Magyar Egyház, 1972 (51. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1972-08-01 / 8-9. szám

18 MAGYAR EGYHÁZ Alex B. Eger, Jr. Elected As Municipal Judge In Perth Amboy, N. J. Alex B. Eger, Jr. is a member of our Perth Amboy Church. Attor­ney for and member of the Bi­shop’s Council of the Hungarian Ref. Church in America. Legal Counsellor of the Hungarian Re­formed Federation of America. Born in Detroit, Mich, on Sep­tember 20, 1918. Graduated from Perth Amboy High School in 1936, attended Ohio University 1937- 1939. Received L.L. Degree, Uni­versity of Newark Law School in 1942, Juris Doctor Degree at Rut­gers University in 1970. He is married to former Elaine Stueber. They have one daughter, Suzanne. Congratulations and best wishes from every member of the Hun­garian Reformed Church in Ame­rica. YOUTH NEWS Reminiscing of Camp Shawnee Memories still fresh in our minds, we are drawing conclusions about our An­nual Youth Conference of this year. It was beautiful, eventful, and well or­ganized. (Hats off to the host groups, and Sheila and Doorbell, etc.!) We left camp spiritually a great deal more ma­ture. Looking ahead, we are making plans for next year already. The individual youth fellowships will receive a letter soon to ask them to decide if our BYF wishes to held its 1973 conference jointly with the youth of the Calvin Synod. When you vote, bear in mind that this is a chance to heal wounds of separation, and we all will continue to grow in Christ. The “Rev.” Hen (More on this conference in the next issue. Pictures, too!) NEWS FROM THE CONGREGATIONS AKRON, OHIO Ground was broken for our Lorantffy Care Center on August 13th, Sunday afternoon. The following ministers par­ticipated: Rev. Kálmán Adorján, Rev. Charles Darocy, Rev. István Csutoros, Rev. József Szirmai, Rt. Rev. Aaron Elek and the minister of the local con­gregation. Mrs. Emma Jean Rutherford was singing the great solo: “How great Thou art.” We had a very happy cele­bration and a wonderful Christian fel­lowship with our members, friends and guests. 39 Hungarian Reformed Chur­ches sent letters or telegrams and ex­pressed the best wishes on our great occasion. The actual construction of our Lorantffy Care Center will start within a month. The total cost of the building and the furniture will be around $1,200,000. May .God bless richly the service of our new Home. The total income (clear) of our July picnic was $2,500.- A very special thanks for the workers and the guests. On August 27th 126 members par­ticipated in the Holy Communion ser­vice, 13 others received the holy ele­ments in nursing homes and hospitals. Our Sunday School children visited Cedar Point, Ohio during July. A dona­tion from the Church Council covered the expenses. Weddings: János Varga and Eliza­beth Király, Frank Papp and Mary Farkas (both former national Presi­dents of the Bethlen Youth Federation) and István Benkoczy and Ilona Faragó. May God bless richly the newlyweds. Funeral: On July 24th Mrs. John Ispán, 76. May God comfort her loved ones. ALLEN PARK, MICH. During the Pastor’s vacation, worship services were conducted by the Rev. Julius Asboth, pastor of the Hungarian Lutheran Church, assisted by Mr. Ed­mund Vig, Mr. Zoltán Ambrus, Mr. Gary Ambrus and Mr. David Ambrus of our congregation. Mr. Zoltán Ambrus, church clerk, was named Downriver Father of the Year by the Sears Center Merchants’ Asso­ciation. He and his family were honored at a dinner on June 8th. His entry was sponsored by the Golden Circle Club of our church. Summer Hungarian School was held this year with good attendance. The Pastor was in charge of the class. Our Pastor took part in the service dedicating our new church in McKees­port, Pa. A delegation of church mem­bers was present, representing the con­gregation at this important occasion. From January 1 to August 19, our Church Register notes that we have had 14 baptisms: 13 infants and 1 adult; 9 marriages and 10 members de­ceased. Members received include 13 adults and 14 young people confirmed. New members: Mrs. Emma Karl and her daughter, Miss Linda Karl; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Charney. Baptisms: Jennifer H. Charney and Kimberlee I. Cope, June 18, Jeffrey R. Hall, June 25, Edward C. Hopkins, August 6. Marriages: Charles W. Edmunds and Elizabeth A. Balko, June 24, Paul D. Daroczy and Joyce K. Craig, June 30, Michael A. Warzocha and Sharon L. Moses, August 11, Gregg A. Mierka and Mary V. Kish, August 19. Death: Joseph Czentnar, long an ac­tive member of our congregation, died suddenly on June 14. Our heartfelt con­dolences to his grieving family. BETHLEHEM, PA. Holy Communion commemorating New Bread was observed on August 6. Our guest speaker was Rev. Marton Kerekes who was preaching in an Ame­rican Hungarian Church for the first time. He is from Transylvania. In our first six months this year, we took five new members into our fold. CARTERET, N. J. Instead of indoor meetings the Lo­rantffy Society made two visits during the summer: in July they visited Dr. and Mrs. Harsanyi in their summer home at Lake Hopatcong; in August

