I. Parlatir , Gy. Hazai , B. Kellner-Heinkele (comp.): Catalogue of the Turkish Manuscripts in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Table of contents

Table of contents Preface 9 Introduction 11 Catalogue 15 I. Religion 1. Kanun-name s (N 0* 1-14) 15 2. Legal documents (saks) (N o s 15-22) 25 3. Marriage law (N o s 23-26) 30 4. Fetvas (N o s 27-32) 32 5. Pious endowments {vakfiye s) (N o s 33-37) 36 6. Commentaries (tefsirs) (N o s 38-41) 39 7. Canonical jurisprudence (fıkıh and feraiz) (N o s 42-45) 42 8. Dogma (akaid) (N° s 46-63) 45 9. Prayers (ed 'iye and havas) (N o s 64-76) 57 II. Literature 1. Description of personal virtues of the Prophet (hilyes) (N o s 77-82) 64 2. %ers(N 0 S 83-91) 69 3. Legends of the prophets (N o s 92-116) 75 4. Religious stories (N° s 117-127) 97 5. Hamses and mesnevis (N o s 128-208) 104 6. Authors' complete works (kiilliyats and divans ) (N o s 209-246) 169 7. Stories in prose (hikâye s) (N o s 247-278) 205 8. Counsels (nasihat-names) (N o s 279-312) 225 9. Translations and commentaries (şerhs) (N o s 313-373) 252 A. Translations (N 0 5 313-364) 252 B. Commentaries (şerhs) (N o s 365-374) 292 10. Repertories of poets' biographies (N o s 375-390) 299 11. Representatives of religious and political life (N° s 391-397) 313 12. Descriptions of ambassadorship (sefaretname) and travel (seyahatname ) (N o s 398-399) 318 13. Chrestomathies (münşeats) (N° s 400-414) 320 14. Books of literary composition (inşa kitapları) (N° s 415-469) 329 15. Correspondence (N o s 470-474) 358

