Magyar Cserkész, 1961 (12. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1961-02-01 / 2. szám

/From the "World. Scouting Buixetin"./ April 4-14 2nd Carribean Jamboree Trinidad April 23-R9 National Jamboree Philippines June 28-,Ituy4 National Jamboree Thailand July 6-15 3rd Canadian Jamboree Canada July 18-27 National,« , Jamboree/S-A'A8sn Sweden July Patrol Camp Cuba July 27-Aug-5 National Jamborette Austria July 30 - Aug.3 National Kahal Israel Sept, j-9-25 18th Internat. Conference Portugal Oct. National Jamboree Taiwan Oct.21-22 Jamboree-on-the Air Dec. 5th Central Amer­ican Camporee Honduras Dec.27- Jan. 7 7th World Rover Moot Australia Dec .27-* Jan.2 Jubilee Jamborette Hong Kong HOW TO ORGANIZE Qtf<L JUBILEE CAMP ON CONTINENTS. As our members are scattered in 18 different countries, the Jubilee Committee faced a peculiar problem. This is how the solution was approached: Plans were dawn up for the Jubilee Camps by the Headquarters in the U.S.A. Com­mittee members from Europe, South-Amer­­ica and Australia sent in their sug­gestions, and these were duly taicen into consideration. Detailed program for the camp was then forwarded to the Continental Commissioners, and through them, to the Country Commissioners. This, by the way, is our normal chain of communications. After consultation with the latter the most suitable spot was selected for the camp, and a staff was appointed to do the preparations. A large part of this was also done by correspondence. Troops reported the number of prospective campers to the respective Camp Director. He had to make provisions for setting up a sepa­rate subcamp for girl guides,since our association is composed of two branches: boy scouts and girl guides. Ail prepared, the staff assem­bled on the campsite to receive the ar­riving campers. At times they came from many different lands. For example, the 25o participants of the European Jubi­lee Camp traveled to Ascholding /near Munich/ in Germany from the following countries: Austria, Germany, Switzer­land, Italy, France, Belgium, Nether­lands, Sweden, end the U.S.A. In addi­tion there were the foreign guests, such as the 13 senior scouts of the Walsaii Troop from England, a Dutch rover scout, and a Dsnish girl guide. /The pictures on this page are from the Hungarian Jubilee Camp in Germany/. Our peculiar situation, described above, will help you to understand why are we Hungarians, besides faithfully maintaining our traditions, so strongly attached to the idea of the world bro­therhood of scouts. 8

