G. Orosz (comp.): A Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts and Block Prints in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 2.
Tib. 305.3 B.T., T.P.: Rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo, E.T.: ~'i gzungs Com.: Same work as Tib. 44.2. 305.3 ff. 1-34. MARGIN: v.m.: ga, m.t.: so sor 'brang ma, chin, m.t.: zK. ILLUSTRATION: lv left: byams pa la na mo, 1 v right: so sor 'brang ba, 2r left and right: [om in Ranjana script]. SKT.: arya-Mahapratisara-vidyarajnT B.T., T.P.: 'phags pa Rig sngags kyi rgyal mo so sor 'brang ba chen mo, E.T.: ~ rtog pa Corn '.: Same work as Tib. 44.3. 305.4 ff. 1-20. MARGIN: v.m.: nga, m.t.: bsil ba'i tshal, chin, m.t.: iK. ILLUSTRATION: lv: left: spyan ras gzigs, lv right: bsil ba'i tshal, 2r left and right: [om in Ranjana script]. SKT.: Mahasltavana-sfitra B.T., E.T..T.P: Bsil ba'i tshal chen mo'i mdo Com.: Same work as Tib. 44.4. 305.5 ff. 1-11. MARGIN-, v.m.: ca, m.t.: gsangs sngags, chin, m.t.: rh. ILLUSTRATION: lv left: 'jam dbyangs dkar po, 1 v right: gsang sngags chen mo, 2r left and right: [om in Ranjana script], SKT.: Mahamantranudhari-sQtra B.T., E.T..T.P.: Gsang sngags chen po rjes su 'dzin pa'i mdo Com.: Same work as Tib. 44.5. 306 MANUSCRIPT, ff. 1-46, 1-47, 1-39, 44 X 12,5 (35,5 x 8) cm, 6 lines/page, lv, 2r4 line, late 19 t h/early 20 th cent., black Chinese paper, golden ink. MARGIN : v.m.: ka-ga. SKT.: árya ghan dzá ma ha bhri tsa phu lu karma a ba ra na 1 sho dha ya bud dha ghu ra bhu ha na ma ma ha ya na su tra E.T., B.T.: 'phags pa Thar pa chen po phyogs su rgyas pa 'gyod tshangs kyis sdig sbyangs te sangs rgyas su 'grub par rnam par bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo, T.P.: Thar pa chen po'i mdo CONT.: The * Mahámoksa-sütra, which, in most cases, has neither Sanskrit title, nor colophon. Here the Sanskrit title is the same as that can be found in the Beijing edition of the Bka'-'gyur (CPT 930). EDITION: Although this issue is a manuscript, it has the par-byang of the printed edition from which it was copied. It tells us that the printing was made in the Bde-chen-kun-skyongs'phags-pa Temple (lha-khang ) of the Dge-'phel-dar-rgyas-gling monastery and was organized and sponsored by a Nor-bu-dar-rgyas. This printed edition must have been divided into three parts, which was kept and followed by the copyist of the manuscript, marking the differents part as ka, kha, and ga, respectively. BEG.: [lv] /rgya gar skad du/ <skt> / bod skad du/ <b.t.> [2r] sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' thams cad la phyag 'tshal lo / END: [37V] <e.t.> rdzogs so// 2