Vig Károly: Zoological Research in Western Hungary. A history (Szombathely, 2003)

XI LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Map of the West Hungarian border region Figure 2.1. Portrait of CAROLUS CLUSIUS (1526-1609), physician and botanist Figure 2.2. Portrait of BOLAIZSÁR BAT­THYÁNY (1543-1590), humanist noble­man and military commander against the Turks Figure 2.3. The title page of CAROLUS CLUSIUS'S Rariorum aliquot Stirpium, per Pannoniam, Austriam.. . (Antwerp, 1583) Figure 2.4. The title page of the first edi­tion of CLUSIUS and ISTVÁN BEYTHE'S Stirpivm Nomenclator Pannonicvs (Né­metújvár, 1583) Figure 2.5. The title page of the second edition of CLUSIUS'S Stirpivm Nomenclator Pannonicvs (Antwerp, 1584) Figure 2.6. The title page of CLUSIUS'S Fvngorvm in Pannoniis observatorvm brevis história... (Antwerp, 1601) Figure 2.7. The title page of ANDRÁS BEYTHE'S Book of Herbs (Németújvár, 1595) Figure 2.8. The open letter of 1739 from the botanist KÁROLY FRIGYES LOEW, calling for the compilation of a Flora Pannonica Figure 2.9. The cover of the Un­garisches Magazin, published in Po­zsony (Bratislava) by KÁROLY WINDISCH in 1782 Figure 2.10. Title page of the GYÖRGY NEMESNÉPI ZAKÁL'S description of the Őr­ség (1818) Figure 2.11. Manuscript page from GYÖRGY NEMESNÉPI ZAKÁL'S description of the Őrség Figure 2.12. Portrait of IMRE FESTETICS (1764-1847), a scholar-count Figure 2.13. The first page of an article by IMRE FESTETICS containing the first exposi­tion of his 'genetic laws of nature' (1819) Figure 2.14. Portrait of KÁLMÁN CHERNÉL (1822-1891), a historian with a strong interest in ornithology Figure 2.15. The title page of KÁLMÁN CHERNEL'S history of Kőszeg (Szombat­hely, 1877) Figure 2.16. Portrait of ISTVÁN CHERNÉL (1865-1922), a celebrated Hungarian ornithologist Figure 2.17. One of the ISTVÁN CHERNEL'S journals Figure 2.18. Two pages of ISTVÁN CHER­NEL'S journal Figure 2.19. Title page of ISTVÁN CHER­NEL'S main work, Birds of Hungary. .. (Bu­dapest, 1899) Figure 2.20. The title page of JÓZSEF KUKULJEVIC'S History, Development and Present State of Bird Protection in Hungary (Budapest, 1906)

