Braun Tibor, Glänzel Wolfgang, Schubert András: Országok, szakterületek, folyóiratok tudománymetriai mutatószámai 1981-1985 (A MTAK Informatikai És Tudományelemzési Sorozata 6., 1992)

Datafiles on science fields and subfields

A. SCHUBERT, W. GLÄNZEL, T. BRAUN : SCIENTOMETRIC DATAFILES Datafiles on science fields and subfields The first part of this section contains a survey of scientometric indicators of journals and countries in 108 subfields grouped into 5 major fields. The major fields are in order: Life sciences, Physical sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics; within each major field, the subfields are in alphabetical sequence. Summary data of the subfield, publication counts (articles, reviews, notes and letters) as well as average and outstanding citation rates of all journals classified into the subfield, and main scientometric indicators of all countries publishing at least 50 papers in the 1981-1985 period are presented in the tables. The second part of the section is a collection of relational charts for all of the major fields and subfields. The charts display observed versus expected citation rates in unified citation score scales, i.e., (x-zj/fz^zj is plotted against (y-zj/z^z^, x and y being the observed and the expected citation rates of the countries, respectively, z, and z 2 are the average and the outstanding citation rates of the subfield. The most productive 26 countries in all science fields combined are displayed in the charts, provided that they published at least 50 papers in the subfield in question. The countries are coded by the letters of the alphabet: A Austria N Norway B Belgium O South African Rep C Canada P Poland D Germany FR Q Switzerland E Spain R USSR F France S Sweden G German DR T Netherlands H Hungary U USA I Italy V Czechoslovakia J Japan w Australia K UK X Israel L Finland Y India M Denmark Z New Zealand Wherever possible, the letters were chosen to remind to the country's name. Enclosed to each chart, one finds a list of codes and countries indicated on the chart in question together with and ranked by their relative citation rate (RCR ) values. Scicntonictrics 16 (1989) 213

