEWS Bethlen Youth Federation B. Y. F. CONFERENCE The 34th annual Bethlen Youth Fed­eration Conference, hosted by the Akron Follow Him Youth Group, began Fri­day, August 31, 1973 at Camp Y-Noah. That night we had a special demon­stration by Dr. Otto Bernath MD on hypnotism. As he spoke on hypnotism, he stressed that it wasn’t a game and could cause trouble if misused. He then hypnotised four people, including one member of the camp staff. Vespers followed and was led by Sheila Chris­­tansen. On Saturday, we began our lectures. The topic this year was “Love is ....” There were two lecture groups: those who were 13-16 years old heard Rev. Tibor Dömötör and the other heard Miss May Dooley. Rev. Tibor Dömötör spoke on love, trust, care, and loyalty towards God and other people. He also took direct quotations from the Gospel of John and his Epistles. Miss Dooley’s three lecture topics were: Self Love, Romantic Love, and Love Your Neighbor. We weren’t able to go into discussion groups after the first and second lectures because of the lively discussions that went on during the lectures. For recreation, we had the choice of going horseback riding, swimming, boating, playing tennis, or getting in on the East-West games. Some people just stayed in their cabins or walked around. The West won in volleyball and baseball while the East won the tug of war battle. The football game couldn’t be won by either side because there were East and West members on both teams. After recreation and supper, there was the Coffee House. Akron did black­outs, there were kids who sang or just played music, and Detroit was dressed, along with their advisors, as hillbillies. They played and sang “Az a szép.” Everyone got plenty of applause. Candlelight Service was held on the beach. Frank and Mary Papp conducted the service. There was a cross made by candles imbedded in the sand. When the service was over, we prayed, and then set out our candles in the sand next to the cross. Sunday’s Sunrise Service was held in the lodge because the pews in the out­door chapel were wet with dew. Rev. Kalman Adorján gave the sermon and officiated during the communion ser­vice with the help of Rev. Stephen Torok. We held our business meeting that morning. Next years conference will be hosted by Roebling, Carteret, and Perth Amboy. The officers for the coming year are Denice Danes, president; Jea­nette Bartha, vice president; Tony Pfahler, secretary; and Sandy Ambrus, treasurer. That afternoon, the shaving cream fight got under way. After being suf­ficiently covered with the foamy stuff, we headed for the sbowers, clothes and all. Our entertainment for the evening was provided by the group IRON­­HORSEj who played the sounds of DEEP PURPLE, the STONES, and many others. Liz Balint led vespers when the dance was over. Monday was sad in a way. It was time to say good-bye to the kids who had been in your cabin, to new friends and old. You went around hugging and wishing everyone well and a safe jour­ney home. Then, as you yourself leave, you begin thinking about next years conference. Barbara Adorján

