Bartók Béla, ifj.: Chronicles of Béla Bartók's Life (Budapest, 2021)

War Years (1914–1919)

1919 CHRONICLES OF BÉLA BARTOK'S LIFE 1919 Despite the grave economic situation music life doesn’t stop completely. 4 January - In Budapest the Waldbauer String Quartet give an evening of chamber music, where Bartok plays Ravel’s Trio with Imre Waldbauer and Jenő Kerpely after 4 rehearsals. (Bartok wrote 5 January in one of his letters, but it was a mistake.) The Bartoks spend a few days in Budapest. 8 January - They return to Rákoskeresztúr, this time their own flat is in danger of requisitioning. A concert is being planned for 11 January for the benefit of war invalids of the troops, at which Bartok is also expected to perform. 9 January - He practises in Rákoskeresztúr, then they travel up to his mother-in-laws’ in the afternoon. (The concert was postponed by two weeks, then not held at all.) 13 January - He spends the night at the Kodálys ’. The Emil Toths send a butchered pig there for the Kodálys and the Bartoks. 14 January - Bartok hurries home to his wife with the news. Upon the disintegration of the Monarchy the states coming to existence do their best to ensure the biggest possible territory for themselves; the Czech troops gradually invaded all of the Highlands, and marched into Pozsony, too. This made contact among the widowed Mrs Béla Bartok and her children impossible for a long time, personal contact as well as correspondence. They attempted exchanging news through mediators. For example on 15 January Bartok sends a letter to his mother by Ödön Hendel, teacher in Újpest, in which he writes her that all is quiet in Rákoskeresztúr, his wife and their little son are already there, he will follow them the next day. Otherwise he will spend 3 days a week at the Kodálys ’. However, this remained only a plan. Bartok fell ill with inflammation of the throat, 182

