Zalai Múzeum 15. Horváth László 60 éves (Zalaegerszeg, 2006)

B. Hellebrandt Magdolna: Kelta leletek Hejőkeresztúr–Berecske-dombról (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye)

208 В. Hellebrandt Magdolna SELLYE 1939 Sellye L: Császárkori emailmunkák Pannoniából. Les bronzes entaillés de la Pannonié Romaine. DissPann П. 8. Budapest STANCZIK-VADAY 1971 Stanczik I. - Vaday A.: Keltische Bronzegürtel „ ungarischen " Typs im Karpatenbecken. FolArch 22 (1971). 7-27. SZABÓ 2005 Szabó M.: A keleti kelták. Budapest 2005. TODOROVIC, J.: 1968 Todorovic J.: Kelti и Jugoistocnoj Evropi. Die Kelten in Süd-Ost Európa. Dissertationes VII (1968). Beograd UZSOKI 1987 Uzsoki A.: Ménfőcsanak. Transdanubia I. In: Corpus of Celtic Finds in Hungary. I. 1987. Edit.: T. Kovács - É. F. Petres - M. Szabó. Budapest 1987. 13-61. The white patch of the mound of Hejőkeresztúr­Fecskés (Fig. 2.1.) is well distinguished on the second military survey maps which were made between 1856 and 1860 (Fig. 1.). The mound, which is elevated from the surrounding area by 6-7 metres, has been cross-cut by many times. In the western part it was cut through by a cart road. At the south-eastern side of the mound the east-west oriented oval-shaped Berecske mound is situated, which is separated from the Fecskés mound by a dirt road (Figs. 2.3; 5.2). In 2003 the local com­munity wanted to erect a memorial column on the top of the mound. During the construction works archaeo­logical features came to light. Beside Neolithic and Middle Age finds two burials were found, one inhu­mation (S6 Fig. 3.1.1) and one cremation (S8 Figs. 4. 1; 7.1). A spear head and a sword were also found which probably belonged to the above mentioned cremated grave (S7 Fig. 4.1). Approximately 500-600 metres north from the Berecske mound, within the extended area of lake Debreceni, in 2001 Gábor Kerékgyártó found a lyre-shaped bronze belt pendant in the shallow water at the shore of the lake (Fig. 9). Assessment of finds The belt pendant is enamelled and belongs to a „Hungarian" type belt. A similar belt pendant came to light at Bölcske-Madocsahegy (SZABÓ 2005, 98.; VADASZ 1987 Vadász É.: Komárom County II. Transdanubia I. In: Corpus of Celtic Finds in Hungary. 1. 1987. Edit.: T. Kovács - É. F. Petres - M. Szabó. Budapest, 1987. 231-248. К. VÉGH 1969 К. Végh К.: Kelta leletek a miskolci múzeumban. Keltenfunde im Herman Ottó Museum in Miskolc. HÓMÉ VIII (1969). 69-114. WALDHAUSER 1978 Waldhauser, J.: Das keltische Graberfeld bei Jenisuv Újezd in Böhmen I-II. Teplice 1978. WALDHAUSER 1987 Waldhauser, J.: Betrachtungen zu laténezeitlichen Graberfeldern in Böhmen. BRGK 68 (1987). ZIRRA 1974 Zirra, V.: Influence des Geto-Daces et de leurs voisins sur l'habitat Celtique de Transylvanie. In: The Celts in Central Europe. 1974. 47-64. Edit. J. Fitz. STANCZIK­VADAY 1971, Fig. 5. 9), between Bácsfóld and Óbecse and at Szentes (HUNYADY 1942-1944, Fig. XXXIV. 1-2; STANCZIK-VADAY 1971, Fig. 5. 6). Another similar belt was found at Kiskunfélegyháza-Közeiszőlő (HUNYADY 1942­1944, 104.; HUNYADY 1957, 120.; SELLYE 1939, 48. Fig. II. 14-20.; STANCZIK-VADAY 1971, 18.). This belt is incomplete but it is in a good condition. This object is included in the collection of several thousand items of the city's Catholic Gymnasium, which was built in 1908 (BÁNKINÉ MOLNÁR 2002, 47. Figs. 5-7). Further analogies of the belt pendant were found at Backo Gradiste (TODOROVIC 1968, 1) andNovi Banovci (JOVANOVIC 1983. Fig. 2.). There are lyre-shaped pendants on the belts found at Backi Monostor, Osijek and Hrtkovci-Gomolava (JOVANO­VIC 1983, Figs. 5-7.). At the end of the pendant from Hejőkeresztúr three smaller pendants hang, whose stylised animal head shape is similar to the ones found at Backo Gradiste. In the above examples in all cases three small pendants hang from a pendant (STANCZIK-VADAY 1971, 1-2, 4, Figs 5.6; 9.1; 7.1-2). West from the Carpathian Basin similar bronze belts can also be found, although these have two small pendants hanging from a larger pendant such as at Manching, Mnichovsky Tynec (Louny) and at a Moravian Ptení (Prostéjov) (FILIP 1956, Figs. 51.1, XLIII. 7., XCI. 5.). According to the finds of a Celtic Celtic finds from Hejőkeresztúr-Berecske-domb (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county)

