Vig Károly: Zoological Research in Western Hungary. A history (Szombathely, 2003)

10 Historical survey names has CLUSIUS'S name and BEYTHE'S initials on the title page, and contains almost 400 vernacular Hungarian names for plants (Figure 2.4). s A second edition, also in Antwerp, followed a year later (Figure 2.5). 9 Known as the Nomenclator, it was successful enough to go into several further editions, for instance from DAVID CZVITTINGER in 1711 in Frankfurt and Leipzig. 10 On his return to his homeland in 1601, the aged CLUSIUS published a book about the macrofungi of Pannónia, the first mycological work of its kind (Figure 2.6). n However, there is no evidence that CLUSIUS did zoological as well as his botan­ical and mycological research in Hungary. He is known to have visited Fertő, 12 but does not mention it in his writings. His major contributions to ornithology came later, when he was a professor at Leiden. ISTVÁN BEYTHE'S son ANDRÁS 13 (1564­c. 1599) compiled a herbal that was pub­lished at Németújvár in 1595. 14 Two­thirds of this is a faithful version of PÉTER MELIUS'S herbal and some articles by 8 CLUSIUS, C, and B.S. 1583. Stirpivm Nomenclator Pannonicvs. Authore Carolo Clusio Atrebate. Impres­svm Nemetvyvvarini [Németújvár, Gilssing] per Iohannem Manlium. 9 CLUSIUS, C. 1584. Stirpivm Nomenclator Pannonicus. Antverpiae: Ex officina Christophori Plantini. 10 CZVITTINGER, D. 1711. Stirpium Nomenclator Pannonicus. In Specimen Hungáriáé Literatae, 52-66. Francofurt et Lipsia [Frankfurt/Leipzig]. 11 CLUSIUS, C. 1601. Fvngorum in Pannoniis observatorvm brevis história,... [Antwerp]. 12 CSAPODY, I. 1975. A táj flórája és vegetációja (Flora and vegetation of the landscape). In AUJESZKY, L, F. SCHILLING and S. SOMOGYI eds. A Fertő-táj Monográfiát előkészítő adatgyűjtemény. 3. kötet, Természeti adottságok: A Fertő-táj bioszférája (Preliminary Data Collection for a Monograph on the Fertő District. Vol. 3. Natural attributes: The biosphere of the Fertő District). Ms, Budapest: Scientific Research Institute for Water Management. 13 ANDRÁS BEYTHE, a Reformed Church preacher and senior, was born in Sárvár on October 18, 1564 and probably died in 1599. His personality and impatience on religious matters have not recommended him to posterity, but the verdict of ENDRE GOMBOCZ on his character and work may be too dismissive: GOMBOCZ, E. 1920. Beythe András „Füves könyvének" kritikája (Critique of AB's Herbal). Botanikai Közlemények 17:29-34. A rather different picture of him emerges from more recent research: PAPP, V. 2001. Beythe es a Batthyányak (Beythe and the Batthyány family). Praenorica Folia historico-naturalia 4:21-7. 14 Fives könüv. Fiveknek es faknac nevökről, termezetökröl és hasznokrul irattatot és szöröztetöt Magár nyeluön az fő Doctoroknak es termeszét tudó orvosoknak Dioscoridesnek es Matthiolusnak bolts irasokbul... (Herbal. Of the names, natures and uses of herbs and trees written and compiled in the Hungarian tongue from wise writings of the great doctors, natural historians and physicians Dioscorides and Matthiolus...). Nymet Vivaratt [Né­metújvár], MDXCV, Nyomtattatott Manlius János által; SZABÓ, TA 1994. Beythe András Fíveskönyve. Né­metújvár, 1595' (AB's Herbal, Németújvár, 1595). Electronic database. Szombathely: BDTF, RIK. Figure 2.3. The title page of Rariorum aliquot Stirpium, per Pannoniam, Austriam... (Antwerp, 1583), in which CLUSIUS published his flora of Pannónia ANDREAS MATTHIOLUS, but adapted to local conditions and displaying a good knowledge of plants. It contains several

