Moravek Endre: Index acronymorum selectorum. Pars 6. Instituta oeconomica (A MTAK kiadványai 57. Budapest, 1968)

NARTB NARTC NARUC NARW N.A.S. NASA NASACT NAS and FCA NASAO NASB NASBO NASBP NASCS NASD NASDM NASDSE NASDSSE NASDU NASE NASFCA NASFM NASFT NASM National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, /US/ /e/ National Association of Railroad Trial Counsel, /US/ /e/ National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners, W /e/ National Association of Refrigerated Warehouses, /US/ /e/ 1. Nationaal Arbeiders Syndicaat, /Belgie/ /vl/ 2. Nationaal Arbeidssecretariaat /ne/ 3. National Allotment Society /e/ 4. National Association for Salesmanship /e/ 5. National Association of Shopfitters, L /e/ 1. National Acoustical Suppliers Association, W /e/ 2. National Aeronautical Services Association, W /e/ 3. National Appliance Service Association, /US/ /e/ 4. National Association of Securities Administrators, /US/ /e/ 5« National Automobile Salesmen's Association, /US/ /e/ 6. North American Securities Administrators /e/ National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, /US/ /e/ National Automatic Sprinkler and Fire Control Association, /US/ /e/ National Association of State Aviation Officials, /US/ /e/ National Association of Small Business, W /e/ National Association of State Budget Officers, /US/ /e/ National Association of Surety Bond Producers, /US/ /e/ National Association of Sboe Chain Stores, /US/ /e/ National Association of Securities Dealers, W /e/ National Association of Special Delivery Messengers, /US/ /e/ National Association of State Dlrectors of Special Education, /US/ /e/ National Association of State Dlrectors and Supervisors of Secondary Education, /US/ /e/ National Amalgamated Stevedores* and Dockers* Union, L /e/ National Association of Steel Exportéra, NY /e/ National Automatic Sprinkler and Fire Control Association, NY /e/ National Association of Store Fixture Manufacturers, Ch /e/ National Association for the Specialty Food Trade, /US/ /e/ National Association of Scale| Silo ]siipper Manufacturers /e/ 233

