Kaján Imre (szerk.): Zalai Múzeum 21. Emlékkötet Mindszenty József tiszteletére. Muzeológiai tanulmányok Zala megyéről (Zalaegerszeg, 2013)

Tanulmányok Mindszenty Józsefről - Göncz László: „Álmaink álma Alsólendva és a Muraköz”. Mindszenty (Pehm) József erőfeszítései a Mura mente visszacsatolásáért

„Almaink álma Alsólendva és a Muraköz” 57 „The dream of our dreams is Alsólendva and the Muraköz” The efforts of József Mindszenty (Pehm) to reannex the area along the Mura River1 In this study the diverse activity of József Mindszenty (Pehm) is covered and so is the chapter related to the period, which is quite unknown. This is partially due to the fact that the comparison of the events taking place along the Mura, in the highlands, in northern Transylvania and in Bácska during World War II, has hardly been analyzed even by Hungarian historians. On the other hand, the Midszenty’s oeuvre is quite varied and rich beyond its ecclesiastical and religious character, and within this research his lively interest in the area along the Mura River is fairly overshadowed. Therefore, several gaps may be filled by this study. The best reason is for its necessity that one of the most important persons of the 20th century Hungarian history kept his mind vigorously on the affiliation of the area along the Mura River in the historical Zala county from the spring of 1941 throughout a year. József Pehm (later Mindszenty), who was prelate and abbot parson in Zalaegerszeg in the early 1940’s, then Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom, was solicitous for regaining the areas separated from Zala county after World War I, and for integrating them fully into the economic and cultural life of the county and into its administration. His forceful speeches for this purpose are well known, but his statements, which are less appropriate for today’s standards, should also be mentioned. The active involvement of József Pehm in the area reannexation occurring in 1941 was also publicly acknowledged. The clear and unwavering patriotism of József Mindszenty is unquestionable regarding the affiliation of the area along the Mura River. The homeland for him is the Carpathian Basin, namely the historic Kingdom of Hungary, from the territory of which — according to him - a single square meter area should never have been lost. Though his insistence to „the thousand-year- old borders” could be considered unrealistic from our perspective today, its evaluation should be handled susceptibly. The contemporary political milieu and the examination from modem perspective should not be confused or neither should we generalize only on that basis. The merits and the value creating activities in the given age should also be mentioned in the terms of historical authenticity, as well as the possible errors at the time of the action or the errors discovered subsequently. In this study there are also some references to historical contexts and phenomena, which are important in the aspect of Zala county to facilitate the understanding of the role of József Mindszenty concerning the area along the Mura River during World War II. I intend to picture the atmosphere of the contemporary status and the interpretation of that time because of the special situation and the controversial opinions, and I somewhat touch its effect and correlations in its wider dimensions. Translated by Lívia Simmer This study is the modified and expanded version of the articles published in the journals of Vasi Szemle and Pannon Tükör

