Zalai Múzeum 11. Kereszténység Pannóniában az első évezredben (Zalaegerszeg, 2002)

Migotti, Branka: Early Christianity in Aquac Iasae

58 Migotti, Branka It is true that there are no explicit proofs in the literary sources for the border between northern (Prima and Vale­ria) and southern (Savia and Secunda ) Pannónia. Both the geographical logic and some indirect clues from the written sources put it on the river Drava, which leaves open the question of the administrative position of the settlements situated along the river banks. Accordingly, some authors place the border either exactly along the course of the river or somewhat south of it. However, E. Tóth drew this line south enough for Iovia-Ludbreg to remain in Pannónia Prima. As, on the other hand, the majority of authors place Iovia in Pannónia Savia, so did I (cf. Not. Dign. Occid., p. 143; 714; Vulic 1921; Graf 1936, 41; Mócsy 1962, 588; Barkóczi 1980, 109; Sasel 1992a, 697, Abb. 1; Sasel 1992b, 750, 753, Abb. 1, 2) This at the same time accounts for the title of the present contribution. 26 Soproni 1980,213. 27 Jarak 1994, 175-176; Migotti 1997, 23, 98 and literature quoted there. 28 Egger 1963, 57-67; Jarak 1994. 175; Tóth 1994, 249-252. 29 Itin. Hieros., 561.10; Raven. Cosmograph.., IV 19, 14. 30 Krautheimer 1963; Saiway 1993, 517; Tóth 1994, 245; Liebeschuetz 1996, 8. BARB 1953 A. A. BARB, Diva matrix. A faked gnostic intaglio in the possession P. P. Rubens and the iconography of a symbol, Journal of Warburg 16, London, 193-238. BARKÓCZI 1980 L. BARKÓCZI, History of Pannónia, in: ARP, 85-124. BILANIUK 1998 P. B. T. BILANIUK, Die enkaustischen Ikonén vom Berg Sinai und ihre teologische Bedeutung, Acta XIII Congressus Internationalis Archaeologiae Cristia­nae, II, Cittá del Vaticano - Split, 377-410. BRATOZ 1996 R. BRATOZ, Christianisierung des Nordadria und Westbalkanraumes im 4. Jahrhundert, in: R. Bratoz (Hrsg.), Westillyricum und Nordostitalien in der spât­römischen Zeit (= Situla 34), Ljubljana, 263-287. CHEVALIER 1996 P. CHEVALIER, Salona II - Ecclesiae Dalmatiae, L' architecture paléochrétienne de la province romaine de Dalmatie (IV-VII s.), Rome - Split. DORIGO 1966 W. DORIGO, Pittura tardoromana, Milano. DUVAL 1999 N. DUVAL, Les installations dans les églises paléochrétiennes, Hortus artium medievalium 5, 31 Migotti 1997,23-24. 32 Itin. Ant., 130.2, 264.8.; Kubitschek 1916, 2335 33 Fiilep 1984, 282-283; Tóth 1988; Tóth 1989, 390-391; Tóth 1994,249-252. 34 Egger 1963, 66, п. 28. 35 See note 32. 36 Rav. Cosmograph., IV 19-20.; Funaioli 1914. 37 Várady 1969, 519-522, passim; Sasel 1992 b. 38 Cf. some strap ends from Siscia (Migotti 1997, 66, V.b.8.) and Roman Britain (Mawer 1995, 63, D2.Br.l. 39 MatijaSic 1986, 205. n. 14. 40 Testini 1958, 488, Fig. 225, passim. 41 Fiedler 1992, 164-170, Abb. 37/XVI. 42 Barb 1953, 199, PI. 29a. 43 Leclercq 1924, 1688-1689. 44 Kákosy 1975, 113, Fig. 12. 45 Vikic-Belancic - Gorenc 1984, 92. 46 Vikic-Belancic 1978, 591-593; Vikic-Belancic 1984, 133­134, si. 8. 47 Chevalier 1996, I, 65-70, PI. VIII/2, IX/2, XIX/2, XXIV/2, XXV/2, XXVII/2. XXVIII, XLI/1, XLIX/5, LII/3, LV/2, LVIII/1-4, LX/1, LXI, LXII/1, LXVI/3, LXIX/2; Duval 1999, 11-12. 48 Jarak 1994, 175-176.BARB 1953 Zagreb - Motovun, 7-28.EGGER 1936 R. EGGER, Historisch-topographische Studien in Venezien, in: Römische Antiké und frühes Christen­tum, B. I, Klagenfurt, 45-69. FIEDLER 1992 U. FIEDLER, Studien zu Grâberfeldern des 6. bis 9. Jahrhunderts an der Unteren Donau, Teil 1, Bonn. FITZ 1980 J. FITZ, The Way of Life, in: ARP, 161-175. FUNAIOLI 1914 G. FUNAIOLI, s. v. Ravennas Geographus, RE IA/1, 305-310. FÜLEP 1984 F. FÜLEP, Sopianae. The History of Pécs during the Roman Era and the Problem of the Continuity of the Late Roman Population, Budapest. GORENC-VIKIC 1979 M. GORENC - B. VIKIC, Das fúnf und zwanzigjâh­rige Jubilâum der Untersuchungen der antiken Loka­litât Aquae Iasae (Varazdinske Toplice), Archaeologia Iugoslavica 16, Beograd, 32-50. GRAF 1936 A. GRAF, Übersicht der antikén Géographie von Pan­nonién, Budapest. Literature:

