Magyar Egyház, 1955 (34. évfolyam, 1-10. szám)

1955-10-01 / 10. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ GOD THE SON God, moved by his unspeakable love and mercy, decided to save the sinful mankind, that is, decided to forgive our sins and help us to obtain our sinless holy nlessed eternal life in heaven, together with our re­surrected body. God carries out our salvation in a wonderful way. Through the Son, the second Person of the Holy Tri­nity, God makes it possible for us to be freed of our sins and obtain our eternal life in heaven. Before we try to find out the role of the Son in our salvation, let us try to know Him as it is possible with the help of the Bible. The Son, as we said, is the second Person of the Holy Trinity. With the Father and the Holy Spirit, He makes the ONE ETERNAL GOD. He is the Son of the Father, born of Him in an unspeakable mode, not at a certain point of time, but from all eternity. As the Father and the Holy Spirit so the Son was always and will be forever. He is an equal divine Being with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we call Him God the Son. He is a distinct Person in the Holy Trinity jet He is in an unbreakable , eternal union with the Father and the Holy Spirit as ONE ETERNAL GOD. The Son, being an omnipresent divine Person, ap­peared on earth in the form of a man, during the reign of August, the Romen Emperor. VirginMary, a Jewish woman became pregnant through the Power of the Holy Spirit. She gave birth to a human being, who in spite of his similarity to us was an extraordinary person. He did not inherit the corruptness of the human nature as all other men did. He could not, because He was con­ceived without an earthly father, by the Holy Spirit. He was not only a sinless holy perfect man, He was also God. God the Son was embodied in Him. The name of this God-man child became Jesus Christ, according to the will of God. Jesus means Sa­vior, Christ means anointed. So as His name indicates, Jesus Christ is the true Savior of mankind, eternally anointed or appointed by God Who is Jesus Christ, therefore? Jesus Christ is that wonderful Person in whom there is God the Son, the perfect human body and the perfect human soul. The union of the divine and the human nature in Jesus Christ became permanent. Right in this moment Jesus Christ is in heaven as God-man. Let us note yet that Jesus Christ as man belongs to the family of the hu­man race. Luke traces the ancestry of Virgin Mary back to Adam and Eve. Also Mary is a descendant of the house of David, the Jewish king. This is why Jesus is called in the Bible the Son of David, or Son of man. KARÁCSONYRA KÜLDJÖN IKKA VÁMMENTES CSOMAGOT AZ ÓHAZÁBA. PÉNZÁTUTALÁS. GYÓGYSZER KÜLDÉS minden országba, kivéve Romániába. — Vámmentesitő jegyek a postán küldött csomagokra. — Magyar ÉDESPAPRIKA. Magyarnyelvű Szent Biblia. “PIATNIK” Magyar játékkártya. — Karácsonyi üdvözlő lapok magyar nyelven egy doboz (20 minta) $1.50. — Kérjen árjegyzéket! KÉRY J. IMRE ÜZLETE 703 E. FOURTH ST. BETHLEHEM, PA. UN 6-9603 LET ME CALL YOU "PASTOR" by the Rev. Charles A. Darocy How do you address your minister? The Baptists like to call their minister “Brother.” And since most of their ministers never saw the inside of a seminary, they are just being consistent in this usage. The Roman Catholic call their ministers “Father.” And since he is, in effect, the father of their community of faith, they are also perfectly consistent. The trouble begins when our folk address their ministers as “Reverend.” If this word weren’t an ad­jective, the usage would be all right. “Reverend” is a religious form of the word “Honorable.” How does “Honorable Jones” Sound? Not too good. So the word “Reverend” is best when left on bulletin boards and on envelopes. Our Lutheran friends have the very fine practice of addressing their ministers as “Pastor.” As we all know, the Reformed minister functions much like the Biblical pastor, the shepherd of souls. A man is in­stalled as “Pastor” over a local congregation. It is thus perfectly consistent to refer to him as such. So, just let’s call him “Pastor.” At times he may not be too “Reverend”, he may not be the “Father” type, and as a “Brother” he may lack much, but it is as “Pastor’ that he shines, as YOUR PASTOR.--------------o--------------DR. MÁRIA NAGY . . . Dr. Maria H. Nagy a Hungarian Reformed scientist became the Marriage and Family Counsellor of a new Ecclesiastical Committee in New York City. This Com­mittee which is organized by the Protestant Council of Churches in Manhattan is the Family Life Education Committee chaired by the Rev. Wayne White minister of the Church of All Nations. Dr. Maria Nagy will be the marriage and family counsellor of this committee. Dr. Nagy had a long experience in this field of the psychological science. She was lecturer in Clinical and Child Psychology in the University of Budapest, Hun­gary, research assistant in child psychology in the University of Bristol, England and associate professor psychology in the Defiance College, Defiance Ohio. She is at present Staff Psychologist at the Neurological In­stitute of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York. (Protestant Church Life, New York)--------------o-------------­New Teenage Book Going Like Wild Fire GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. “NEVER A DULL MOMENT — Honest Questions by Teenagers; Honest Answers by Eugenia Price,” published by Zondervan Publishing House in September is far exceeding the expectations of the publishers in sales. The first 10,000 copies were sold out within 4 weeks from the publication date. The second edition of 10,000 copies is nearly exhausted. A third edition of 7,000 copies is being bound and a fourth edition of 10,000 copies is already scheduled for printing. NEVER A DULL MOMENT is available in a cloth gift edition at $2.00 and a popularly priced paper edi­tion at $1.00. MSB B't? & GBBDinFK]®®

