A Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 24. (Veszprém, 2006)

Koncz Pál: Franz Gründler veszprémi könyvkötőmester (1760–1845)

59 LIGORIO, Alphons de: Theologia Morális I-IX. Mech­liniae 1822. OSzK Reguly Antal Könyvtára, Zirc. Jel­zete: 27545-27553. 60 JAHN, Johann [nyomán Ackermann, J.]: Introductio in Libros Sacros Veteris foederis [...]. Bécs 1825. OSzK Reguly Antal Könyvtára, Zirc. Jelzete: 25259. 61 CARPZO, Joh. Benedict: Epistolarum Catholicarum Septenarius graece. Halae 1790. OSzK Reguly Antal Könyvtára, Zirc. Jelzete: 5620. 62 Kaszt Konstantin 1843-1849 között volt zirci plébános. V.o. RAJCZI1992. 346. 63 KONCZ 1992. 334. In the first half of the 19th century, one of the bookbinder masters in Veszprém was the Catholic, German-speaking Franz Gründler. We have exact data about his work from the time when he was 50 years old. In his older age, the products of his workshop can be rather connected to his employed journeyman, Ignác Bucskó, who married Gründler 's daugh­ter as well. This article introduces not only the archival data and the data of the birth register about his residence and fam­ily, but it also introduces the master's 23 typical bindings that can be found in ecclesiastical and secular libraries. The author could first identify Gründler 's certain concrete bind­ings on the basis of accounts preserved among Benedictine and Cistercian economic documents. Because of the adorn­ments, the individual colouring and the technique of mak­64 op. cit. 341. 65 Hudi József szóbeli közlése, amelyet ezúton is köszö­nök. 66 VeML XIV. 31. Horváth Mihály és Ferenc veszprémi könyvkötők és könyvárusok üzleti és egyéb feljegyzései (1785-1812). Horváth mester Baumaister Josef Deákot 1785-ben pl. könyv- és anyagbeszerzésre küldte Pestre. 67 KÁLLAY 1988. 316-317. 68 POGÁNY 1959. 52. (53. jegyzet) 69 KONCZ 1989. 19. 70 KONCZ 1989. Függelék XIII. 72. 71 KONCZ 1989. 26-27., ül. Függelék XVIII. 99. ing of these bindings, the circle of bindings has expanded. In Tihany, Veszprém and Kislőd some of his decoratively gilded covered and countered missals with a golden surface have been preserved. These show us well that the bookbind­ers met luxurious claims many times. His half-bounds for libraries can be identified in great numbers, on which only the spine is gilded, the cover is overlaid with marble painted paper, and the tool of the body of the book is vivid yellow or light green. Summarizing tables were made about the digit­ally retouched photos of the imprints of the tools for decorat­ing used in Gründler 's binding. Most of these stamps were already in use at the end of the 18th century in Veszprém. After 1846, some of the motifs appeared on the bindings of Gründler 's granddaughter's husband, Lajos Georgi. A BOOKBINDER FROM VESZPRÉM: FRANZ GRÜNDLER (1760-1845) 221

