Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)
1929-07-15 / 14. szám
292 MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ No. M. Entrance to Scouts Boats House near Budapest, on a Danube-island. A magyar cserkész-vízitelep bejárata. Rally at Scouts Boats H ouse. Csónakavatás a vízitelepen. (Az ünnep megnyitása.) his visit in Hungary. The next picture shows the Scout Shop built in ,,Székely“-style. (From Transsylvania.) This shop is supplying the Hungarian scouts with all they need. A large number of non-scout customers like to buy in this shop because its good reputation and low prices. The pictures following show different camp-activities. 6. Crinoline. The small boy is seen to take over the rope from the big one. 7. Clim' Trill ' * r . If ■ ■' $S .T . [ 'jg III;?! Mft j“ ■ "Tip ;; Interior of the Scout Shop (Cooperative Society) built in the style of a thirteenth century country house. A székely stílusban épített magyar Cserkészbolt. bing over an artificial hindrance, the stick held up by two scouts is supposed to mean a wall to be climbed in some ingenious way by the whole patrol. 8. Gathering brushwood forthe campfire. For other branches of our scout-activities see the different pages of our magazine. (Rovers and Cubs, Effect on Science and Art, Ethnographical work, The Hungarian Scout-Camp, etc. drawings and photos on all pages.)