Moravek Endre: Index acronymorum selectorum. Pars 4. Religio (A MTAK kiadványai 49. Budapest, 1966)

- 171 - / Soc. Societas /1/ S.O. Cist. Sacer Ordo Cisterciensis /1/ Som. Somaschi /i/ = C.R.S. c Sor. Sorores /1/ S. Ord. Cist. = S.O.Cist. Sor.D.S. Sorores Divini Salvatoris /1/ = S.D.S.,­3. S.O.S. Institute of the Sisters of Service /е/ = Sorores Servitii /1/ S. O.S.B. 1. Congregatio Silvestrina Ordinis Sancti Benedicti /1/ = O.S.B.Silv. 2. Sylvestrine Order of Saint Benedict /е/ = O.S.B.Silv. S.O.SS.A. Supremo Ordine della Santissima Annunziata /г/ S.P. 1. Chieri Regolari Poveri della Madre di Dio delle Scuole Pie /i/ = S.P.^ 2. Congregatio Paulina Clericorum Regularium Paupe­rum Matris Dei Scholarum Piarum /1/ = S.P.^ 3- /Congregation of the/ Servants of the Holy Parac­lete /е/ 4. Ordo Clericorum Regularium Pauperum Matris Dei Scholarum Piarum /1/ 5. Patres Scholarum Piarum /1/ = S.P.^ 6. Saint-Père /f/ 7. Sanctissirae Pater /1/ 8. Santo Padre /i/ 9. Scholae Piae /1/ 10. Siège Pontifical /f/ 11. Sisters of Providence /е/ = S.P., C lb­lR. Sisters of Providence /е/ = S.P. 1 9 •w • 13. Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary - of the Woods /е/ = S.P. l 6 14. Soeurs de la Providence /f/ = S.P.,.­13. 15. Sorores a Providentia /1/ = S,P.,,_ 15. 16. Sorores a Providentia de Saint Mary of the Woods /1/ 17. Sorores Providentiae /1/ 18. Souverain Pontife /f/

