Magyar Egyház, 1954 (33. évfolyam, 2-12. szám)

1954-08-01 / 8-9. szám

MAGYAR EGYHÁZ 11 A Message to Members of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches Throughout the World. Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. The 17th General Council of your Presbyterian and Reformed Alliance, representing Churches in 42 nations, with more than 40,000,000 members, meeting in Princeton, July 22—AugustS, 1954, rejoice in the fellowship that God in His mercy has granted us, despite the barriers of race, class and nation which threaten divorce and division in the family of God, and look forward expectantly to the larger fellowship of the World Council of Churches at Evanston, which igves promise of the ever-growing unity of all be­lievers in Christ. Many in our times, in all lands, are filled with fear — for their economic security, the stability of their institutions, the future of their nations, fear of a war which will destroy the basis of our civilization, fear something of life itself, or of death as though it were the final evil. Under these circumstences the sharpest challenge to us as Christians is so to live and teach our faith that no one shall be turned away from the Christian hope by our default; so to witness that men may see in Christ the only real hope for mankind, the one ef­fectual remedy for all their fears. For any hope but that which is in Him will finally succumb before life’s limitations and tragedies, or break on the rock of God’s eternal justice. We beg you, therefore, to heed God’s Living Word as it comes to you through the Scriptures. Claim the whole world for Jesus Christ. Seek to close the divided Christian ranks. Love all men, even your enemies, knowing that they too are called to become children in God’s fami­ly. Strive to break down racial barriers, to promote understanding between classes and people, to pro­vide an opportunity for every man to share in the world’s wealth and to earn a livelihood for himself and his family. Work with those who are seeking to promote peace and righteousness among nations, recognizing that unrest will continue and that there will be no im­munity against irretrievable disaster until the new powers that have been made available for human welfare rather than human destruction. Be loyal to the government of the nation in which you live, but if a decision is forced, remember that as a Christian you must obey God rather than man. Give of yourselves and your substance for God’s Kingdom and His righteousness and do not cling to your possessions as if your security were in them, or as if your true joy lay in that which wealth can buy. Pray without ceasing. Whatever befalls, remember the ancient word: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of Good courage: be not frightened, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” WELCOME TO PERTH AMBOY In our world today, there are numerous ways of welcoming guests. Men and women of royalty, politicians, and men of distinguished social positions are usually welcomed quite ceremoniously with fanfares, pomp processions. Then, there are men and women who hold respon­sible jobs, whereupon their shoulders are placed the security of the community or nation. They are received in secrecy by uniformed guards or plain clothesmen. Distinguished and famous personalities of the enter­tainment world are welcomed with red carpets and the blinding light of flashes of cameras of leading magazines and newspaper reporters. These are just a few examples. Our method of welcoming you is very different from those mentioned above. WE WELCOME YOU IN THE TRUE CHRISTIAN SPIRIT. We welcome you as broth­ers and sisters in the Lord. Just think, we will be as one family for three days. We will worship the Almighty together, we will discuss these troublesome times togeth­er, and we will enjoy the provided entertainment togeth­er. Our theme is, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God” (Matt. 5:9.) and we are fortunate to have the Rev. Dr. George H. Boyd, rector of the St. Peter’s Episcopal Church here, as our speaker who will apply our theme to present-day world problems. At this time, we cordially welcome you to attend the conference whether you are near or far. May the thought of Christ and His teachings inspire us all to meet in September. THE CHRISTIAN YOUTH CLUB. SATURDAY — SEPTEMBER 4 Registration and Luncheon at time of arrival 5:00 p.m...................................... Executive Board Meeting 6:00 p.m......................................................................... Supper 8:00 p.m...................................................................... Program SUNDAY — SEPTEMBER 5 10:30 a.m.........................Worship with Holy Communion 12:30 p.m...................................................................... Dinner 2:00 p.m................................................................. Conference 4:00 p.m..................................................... Business Meeting 6:00 p.m......................................................................... Supper 9:00 p.m.......................................................................... Dance MONDAY — SEPTEMBER 6 8:30 a.m.................................................................. Breakfast Weekend closing Devotional and Picnic following REGISTRATION Please send in your Registration Fee of $1.00 by August 27th the latest! The meal Fee of $6.00 is payable in advance or at arrival. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Matt. 5:9. EASTERN CLASSIS CONFERENCE The second quarterly conference of 1954 of the Youth Federation of the Free Magyar Reformed Church was held in Trenton, New Jersey, on June 27. Members and guests from Carteret, Perth Amboy, Roebling, and Trenton were present. Rev. Stephen Benko, pastor of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Roebling, was the speaker. Rev. Benko spoke on the theme of the World Council of Churches: “Christ, the Hope of the World.” Following the entertainment — which consisted of television take — offs on two shows, a ballet dance by Gloria Beky, and a model — show — John Fityere show­ed his slides of Korea, and Archdean Beky showed his slides of the Holy Land.

