Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)

1929-07-15 / 14. szám

278 MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ No. 14. cause she fought and agonized 1000 years for others. We are the sons of a nation of tragni fate, which would like to ascend from her historical grave. We, Hungarian scouts want to fight for our country with the arms we obtained from B.~P. Our scutcheon is the scout’s lily, our war-sign is patriotism, our sword is the Scout Law, our cannons are the daily good turns. We realize, that this war with these arms is led for our thousand years old, death-wounded country and for humanity, for all of you, who are, like we are, the army of our highest Lord : Jesus Christ. We love you with the sincerest Christian brotherhood. Shake hands, brother Scouts ! S. M. Prof. Dr. Alexander Sik HUNGARIAN SCOUTS MARCH. Text by: S. M. Prof. Dr. A. Sík. Tempo di Marcia. % / s I * : * I ffff Fi-úk fel a fej-jel, a har-so - na zeng, u Music by: S. M. Turry Peregrin. iü ff-----áll-junk csa-ta - sor-ba vi dá man. j j1 j' j í í j j d d j j. i*''ft.. i^ Boys, look ahead! Let's cheerfully start, The blast of the trumpet has sounded. This is our fight for the weary, weary World, Each of us a warrior undaunted. No weapons need we for the fight: Our arms are strong, our eyes are bright, Wherever our feet carry us, Our song is gay, victorious. Transl: S. M. S. Át any i .Budapest).

