Vig Károly: Zoological Research in Western Hungary. A history (Szombathely, 2003)

Historical survey 2 7 at Fertő written by JÓZSEF KIS' (1797) in Hungarian. 90 The French geologist FRANÇOIS SUL­PICE BEUDANT (1787-1852) paid a lengthy visit to Hungary, including Sopron County in 1818. 91 His descrip­tion is concerned mainly with geologi­cal matters. 92 ADVANCES IN THE 19TH CENTURY NEPOMUK JÁNOS MARKOVICS (1785­1834), an assessor of the Kőszeg appeal court who also joined the royal appeal court in 1829, presented a dis­sertation entitled Hypomnemata de Migratione Avium when he received a doctorate from Pest University and this was later published. 93 This was dis­missed out of hand by OTTÓ HERMAN, who commented that the author had managed to write it 'without even approaching the subject in terms of natural history.' 94 In 1818, according to his dateline, GYÖRGY NEMESNÉPI ZAKÁL (1761-1822) 95 wrote the fullest description of the Őrség district to this day (Figures 2.10 and 2.11). It remained in manuscript in the library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, but its whereabouts were known to several scholars, including GEDEON MÉSZÖLY 96 and GYULA GÁYER, on whose request it was examined there by SÁNDOR JÁVORRA and described to him in a private letter. However, ZAKÁL'S work was not pub­lished until 1970, 152 years later, 97 90 ÉRI, I. 1970. Richard Bright utazásai a Dunántúlon 1815 (Travels of RB in Transdanubia). Selections chosen, translated and introduced by IMRE SZERECZ. Veszprém: Veszprém megyei Múzeumok Igazgatósága (Veszprém County Museums Directorate). 91 BIRKÁS, G. 1931. Egy francia tudós dunántúli utazása 1818-ban (Transdanubian journey by a French scholar in 1818). Győri Szemle 2:166; CSATKAI 1938; LOVASS, GY. 1939. Beudant és Sopron (Beudant and Sopron). Soproni Szemle 3:81-3; RÁTZ, О. 1939. Idegenek a régi Sopronról (Foreigners in old Sopron). Soproni Szemle 3:84-5. 92 BEUDANT, F.S. 1822. Voyage minéralogique et géologique en Hongrie, pendant l'année 1818. Paris. 93 MARKOVICS, N.J. 1802. Hypomnemata de Migratione Avium, 33 pp. Pestini (Pest). 94 HERMAN, О. 1891. /. S. v. Petényi, der Bergrunder der wissenschaftlichen Ornithologie in Ungarn. Budapest: Ungarisches Nationalmuseum. 95 PAPP, V. 1993. Emlékezetes presbiterek: Nemesnépi Zakál György (1762 [síc]-1822) (Eminent presbyters: GyNZ). Presbiter July-September 1993:9; BENCZIK, GY. 2002. Nemesnépi Zakál György (1761-1822). In Eőrséghnek Leirása úgymint: Annak Természete, Története, Lakosai, ezeknek szokásai, nyelv­szokása, a mellyeket összve szedegetett Nemesnépi Zakál György 1818-dik Esztendőben (Description of the Őrség: its nature, history, inhabitants and their customs and dialect, gathered by GyNZ in the year 1818), vi-ix pp. Sarród: Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság (2nd enlarged edition). 96 MÉSZÖLY, G. 1917. Az Őrség száz évvel ezelőtt. Nemesnépi Zakál György: Eőrséghnek Leirása úgymint: Annak Természete, Története, Lakosai, ezeknek szokásai, nyelvszokása, a mellyeket összve szedegetett Nemesnépi Zakál György 1818-dik Esztendőben' („Végeken és Pesten") (The Őrség one hundred years ago. GyNZ: 'Description of the Őrség: its nature, history, inhabitants and their customs and dialect, gathered by GyNP in the year 1818 ['In the Marches and at Pest']). Etnographia 28:99-112. 97 TÓTH, J. 1970. Egy régi leírás az Őrségről I— IL (An old description of the Őrség). Vasi Szemle 24:272-86 and 456-74.

