Bartók Béla, ifj.: Chronicles of Béla Bartók's Life (Budapest, 2021)

At The Academy of Sciences. Great Compositions (1934–1938)

AT THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. GREAT C O M P O S I T I O N S ( 1 934-1 938) 1936 second piece of the chamber music evening of the New Hungarian String Quartet (Végh-Halmos-Koromzay-Palotai) is the Budapest premiere of Bartoks String Quartet No. 5. Bartok, there present, receives highly enthusiastic celebration. 16 and 21 March - He writes Universal Edition on the matter of the corrections of String Quartet No. 5. 30 March - He donates 500 pengős for phonograph recordings of folk music to the Friends of the Hungarian National Museum. Receiver is Dénes Bartha. 12 April - Letter to Universal Edition. 15 April - He works at the Academy of Sciences, then visits his mother and aunt. 16 April - He replies László Rásonyi in Ankara about the date of his planned trip to Turkey and other plans concerning the country. His family problems abound at this time. His mothers health deteriorated considerably in her 80th year. Her medical treatment and nursing caused a lot of worries. 17 April - He writes a longish letter about this together with his wife to his sister; at the same time he inquires about the András Péter Grammar School of Szeghalom (Békés county) in their vicinity, because their son Péter met difficulties at the Budapest Model Grammar School and he wished to enroll him somewhere else. (This plan didn’t come true; he frequented the Budapest Lutheran Grammar School for a short time, later the Calvinist one of Sárospatak.) 22 April - Béla Bartok and Ernő Dohnányis concert for two pianos at the Music Institute of Higher Education (Music Academy). Their programme is: Bach’s Concerto in C major, Mozart’s D major, Brahms’ Sonata in F minor, and Liszt’s Concerto pathétique. 24 April - He sends his scheme of the Turkish field trip to Turkish specialist University Professor Gyula Németh for being forwarded to the Secretary-General of the Academy of Sciences. 389

