Tudományszervezési Tájékoztató, 1962

С О N T Е N Т S REVIEW AND EXCERPTS . Page The development of scientific manpower and its division in some of the socialist countries 5 The number, division and training of scientific workers in the S.U 5 The development of scientific manpower in Poland, 17 Appendix: The position of professional manpower in Poland - with international comparative data. - CHARKIEv/ICZ, Michal: Kadry wykwa­lifikowane w Polsce./Professional manpo­wer in Poland./ Warszawa, 1961, Panstwo­we Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne 27 The dovo^fipmeivt of scientific manpower in Czechos­lovakia.., 33 On scientific and technical higher education in western countries.. 39 Reform aspirations in technical higher education.. 39 The teaching of social sciences in the natural sei- , ence and engineering faculties 41 The role of trade- and practical training in scien­tific and technical higher education. - The confe­rence of OECD 44 The supply of scientific and technical manpower in some wes­tern countries. 48 The number of employed scientific and technical per­sonnel in the national economy of the USA in 1954­1958 48 The changes in the number of scientific and engineer­ing personnel in Great Britain in 1956-1959«. 58 The question of training specialists-engineers in the G.F.R. International scientific organizations. /Documentary review of the present condition of international scientific organiz­ations and of the structure of intergovernmental and non­governmental organizations of international science organiz­ations on a world-wide scale./. 63 The system of international scientific organizations 63 Detailed documentation of scientific organizations. A. The system of intergovernmental organizations in the UNO, directing international scientific coopera­tion 80

