Moravek Endre: Index acronymorum selectorum. Pars 6. Instituta oeconomica (A MTAK kiadványai 57. Budapest, 1968)

MFS Malleable Founders' Society, /US/ /e/ M.G.A. 1. Marquette Geologists Association /e/ 2, Midland Gravels Association, Nottingham /e/ 3. Musbroom Growers' Association, L /e/ MGGA 1. Men's Garden Clubs of America /e/ 2. Mushroom Growers' Cooperative Association, /US/ /e/ MGE 1. Milwaukee Grain Exchange /e/ 2. Minneapolis Grain Exchange /e/ MGI Metál Grating Institute, /US/ /e/ MGKI Magyar Gazdaságkutató Intézet, Bp /m/ MGTA Mission des Grands Travaux Aéronautiques /f/ M-H Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company /e/ MHA Mutual Households Association, Ltd, L /e/ UHC Morgan Horse Club, /US/ /e/ MHGG Mobile Housing Carriers' Conference, Elkhart /e/ MHD Miejski Handel Detaliczny /po/ MHDNA Mobile Home/s/ Dealers' National Association, /US/ /e/ MHEA Material Handling Engineers Association, L /e/ MHEDA Material Handling Equipment Distributors' Association, /US/ /e/ UHI Material Handling Institute, /US/ /e/ MHMA Mobile Homes Manufacturers' Association, /US/ /e/ M.I. 1. Marques /de Fabrique/ Internationale /f/ 2. Maáinski Institut /h/ 3. medie industrie /i/ 4. Metál Industries Ltd. /e/ 5. Metalna industrija /h/ MIA 1. Marble Institute of America, Mt. Vernon /e/ 2. Mica Industry Association, NY /e/ 3. Millinery Institute of America, NY /e/ 4. Model Industry Association /e/ UIAA Mutual Insurance Advisory Association, /US/ /e/ MIAG Mühlen-Industrie-Aktiengesellschaft, /BRD/ /d/ MIB Metál Information Bureau, L /e/ MICCI Milk and Ice Cream Can Institute /e/ MICE Mutual Insurance Council of Editors, Indianapolis /e/ MIOOFT Mutual Insurance Committee on Federal Taxation, Ch /e/ Micoma Mieth und Co., Mannheim /d/ MICUMA Socióté des Mines de Cuivre de Mauritanie /f/ HIDAS Maryland Industrial Development Association /e/ MIDEC Middle East Industrial Development Projects Corporation /e/ Midpost. Vereeniging van Middelbaar Postpersoneel in Nederlandsch­Indié /ne/

