É. Apor (ed.): David Kaufmann Memorial Volume: Papers Presented at the David Kaufmann Memorial Conference, November 29, 1999, Budapest.

ORMOS, István: David Kaufmann and his Collection

DAVID KAUFMANN AND HIS COLLECTION Stiasny" (Vienna) and Ignaz Goldziher (Budapest). 3 2 Kaufmann's tomb is in the row of the .Rabbinical Seminary. 3 3 On 16 October, at the beginning of the semester, a memorial service was held in the Rabbinical Seminary, at which Ludwig Blau commemorated the deceased. 3 4 All too soon his wife followed her beloved husband into the grave; she died on 19 June 1905. 3 5 II. The scholarly activities of David Kaufmann The - incomplete - bibliography of Kaufmann's works consists of 546 items, the first of which is dated 1872. 3 6 His most important articles were republished in three volumes after his death." He wrote about twelve great works published separately. His activities were most widely ramified, covering many areas not necessarily connected to each other. At the centre of his interests stood the philosophy of Jewish religion, and it was this subject to which he devoted his first magnum opus, in which he subjected to over­all examination the views of a philosopher of religion who had lived in 11 th- 12th cen­tury Spain: Die Theologie des Bachja Ihn Pakuda. Vienna 1874. 102 pp. (reprinted in Gesammelte Schriften II. 1910. 1-98). In a work of minor dimensions he discussed the art of Judah Halevi, a poet and philosopher of religion of the same period: Jehuda Halewi. Versuch einer Charakteristik. Breslau 1877. 48 p. (reprinted in KAUFMANN 1908­1915. II. 99-151.) He was honoured to receive a letter from Empress Elisabeth, the wife 3 1 In all probability Wilhelm STIASSNY (Pozsony/Pressburg/Bratislava 1842 - Bad Ischl 1910), extremely productive, outstanding architect in Vienna, active member of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde. Co-founder and president of the Wiener Bauhütte for a long period. See Neue Österreichische Biographie on the Internet. 3 2 [Anon.], A zsidóság gyásza Kaufmann Dávid halála felett [The mourning of Jewry for David Kaufmann] = Magyar-Zsidó Szemle 16 (1899) 302-304. See also Ignác ZIEGLER, Kaufmann Dávid. Ibid. 297-299. Henrik BLOCH, Dr. Kaufmann Dávid élete és működése. [The life and Activities of Dr. David Kaufmann], Ibid. 299-302. 3 3 Vid. FROJIMOVICS - KOMORÓCZY - PUSZTAI - STRBIK 1999. 441. , 4 Lajos BLAU, Emlékbeszéd Kaufmann Dávid felett [Commemorative address for David Kaufmann] = Magyar-Zsidó Szemle 16 (1899) 305-310. 3 5 1 ler simple yet noble tomb stands near to KAUFMANN'S. Sadly the upper part, consisting of a stone vase, disappeared at some time in the course of the past seventeen years. (It was still there when the author of these lines saw it in 1985.) 3 6 Dr. M[arcus| BRANN, Verzeichniss der Schriften und Abhandlungen David Kaufmann's. In: Gedenkbuch. 1900. LVI1-LXXXV1I. This list is not reliable concerning items published in America. See also BRANN'S additions in: David KAUFMANN, Gesammelte Schriften /-///. Herausgegeben von M[arcus| Brann. Frankfurt am Main 1908-1915. III. VI1-IX. 3 7 KAUFMANN 1908-1915. 133

